
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778 - JG 59

Chrome on Windows
Location *
Palm Island, (Miami Beach), Florida
account @ Goldstein2323.

glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning. daring ....


שבת שלום חברים יקרים

Shabbat Shalom and a wonderful weekend everyone.It is considered a great mitzvah and responsibility to honor the Sabbath by lighting candles 18 minutes before sunset on Friday evening. This unique commandment, entrusted to the Jewish woman, is rich with meaning and purpose.

👑 Meet Queen Esther
🔜 PURIM: Coming Soon

modestia parte.

Walking by oil wells sends me.....it does.........

7 Miss Universe 
5 Miss World 
7 Miss International 
OSMEL SOUSA - after 40 fruitful years of being a beauty queen maker in Venezuela has resigned his presidency in the organization..

Beautiful in Portuguese
Saying beautiful in Portuguese is not difficult, in fact it is a very easy word to pronounce. “Beleza” is the noun for beautiful in Portuguese. As in “Que Beleza!”  (How Beautiful! / What Beauty!) – the wonderful Portuguese phrase that we heard in the Brasilian song País Tropical by Jorge Ben Jor.
However, the word beleza also has many other uses in Portuguese.
To say beautiful in Portuguese when speaking about a person (physical beauty) you would say linda (for a woman)

Watashi wa anata o aishite
"i love you" 

Every morning when i look in the mirror, i say:
thank you Willi Geller you did great by moi...........
The only color I judge people by is the color of their teeth(smiles)

.  clear skin
    good health
…good fortune
…for your crush to work out in your favor
 .  love of all kinds

(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)

Black on Black on Black. As long as the quality is the best it will always be in style to me.

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too.
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more.

Thank you Hashem!
משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם
Blessed is He Who makes the wind blow and the rain fall

I am impressed when I log in to my blog and I see it is a new day  in
different time zones around the world and to see followers and readers of the Tidbits
starting their day reading my blog....thank you.......

I love sitting in a train....Japanese bullet trains-The Shinkansen (新幹線)...El Ave....Eurostar....Sure, you can listen to music everywhere but in a train … I don’t know. The way the nature passes and the thoughts begin to flow without even knowing it … it’s something really special. And I love the feeling. Sometimes I think there’s nothing better than sitting in a train and doing nothing but listen to some really good music or having great conversations with a special companion.


Are you on Twitter? if you are -  so are 200 million other people around the planet. Naturally, some of those people live in France, and today's vocabulaire makes it a little easier to interact with them...
Mot-Dièse: Hashtag.  
Tweeter: A verb, pronounced twee-TAY, meaning "to tweet." 
Clavier: Keyboard.
L'ordinateur: Computer.
Suivez-Moi: "Follow me!" 

Breasts Implants
That's right. Whether Saline, Silicone or Gummy Bears...they work for women 
that want to have implants 

Real Breasts

and real breasts move more when walking....here is what I mean
Kate Upton most certainly does not have breast implants. check out Kate walking down the runway in a bikini and you can see that her large breasts move in a way that only real breast can!

❤️ Não aguento essa carinha.

a strong, beautiful, respected and empowered Pilipina woman who doesn't allow herself to be commodified, marginalized or objectified by anyone...a woman ...

This is an 
Alaïa.....if you don't know than you don't know

In Historic First, Saudi Arabia Allows Flights to Israel Over Its Airspace

Just one thing 👆🏽 never forget to have fun in the process .

Don't fear the reaper

Valentine is done
Here but now they're gone
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity (Romeo and Juliet)
40,000 men and women everyday (Like Romeo and Juliet)
40,000 men and women everyday (Redefine happiness)
Another 40,000 coming everyday (We can be like they are)

Come on, baby
(Don't fear the Reaper) Baby, take my hand
(Don't fear the Reaper) We'll be able to fly
(Don't fear the Reaper) Baby, I'm your man

gummy bear breast implants


We are not Shylocks......we are just better than anyone in the business of making money. Whatever its causes, Jewish business and financial success has more often than not been a major driver of anti-Semitism. Shakespeare's Shylock character, a money lender who extracts a pound of flesh from a debtor who defaulted, is among the history of the best-known caricatures of the Jewish businessman.

"‏على كثر السنين اللي عرفتك ماعرفتك زين
‏تمنيت اني ماشفتك ولا لحظه ولا شويه.."

La frescura hecha mujer!

Falling in love with all things French came easily to me.as having a Paris born father can instill some of those feelings......and I do not dream much but sometimes I dream in French.

Talk or type?
Do you call or do you message?
The way of communication has changed in the last few years and you should not take 
for granted this subtle shift in the way we approach talking to each other.

The Beverly Hills Hotel Bungalows can be so persuasive.

The law of attraction is real so long as you don’t obsess over your vision or put too much thought into it. have an idea and then release it so the universe can work. write it out in the present tense as if you were describing it to your best friend, whatever it may be. go into detail and explain what you are manifesting as if it is already happening. read it every night before you go to sleep because they say sleep is the gateway to our subconscious.

