Chrome on Windows
Location Palm Island Miami Beach
account @ Goldstein2323.
glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning. daring ....$$$$🍒💌

שבת שלום Mo’adim Le’simcha and Shabbat Shalom everyone!
The drive is one my driver and “seguranças” can do with eyes closed, and I know exactly how many steps it takes to get from Gucci to Prada.
The Lady and the Cavallino Rosso ready for shopping
Bal Harbour Shops es el que vende más en todo el mundo
Bal Harbor Shops is the one that sells the most in the whole world
Don't play that song for me 'Cause it brings back memories The days that I once knew The days that I spent with you Oh no, don't let em play it (oh no) It fills my heart with pain (it hurts) Please, stop it right away
President Donald Trump is mischievious and furbo.......
And he is a winner...............
Tiffany Trump and Ivanka Trump outside the main doors of Donald Trump’s penthouse at Trump Tower, in Manhattan
If you come to Miami come to this restaurant......Mignonette
THANKS In the last few days you visited me from...the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Italy, UK, USA, Serbia, Argentina, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Austria, Canada, India, Australia, Japan, Brasil, Turkey, Philippines, Greece, France, Denmark, Russia, Sweden, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Malta, Jordan, Poland, Georgia, Estonia, Belgium, China, Hungary, Perù, Macedonia, Israel, Indonesia, Taiwan, Mauritius, Croatia,Venezuela, Mexico, Malta, Ireland, UAE, Belarus, Chile, Ukraine, Gibraltar, Libia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Portugal, Bahamas, Libya, Syria, Adzerbajan, Maldives, Mongolia...and now.. French Polynesia,, South Africa, Algeria, South Korea, Singapore, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Isle of Man,Vietnam, Romania, Lebanon, Lithuania, Latvia, Thailand, Iran, Trinidad and Tobago, Slovakia,, Malaysia, Tunisia, New Zealand, Kuwait, Angola, Dominica, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Iceland, Puerto Rico, Norway, Monaco, Egypt, Bangladesh,Hong Kong, Paraguay, Qatar, Norway, Moldova, Colombia,Luxembourg, Morocco, Guatemala, Bahrain, Nepal, Bulgaria,Malawi, New Caledonia...Sydney and many more........
"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis."
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you
too. ..JG
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today,
movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more.
it happened at Prada this year....
silly girls go for crush diet... smart ones go for long walks
the 4 B's: Barneys, Bendels, Bergdorf, Bloomies :)
Four Bs women should possess or try to: Beauty, Brains, Body, and Balance.
Let’s face it, men are sight-stimulated.
Let’s face it, men are sight-stimulated.
Brains:Top-notch men want a woman with brains.
Here we go again with the sight stimulation. Men want a woman who is in shape and takes care of her body
Here we go again with the sight stimulation. Men want a woman who is in shape and takes care of her body
Finally, the last “B” is balance. Men want someone who is calm, cool, and collected for the most part. Achieving balance means not taking things to extremes.
Finally, the last “B” is balance. Men want someone who is calm, cool, and collected for the most part. Achieving balance means not taking things to extremes.

Today on my daily walk I heard this song ..... and whatever G-d you pray for this lines are amazing .....
By chanting the names of the Lord and you'll be free
The Lord is awaiting you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the Lord and you'll be free
The Lord is awaiting you all to awaken and see
You do not need no church house
And you do not need no Temple
You do not need to rosary beads or books to read
To see that you have fallen
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We've been kept so long
Someone's thinking that we're all green
And while the Pope owns fifty one percent of General Motors
And the stock exchange is the only thing he's qualified to quote us
The Lord is awaiting you all to awaken and see
George Harrison - Awaiting On You All
In Miami
Using Spanglish as a real language
If you haven’t learned by now, “Spanglish” is the unofficial language of Miami. You can actually flip between English and Spanish in one sentence, and that's totally acceptable. However, if you're not from Miami, you will be terribly confused.
Lo que se da no se quita...what is given is not taken away.
The perfectionist in me would have her ears pinned back

"Some people are uncomfortable with silences. Not me. I’ve never cared much for call and response. Sometimes I will think of something to say and then I ask myself: is it worth it? And it just isn't

what is wrong with this pic? plastic and posture....plastic bottles never and posture must always be more correct....even super models miss at times..

How I love hearing a fiddle (violin) in a country song.

Chanelle Elise one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Annika bandage dresses.
I'll have another, Russian. Fashion designer, stylist, trendsetter, anachronic Ulyana Sergeenko has something discretely patrician about her. She's above you. Those red lips and Anna Karenina-type-carriage. Holy hats! And is that a pannier? Her designs are best described as anachronistic. I know, I used that twice already, but it's so gosh darn apt. Was she in Dr. Zhivago? Who knows! Anything is possible with Ulyana, whatever the century she actually exists in.

I'll have another, Russian. Fashion designer, stylist, trendsetter, anachronic Ulyana Sergeenko has something discretely patrician about her. She's above you. Those red lips and Anna Karenina-type-carriage. Holy hats! And is that a pannier? Her designs are best described as anachronistic. I know, I used that twice already, but it's so gosh darn apt. Was she in Dr. Zhivago? Who knows! Anything is possible with Ulyana, whatever the century she actually exists in.

Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele CCD
Peepy's sister has the right idea with the all black and gold shoes.....Peepy has to get with the program and get off color shoes....

Of course JG maybe you had three flaps that's why you know and your hair and
hairline are so nice(smiles)I rest my case.....I had no problem figuring out this so called mystery....“they should put me on the news for figuring this out since it’s a national mystery”—I insist that Trump “went to the Beverly Hills Institute to see Dr. Mayer or Fleming”and had flap surgery “because he wanted a thick hairline [being a perfectionist].”
But as good as the Doctors are not all results are perfect depending on the
Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. Toby Mayer
M.D., F.A.C.S. (each)
Dr. Fleming and Dr. Mayer work in a private practice together at the Beverly Hills Institute and have spent more than 25 years practicing plastic surgery. The two doctors are renowned in celebrity circles for their work, which is both rejuvenating and subtle. They take pride in delivering results that are nearly undetectable and for that reason are known in celebrity circles as the best in the business.....and they have perfected the hair flap which was invented by Dr Jose Juri of Argentina....
Does three make a trend? I think so, especially when it’s these three T-Straps by Manolo Blahnik, Chanel, and Céline.

Isn't this journey of fat to fit inspirational?
Being a fat girl to Miss India Earth is the new motivation for all those who want to make it big.
Being a fat girl to Miss India Earth is the new motivation for all those who want to make it big.

George Jacob Gershwin
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779