
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779 - JG 51

Chrome on Windows
Location San Francisco, California
account @ Goldstein2323.

glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning. daring ....$$$$πŸ’πŸ’Œ




thank you world for loving my blog.....I write, therefore I am.| I am, therefore I write.

Χ©Χ‘Χ•Χ’ Χ˜Χ•Χ‘

The most beautiful shining star

Merry Orthodox Christmas to everyone celebrating today πŸ™πŸΌ❤️Π‘ 

There will never be another Marilyn Monroe! πŸ’‹
That little vibrato she does at the end of a sentence is just, shivvers everywheeeeereThere πŸ’‹


Della poesia. Del mondo che ci portiamo dietro/ e del mondo che ci porta con lui. Di ciΓ² che pensi di me/ di ciΓ² che io penso di me. Del tutto che alla fine conta. Della mia borsa nuova. Del saper andare. Del saper smettere di farsi troppe domande. 

The Winners 1RU and 2RU of Miss Universe Beauty Pageant from 2014 - present!

I love Southern California....Los Angeles and Beverly Hills in particular but the liberal limousine democrats have ruined  the state for everyone...I do not know why they keep getting elected as they have run California into the ground..... people and corporations are leaving in droves...
but nice that this two songs at least are nice from a group that loved California.....
What harmonies in their voices.... what beautiful music, I wish had been around during that period of time....

Happy Birthday to the Queen of the Universe, Catriona Gray 

(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)

“If I were dead and buried And I heard your voice, Beneath the sod My heart of dust Would still rejoice.”

Soy JudΓ­o - AnΓ­ YehudΓ­ - אני Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ“Χ™
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”
 IPO INVESTOR- •lover of everything luxury• fashion, beauty  • multilingual

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, 
movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more

I am in San Francisco for tonight's NCAA American Football Championship in San Mateo....ROLL TIDE

So, i started the day with a walk to Sausalito from the Golden Gate Bridge.
It’s a long but beautiful trip from the Golden Gate Bridge if you walk to Sausalito and its Ferry Terminal, and recent improvements have given  both greater access to the best views and greater pedestrian safety along the way. From the pier in Sausalito you can take a ferry back to the Ferry Building (on the Embarcadero at Market St. in downtown San Francisco) or to Pier 41 (by Pier 39 and Fisherman’s Wharf). 

Ladies Remember that no matter how much you workout and all the beauty options open to you if you have money and the VS machine.....still some rolls of little fat are there.....

Alors, lesquels vous choisissez ?

Have you ever experienced a feeling of jalousèle?
Or given in to a sudden impulcie?

The most Israeli thing is to drink a cup of Black coffee in a small glass coffee cup. 
How do you drink your coffee?

mamacita con la misma intenciΓ³n que mamasota 
I think it's pretty much the same. But " mamasota" has more emphasis.

Ivanka Trump has one of the most beautiful walks....it looks like she is on a modeling stage....she floats.....


❤️ What was the first thing you saw in the eyes on the photo?❤️

Beautiful in Portuguese
Saying beautiful in Portuguese is not difficult, in fact it is a very easy word to pronounce. “Beleza” is the noun for beautiful in Portuguese. As in “Que Beleza!”  (How Beautiful! / What Beauty!) – the wonderful Portuguese phrase that we heard in the Brasilian song PaΓ­s Tropical by Jorge Ben Jor.
However, the word beleza also has many other uses in Portuguese.
To say beautiful in Portuguese when speaking about a person (physical beauty) you would say linda (for a woman)

gummy bear breast implants


If there is anything sacred amidst all the profanity and excess of Wall Street, it is the partner title at Goldman Sachs. The financial world’s closest thing to sainthood,Goldman partnership has been described as “the pinnacle of Wall Street,” a position somewhere between the mafia’s “made man” and a rabbi.

No plastic for moi
All ceramic cups....crystal bottles and crystal glasses...no plastic....no...non

They are known for their  flawless physique and devotion to personal fitness, green tea and so on so why the most unhealthy habit of smoking? They all do....and yes, i do tell them of this irony.

You don't understand this is an AlaΓ―a! -

La plus belle relation (en tout genre) jamais eu ? Des relations d’amitiΓ© perpΓ©tuΓ©es au fil des ans par certaines de mes amies: elles font partie des rares personnes auxquelles je fais confiance. Il y en aurait bien une autre, mais je la garderai secrΓ¨te ici. 

How is this for Hollywood elite hypocrisy
Golden Globes: Anti-Gun Hollywood Surrounded By Security Walls and Armed Guards. Anti-gun Hollywood celebrities enjoyed presidential-level protection by barricades, bomb-sniffing dogs, armed guards, LAPD officers, and numerous security checkpoints as they arrived for the 2019 Golden Globes.

