
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778 - JG 94

Chrome on Windows
Location Beverly Hills, California
account @ Goldstein2323.

glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning. daring ....




Χ©Χ‘Χ•Χ’ Χ˜Χ•Χ‘!

Shavua tov! I hope everyone has a great week.

Looking forward to a beautiful week πŸŒ΄πŸŒžπŸŒ΄

The Jewish Princess is always stylish.....toes to the sky! 🌴 

I rest my case
The Hills Around L.A. are famously studded with stars, but the real money lives in North Beverly Park.
"It's the most prestigious enclave for high-end residential real estate in Los Angeles,"

I always forget how close Ojai is from Los Angeles. It’s like driving-from-the-Eastside-to-the-Westside-in-traffic close, which makes it the PERFECT place for Angelenos to skip town for a night or two. What you’ll love about Ojai – whether you’re a fast paced city slicker or a laid back local hippie – is that its a total mind, body, and soul retreat for anyone and everyone. 

Amira's question Q: is there someone you still think about?
Yes, of course. Real connections don’t just fade away with time or are diluted by new passions. They eventually draw a line in which every new connection awakens the old one, every now and then, like a mark. Some people are inevitable to you, whether you want it or not.
and I believe that is what Alan Jackson had in mind when he wrote this song.

Ψ§Ψ­Ψ¨ Ω„Ω„Ω†Ψ§Ψ³ Ω…Ψ§ΨͺُΨ­Ψ¨ لنفسك

One Week to Opening of U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem 

Hebrew is a part of who you are, it is a part of your history and heritage.
And it is part of me.

(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)

G-d bless the woman that chases nobody, needs no validation & minds her own.


Soy JudΓ­o - AnΓ­ YehudΓ­ - אני Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ“Χ™
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you 
too. ..JG

This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more.

When i go to Starbucks i bring my own ceramic cup....no plastic cups for me.....

Χ‘Χ¨Χ•Χš אΧͺΧ” Χ” 'ΧΧœΧ•Χ”Χ™Χ Χ• אחΧͺ Χ”Χ Χ¦Χ—Χ™, Χ¨Χ™Χ‘Χ•ΧŸ Χ”Χ’Χ•ΧœΧžΧ™Χ, ΧžΧ™ לא Χ’Χ©Χ” אוΧͺΧ™ Χ’Χ•Χ™
Blessed are You, Eternal One our G-d, Sovereign of the Universe, who did not make me a Gentile.

“Real is rare”

 SΓ­, ya es hora de hablar de Cristina Cifuentes, una mujer que ha sabido reinventarse a sΓ­ misma. No hay mujer que no se haya fijado en la evoluciΓ³n de su cara en los ΓΊltimos aΓ±os, algo que casi ha llamado mΓ‘s la atenciΓ³n que lo del mΓ‘ster y el falso currΓ­culum.


i wanna hug you till i smell like you.
JG-I say , so nice.....thanks........

Yes to the Coca Cola in crystal bottle and no to the cig.........

Shoes off, Slippers on. 

This soap is worth $195.....it better do many things to merit the price(smiles)

Great! This is one of the few Elvis-Hollywood productions that don't use playback. In other words: you hear what you see. This is rare in the pre-army period of his career. 

gummy bear breast implants


Most people just spray perfume or cologne  on their clothes and maybe a little behind their ear.
“I like to apply my fragrance to my hair, on my belly button, behind my ears and behind my knees—and then one spritz of fragrance on my clothes.
yes, cologne in the belly button will circulate to all the body......really.......try it

"I love when you hug someone and they smell amazing."

Ma dove si trova la felicitΓ ? - Nei posti belli, nelle tovaglie di fiandra, nelle persone gentili.

[La La Land - L'expression dΓ©signe Hollywood, Los Angeles mais Γ©galement l'Γ©tat d'esprit qui caractΓ©rise Hollywood : dΓ©tachΓ© des rΓ©alitΓ©s, tournΓ© vers le rΓͺve, l'imaginaire et la frivolitΓ©.]
La scΓ¨ne que vous voyez est complΓ¨tement imaginaire…
[La La Land - The term either refers to Hollywood, Los Angeles or a state of mind synonymous with Hollywood that is out of touch with reality, focusing on dreams, fantasies or frivolous endeavors.]

When pride,excellence and style mattered!!!

These two books contain the sum total of all human knowledge

Yes, I have written this before......I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND...........
it is a lost art and The Beatles say it much better than I.

I was at a Starbucks in Beverly Hills and I overheard a GS associate talking loudly
lamenting how she doesn't have enough assistants to "fetch my coffee"
Really??? but of course minding my own business I remained zitto(quiet)

Love is never out of style....but is there real love still out there????
And while on the subject of love....I believe love is a word used too much and much too soon.

I woke up in the middle of night as i had a phone call from Singapore
and this amazing Japenese film was just starting....and wow.......and btw is so nice not to have to read the subtitles where my Japanese was good enough to understand it


Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Gemma Lee Farrell one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people


– can make you feel happy (retail therapy)
– gives you a sense of control
– makes you feel creative
– gives you a temporary escape in life
– is a social thing among friends
– feels very rewarding
– can feel like a thrill
– is competitive
-helps supporting your superficial life

Russians, front row: Elena Perminova, center; the fashion writer Miroslava Duma, right, and the designer Ulyana Sergeenko, far right, at the Giambattista Valli show in September in Paris. They were joined by, from left, Coco Rocha and Rachel Zoe. 

Un miroir au dessus de mon lit starck mugler ✌🏻

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Whether it’s sequins, pearls, kimonos or matching designer handbags, Peepy and Mother Lee have showcased it all. They are the ultimate family fashion duo 

a little take on Japan-ζ—₯本,

Do Japanese say I love you?
Of course. There are two ways to say this, suki desu (lit. "I like you" but with a strong romantic implication) and ai shiteru ("I love you,") usually considered too strong for casual use)

Botox πŸ’‰πŸ’‰
You can see from her before picture “at rest” the lines on her forehead were etched in. Fast forward to her “after” photo and you can see a vast improvement.


Do you agree????

How To Wear “All White”
*Copy Coco Chanel and introduce some black detailing or acessorising.
*Search for different textures to mix together and differentiate the all white.
*Keep it simple to avoid feeling too bridal.
*Know your style and wear the shapes to flatter and feel comfortable in.
*Undergarments are of the utmost importance when wearing white – a no line and not too see -through is my motto.
*White requires more regular maintenance and ironing; make sure there is ample time before wearing.

Welcome to the ’90s
There are a lot of great pieces in the Prada 2019 Resort collection that was shown in NYC last Friday. The coats and jackets, especially, caught my eye and transported me back to ’90s minimalism, which I would welcome with open arms.

To celebrate the launch of Tiffany & Co's new jewelry collection Paper Flowers, New Yorkers will find their commute delightfully upgraded this week. Select yellow taxi cabs and subway stations have been painted the trademark robin's egg blue, with Tiffany-branded MetroCards also up for grabs for a few lucky riders.

The cherry on top πŸ’


72 years of marriage, and they die within hours of each other. Now that’s love.
Amazing woman, and a beautiful WWII love story. Judith Leiber, Holocaust survivor and famed handbag designer, died Saturday in New York at age 97.

All the right angles, literally.  Kimba comes in a minimal bandeau bra or a versatile tank form in all the colors you need.  Now in nude ✨

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Top 12 Miss South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ ‘18!



12,000 people forming one hopeful choir. Koolulam’s cover of “Al Kol Eleh” (“Over all of these”)

If you hate JEWS and Israel do not use 

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778

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  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...