Every woman has a beautiful, confident, sexy persona hidden inside, to certain beauty queen the most important attributes are Poise confidence and elegance. Beauty contests are not just some sort of physical competitions. Instead, it is a battle where dozens of women are judged based on their physical, emotional, social, mental and analytical skills. It takes hard work, sacrifice, determination and discipline to balance all the skills needed to win, while still looking exceptionally dazzling.

Who can afford to buy at Tom Ford  boutique?
 "crazy rich Asians with cash" young oil-money princess from Dubai or the Kingdom

A dear friend asked why I am not in love with love....and perhaps it is better said
in French after the perceived magic fades:
Bref c'est comme une histoire d'amour qui perd de sa magie : je t'aime, je t'adore, je te désire, je te déteste, je te hais…Moi fatiguée ?

This ex Real Madrid player's marriage lasted the five years I always talk about and with this, I rest my case....it happens all the time...

When you get an sms like this one.....what to think of this? or is this is the times we are living in? I know the answer do you?

For those that don't know, this is a story about Spencer Stone who (with the help of his friends) stopped a terrorist attack on a commuter train.
THE 15:17 TO PARIS - Official Trailer

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




 Annabella Castro Sierra one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people

Classy Dont’s

Don’t wear too much jewelry or bling. It looks tacky, and it’s not actually a very classy thing to do, flaunting your wealth. Adopt an old money mentality where subtlety is what screams high class, not the “in your face;  Look at me I’m Rich.”

 Don’t showcase your purchases in social media unless there is a particular thought to it (like an unboxing video or special reason to share). People from educated backgrounds, don’t do this, they don’t even have the need for it.

Don’t stuff yourself at the dinner table when you’re out fine dining, eat moderately. Rule number one when you attend dinner parties or restaurant outings: Never go there starving. Eat something before hand. Let this social affair not be about you calming your hunger, but instead be about the people you’re with and the time you’re sharing together. Food is secondary.

Don’t be on your phone when you are in social situations. It’s disrespectful and feels very uneducated when a person is ignorant and is constantly glued to the phone.True class is being free from addictions and having manners, respecting the people who you are with. When you show people that you can live without your phone an entire dinner sitting, you’re making an important statement as this is becoming a rarity today.

Don’t wear bandage dresses or platform heels (or both). It’s dated fashion that was never particularly classy, and you won’t leave a serious impression. The Barbie Doll look is not sophisticated and just makes people think you’re a bimbo. Stay away from that look and embrace looking classy!


In 1890 in Russia, Vasily Petrovich Zvyozdochkin, a wood carver, and Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin, a painter, came up with the very first matryoshka, a set of nesting dolls in colorful folk dress designed to start tiny and end up big. And in my opinion 28-year-old Miroslava Duma—or Mira as she is known to her friends. You can say that it’s easy to feel you’ve encountered a latter-day, living matryoshka. Duma may stand just a fraction over five feet in her size XS Wolford stocking soles, yet her towering online presence has made her virtually larger than life. 

CCC in my favorite type of fur...Sable

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........


a little take on Japan-日本,

the first kanji I was consciously able to read was 子 ko  commonly seen in girl's names like Keiko or Aiko.  


Designer nipples is the new trend
“Nothing is above cosmetic surgery now, people are looking at every detail. It's not enough now to get a breast augmentation or rhinoplasty - women want to fine-tune every element. And these days, that's possible.”


 Yuna Kim, Lighter of the Olympic Cauldron
It’s the highest honor bestowed during an Olympic opening ceremony. Every four years, a competitor from the host nation is chosen to light the Olympic cauldron, the climax of the entire ceremony. For the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea, the athlete chosen was figure skater Yuna Kim, a hugely popular figure known in South Korea as “Queen Yuna.”
On Friday, Kim performed a short skating routine for the crowd before she was handed the torch, with viewers praising Kim for appearing on skates.
So, who is Yuna Kim? Here’s what you should know about her.

 Yuna Kim, 27, is a champion figure skater

Need To Know: Ganni

Lately, it’s had my attention. 
Every time I see a gorgeous French friend.... I compliment her on what she is wearing and every time, she says Ganni.

Ganni is brilliant for wrap dresses, versatile blouses, classic shirt-dresses and mohair jumpers; all crafted in pretty floral, leopard print or plains. 

Chalitaaa!!!! 😍😍😍

Global Warming?????/.....to the Climate change alarmists.....get a life and
stop lying to enrich yourselves..........
The earth will cure itself....it always has it always will..........
Paris is a snow globe ☃️❄️ . I 

Once you can express yourself, you can tell the world what you want from it… All the changes in the world, for good or evil, were first brought about by words
– Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Don't you think that two Zuzus are better then one? 😇🌸

Now this is good  style, all black with off color shoes and the LV  carry keepall bag always brings out the elegance of the LBD......

Putin is a real trend ✌🏼 how do you like this style

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

MU and Miss USA Beauties ‘14 to Present!
Who’s your favorite duo?

La Candidata Binibining Pilipinas ‘18, Aya Abesamis daughter of Desiree Verdadero MU 3rd Runner-Up ‘84! 
She looks like MU Vietnam ‘15 Pham Houng in this pic. Sometimes she looks like Pia in her other pics!
Big threat to Catriona Gray?


Have you ever been to Jerusalem?

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778

Miscellaneous Tidbits 5785 OVER ONE BILLION PAGE VIEWS

  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...