Chrome on Windows
Location *
Palm Island, (Miami Beach), Florida
account @ Goldstein2323.
glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning. daring ....
שבוע טוב
Shavua tov. Wishing everyone a good week. Stay safe.
the Jewish Princess soon will start her career as a tennis player we are in the final not want to rush...when you are 16 the world can wait a bit............and if you know anything about who is a good tennis player or plays at a high level.....look at the hitting will be much bigger than the non hitting arm...........
A few months ago it was a day where there was no traffic and the palms trees were inspiring me as they always do............
Rainy day in ☔️
Rich Enough
"Why not be gorgeous? why not be rich?why not be......___________ fill in the blank.
Do you?
Grab a glass of milk, it's National Oreo Cookie Day
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
Portatemi a sognare, in un luogo in cui tutto è ancora possibile.
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you
too. ..JG
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more.
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more.
THANKS In the last few days you visited me from...the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Dubai
To enjoy the day and life.......
smile at strangers except if you are in New York City....they get suspicious -they think you want something from them.
slow down.
say thank you.
give lots of compliments.
dress nicely if not elegantly
smell nice....wear a nice cologne or perfume.
be charming...if you are not like moi which I am already charming(smiles -and I am being facetious)....but I am.....
wish others a lovely day except in NYC .
At Harvard I use to go with a beautiful, rich socialite that would kiss her dog and then wanted to kiss me.....that was a big no no.....not kosher....and her idea of fun were midnight walks in freezing no, I said no thank you(smiles)
and if you know me you know that I do not like pets....i do not have pets but respect those that do.....but have you ever gone to someone's house you are wearing your best duds and the dog where you are visiting slobbers over your clothes or leaves hairs on your fancy is not not invite me back (smiles)
I love women with thick dark hair and when they hair is wet they do not have entradas
a beautiful scent that lingers; the trace of a woman’s perfume.
Perfume is more than just a beauty product, it sends a message. It’s a major component of style for many women; an intangible must-have accessory that goes well with anyone ( Miss Coco Chanel certainly thought so.) A scent defines who you are and how you present yourself to the world in a simple yet subtle manner. Scents evoke timeless memories and create first impressions you leave on anyone who comes in contact with you.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing - you will be successful 🔑❤️
Conheça a RE/DONE: Fundada por Sean Barron e Jamie Mazur em Los Angeles, é a nova sensação entre as celebridades e “cool girls” mundo afora. A marca basicamente reforma jeans vintage da Levi’s e coloca a venda calças jeans quase que sob medida, com um corte mais acentuado e moderno junto ao corpo.
Meet REDONE: Founded by Sean Barron and Jamie Mazur in Los Angeles, is the new sensation among celebrities and "cool girls" around the world. The brand basically jeans vintage Levi's reform and puts the sale jeans almost tailored, with a more pronounced and modern cut close to the body.
Hôtel de Crillon
She epitomizes style and class and manages to look sexy without showing skin........
168cm, 48 kg, 85/56/87
Everybody comes to Hollywood................
The perfectionist in me would have her ears pinned back
favorite weekends consist of long walks and shopping
Fred Astaire: Timeless Style
black tie
- a black bow tie worn with a dinner jacket.
- formal evening dress.modifier noun: black-tie
Japan is the land of polite capitalism
Macte Virtute Sic Itur Ad Astra
Personalità. Ridisegnare il concetto di bellezza, adattarlo al nostro tempo, renderlo movimento puro come Miuccia Prada insegna. Lei che ha stravolto la comune concezione di armonia, confezionandone una più consona all’imperfezione del nostro essere.

"THE IN CROWD" ~ Donovan Leitch & Jennifer Runyon ❤ "THE REAL THING" ❤
Been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Umida Mamazakirova one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


CHANEL Beauty House

CCC wearing Anne bracelet
a little take on Japan-日本,
Riyo Mori (森 理世 Mori Riyo )
One aspect of the Japanese I'm a fan of, is their humility, the general tendency to be self-effacing and avoid boastfulness when dealing with others. This humility takes many forms, for example most Japanese will vehemently deny a compliment paid to them, or may deflect the compliment back to you with the phrase おかげさまで okage-sama de, which literally means "it's all thanks to you,"said even if you just met the person in question and they had nothing to do with helping you attain whatever skill or ability you've just been praised for.

a little take on Japan-日本,

Riyo Mori (森 理世 Mori Riyo )
One aspect of the Japanese I'm a fan of, is their humility, the general tendency to be self-effacing and avoid boastfulness when dealing with others. This humility takes many forms, for example most Japanese will vehemently deny a compliment paid to them, or may deflect the compliment back to you with the phrase おかげさまで okage-sama de, which literally means "it's all thanks to you,"said even if you just met the person in question and they had nothing to do with helping you attain whatever skill or ability you've just been praised for.

Nowadays one does not have to go under the knife or the scalpel....botox and fillers produce
this great result.........
They say "happiness is a choice" but there comes a time in your life when it is not even an option. It was rudely scratched off the list by people around you. But, it does not matter, it is on my list and I am always happy....being alive and healthy should grant you happiness....and yes, with $$$$ it helps but there are so many miserable rich people in this world.....take my word for it....I see it everyday as I am around it......and have been around it all my life.....regardless....Be Happy. Speaking of Happiness always caught my attention what the controversial Russian philosopher, Ayn Rand, the ideologue most mentioned by the entrepreneurs of SiliconValley. Ayn Rand says "that the pursuit of individual happiness is a moral obligation and that the only system that can do that is capitalism
one stylish step at a time
My JAG Jeans Queens!
Kobe Bryant's Oscar Win Reminds Us That Time Is Not Up For Everyone
The most expensive Birkin.............
Salvatore Ferragamo's Flower Heel Studded Sandal hits all the high notes of the season!
I’m always eager to pick up the newest issue of Self Service. the magazine’s upcoming 25th anniversary.
“Wide Berth” Or “On Deck” With Sailor Pants?
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

The candidates of Miss Nicaragua 2018!
Miss Universe 2014
🇨🇴️ Paulina Vega.

An Israeli organization has minted a coin bearing President Donald Trump’s image to honor his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.