Chrome on Windows
Location Palm Island Miami Beach
account @ Goldstein2323.
glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning. daring ....$$$$ππ

thank you world for loving my blog.....I write, therefore I am.| I am, therefore I write.
Am Yisrael Chai Χ’Χ ΧΧ©Χ¨ΧΧ ΧΧ
I am Jewish, I am identifying myself as part of a tradition, connected to our fore mothers and fathers, and carrying on to the future a culture, religion, a way of life. I feel pride, and am overwhelmed with joy when I declare that I am part of this incredible people, our people Israel. "
JUST ASKING??????????????????
Regularly burn incense?Oud
have you ever really really been in love?
have you ever really really been in love?
Best room for a fireplace?
Ever have plastic surgery
What do you wear to bed
Do you miss anyone right now? besides JG, of course(smiles)
Last person you kissed/kissed you? I mean kiss kiss?a kiss with strawberries flavor(smiles) and yes, they are.And in Italia I like how they put lemon or lime to eat nice too....
To all my Indian friends .... and the many followers of the tidbits from India.Happy Diwali 2018: Also known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali 2018 is traditionally celebrated by lighting diyas and candles, praying to Goddess and Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh and meeting friends and family to exchange Diwali greetings and gifts.
Dorian Gray: An Illusion.

Consider the diamond. On the one hand, it is the sum of all the finest things in life -nature, beauty, purity, and glamour. Per cubic inch, it is the most valuable asset you can hold in your hand, a teeny-tiny crumb of wealth. It is the noble face of money,
A diamond is the most portable asset there is. You can hide a 10-carat diamond that's worth over a million dollars in the palm of your hand.
2 years ago the world lost a giant and a true friend of Israel. May the memory of Leonard Cohen be a blessing.
ΧͺΧΧΧ....Gracias.....Thank You for all the early Birthday presents for myself and the Jewish Princess
Le rΓͺve , c'est le luxe de la pensΓ©e
Soy JudΓo - AnΓ YehudΓ - ΧΧ Χ ΧΧΧΧΧ
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today,
movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more.
The center of the Universe.....if you don't know than you don't know.......
π΄π Always present in my life...palm trees and strawberries.....try them you will enjoy life more......
Sheikha Mozah is the definition of this quote from Edith Head.
The Cuerpo sculpted by the gods of Olympus.

when a girl uses LOL in a text. It usually means she's easily impressed....And most likely still not know what is the know.

Big hair sends me.....
I was asked what do I prefer? Dizengoff Street or Lincoln Road.... I could not give a precise answer as both have their own merits...
"The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere." ---
Sheer Marquisette Bra
Sculpted Thong
Snakeskin Boots
"Love is possible only if two people communicate with each other from the center of their existence. Only in this 'central experience' is human reality, only here is aliveness, only here is the basis for love. Love, thus, is a constant challenge; it is not a resting place, but a moving, growing, working together; It is not only a matter of time, but it is also a matter of time. It is important to know that there is a difference between the two. There is only one proof for the presence of love: the depth of the relationship, and the aliveness and strengths in each person concerned; this is the fruit by which love is recognized.
is it desire or love- that is the question.........
There is, of course, a special beauty vocabulary for the models you see filling the pages of magazines, and I mean come on now, who’s gonna believe these :
Yeah, I don’t know what happened, my breasts just popped up in only a few months, and at 25 years old. Poof! = Seriously?
I eat anything I want ! = Seriously ??
I’d rather go naked than wear fur. = SΓ©riously ???
With balance and grace these high heels zigzag the high wire.

Odio i profumi cheappettosi.
Siempre una Reina
1 of my FAVORITE Moments.
1 de mis Momentos FAVORITOS.
Ang isa sa aking Paboritong Sandali!
All chic and elegant except the plastic Tiffany cup ruins the visual.......
Igual quien quiera escucharme
que alcanzado mi sueΓ±o que no hay
palabras que puedan expresar lo que siento
igual quien quiera escucharme
que voy en alas del viento
que ya no tiemblan mis manos
al saberte su dueΓ±o
que el corazon se me escapa del pecho
que al abrazarla yo siento que estalla mi cuerpo
En las nubes o en el suelo
donde quiera gritare que te quiero
En las nubes o en el suelo
donde quiera gritare que te quiero
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Only Peepy and Lady Lee could pull off going out with these bags .....
a little take on Japan-ζ₯ζ¬,

Gekkou」 ι¬Όζγ‘γ²γ「ζε
」- Moonlight
Botox en el pecho.....Botox in the chest
hay que decir que eleva el pecho de forma inmediata sin necesidad de pasar por el quirΓ³fano, sufrir cicatrices ni postoperatorios pesados y, segΓΊn el Dr. Rafael Arenas, no tiene efectos secundarios.
It has to be said that it raises the chest immediately without having to go through the operating room, suffer from scars or heavy postoperative and, according to Dr. Rafael Arenas, has no side effects.
Cruzaron, como dicen, “el NiΓ‘gara en bicicleta”, pero la prueba no fue suficiente para mantenerse unidos.
Candles bring ambience, warmth and fragrance to our homes and as the nights get darker and the air blows colder, candles are one of the best ways to bring cosiness into the evenings.
During the spring and summer months, I tend to reach for lighter scents or nothing at all, in the winter I feel much more inclined to burn candles and make it my ritual to light one every night.
Super Stella
Super Stella
Alessandra Ambrosio On Cover Of August Greek Magazine)
I am not a fan of the Apple watch but this is nice, though.
Hermès Debuts New Apple Watch Series 4 Straps
The fusion of fashion and tech continues on with Hermès' latest premium leather bands in a new color way.
Rudi Gernreich
The Jewish Father of the ‘Monokini’ Swimsuit
I will never ever ever get tired of flowers
Privet!! I’m in the mood for style that doesn’t fit the definition of ‘ordinary’. Today is all about a particular street style look from the Ukrainian model Mila Krasnoiarova. I’m dubbing this look ‘FΓ©lin Sauvage- aka french for cool cat’, It’s her features, and makeup that appear so fierce, and so catty. I can’t stop staring at her top, it’s unique, sporty, edgy, cool cat.
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Sholom Aleichem is a Yiddish writer and also a greeting, Shalom Aleichem:
Hebrew: Χ©ָׁΧΧֹΧ Χ’ֲΧֵΧΧֶΧ shΔlΓ΄m Κ»alΓͺαΈ΅em; Yiddish: Χ©ΧΧΧ־Χ’ΧΧΧΧ sholem aleykhem) is a greeting version in Hebrew, meaning “peace be upon you”. The appropriate response is “aleikhem shalom”, “upon you be peace”.
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779