"Всяк глядит, Π΄Π° Π½Π΅ всяк Π²ΠΈΠ΄ΠΈΡ‚ -Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it".

Don Draper where are you? We miss you..........
one of my old time favorite songs as you know if you follow the Tidbits.......and the real name of the song is.......(Ue o Muite Arukou)

been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




 Azlin Nicolette one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

Things That Happened at the 2002 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show That Would Never Happen Today 

 People's delicate sensibilities were offended by the show. Just in its second year being televised nationally, the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was too much naked for some audiences. "When beautiful women were mixed with minimal clothing in a Victoria's Secret fashion show aired during the family hour on national television last week, it set off a barrage of protests from pro-family groups

Donald Trump attended the show, along with his future wife Melania Knauss. 

PETA protesters stormed the stage. They were specifically targeting Gisele: "By getting into bed with the fur-pushers Gisele has become Peta enemy number one," a PETA spokesman said at the time.

Indoor smoking was still a thing.
 Ana Beatriz Barros didn't even have to step outside and 20 feet away from the building in order to get a smoke break in New York City. She could chill out in her folding chair while someone painted her toenails. 

Gisele willingly drank Coca-Cola. Not Diet Coke. Not all-natural organic sugar cane soda. Just regular Coke.

Destiny's Child performed. Can you even imagine BeyoncΓ©, Kelly Rowland or Michelle Williams performing at a Victoria's Secret Fashion Show these days?

People were making phone calls. On flip phones. Actually, I don't really understand what Alessandra Ambrosio is holding — it looks like a pack of cigarettes that she's pretending to talk on. Well, there's none of that anymore. Now it's all touchscreen devices that require internet access. If you didn't Snap from backstage, were you even in the show?

The robes were red. The quality of the fabric, the embroidery, the color — everything about the old robes now feels dated. These days, the robes look like the V.S. bags: pale pink stripes on a more luxurious-looking silk. Adriana Lima remains a constant at Victoria's Secret. Lifer!

They had to wear "model" name tags. Handwritten cards on chains!


Polina Kitsenko. She's co-owner and buyer for the Podium boutique Moscow. She is a definite trendsetter and I applaud her major style chutzpah!

Carlyne Cerf from Dudzeele CCD



a real show of wealth make no mistake............

a little take on Japan-ζ—₯本,

Bowing, is a very big deal in Japan something that's done several times a day. There are many kinds of bows, from the casual 15-degree nod you'd make to a coworker or neighbor to the deeper (30-degree) bow of thanks you'd do when accepting your salary envelope from your boss, or the more formal (45-degree) bow made to a customer in a service industry. One bow is chorei (lit. "morning bow"), a brief formal meeting where the employees stand in a circle and basically promises to gambaru, or do their best and work hard, followed by  a deep bow.



Simply Sacai

Think pink and run into 2019, like JULIA

We shall aspire to magic with someone special....

Strange magic
Oh, what a strange magic
Oh, it's a strange magic
Got a strange magic
Got a strange magic.
It's magic
It's magic
It's magic.

Long life to the Max Mara teddy coat! Called the « Marilyn »  »❤️❤️❤️

Multiple choice ✔️😍


To Echo, or not to Echo…

If you follow this blog you know that Wixson is one of the few that get mentioned quite often here.....if you see her in the morning sans maquillage she does not look great but once she steps up on the ramp or on editorials she becomes great...another person

Besides the polo shirt, the brand's founder RenΓ© Lacoste also invented the tennis ball machine and steel tennis racket.

I Like Grissini....do you?

 the joker❤️

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Queen Cat!

And the best 1RU goes to....

GLORIOUS ERA! The Philippines has uninterrupted placement at Miss Universe since 2010. Thanks to Venus Raj who broke her country's 10-year drought in the pageant. πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­
2010 Venus Raj - 4th runner-up
2011 Shamcey Supsup - 3rd runner-up
2012 Janine Tugonon - 1st runner-up
2013 Ariella Arida - 3rd runner-up
2014 MJ Lastimosa - Top 10
2015 Pia Wurztbach - Miss Universe
2016 Maxine Medina - Top 6
2017 Rachel Peters - Top 10
2018 Catriona Gray - Miss Universe


Blessing for the home

Ladino music, the centuries-old music of Sephardic Jews, is today being performed in different ways alongside the traditional. Israeli singer Nani Noam Vazana is bringing her family’s musical traditions to the table, and creating something new with it: A new album, likely the first all-original Ladino album in the world. You’ll fall in love with Ladino all over again, listen:

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779

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