
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779 - JG 93

Chrome on Windows
Location North Beverly Park Beverly Hills
account @ Goldstein2323.

glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning. daring ....$$$$πŸ’πŸ’Œ



thank you world for loving my blog.....I write, therefore I am.| I am, therefore I write.

May 03 2019 | Nisan, 28, 5779

Χ©Χ‘Χͺ Χ©ΧœΧ•Χ!Wishing you all a quiet, and safe Shabbat. May Hashem  watch over all of us.
Parashat Achrei Mot
Leviticus 16:1 - 18:30

ΧœΧ’Χ•ΧœΧ לא Χ’Χ•Χ“! Never Again!

Many thanks I have reached one million followers on twitter on my private business site .....I should charge more than twenty percent(smiles) for the valuable info....Gordon Gekko would be proud.


Tiempo en que la juventud florecia.............

Lo shopping Γ¨ l'elisir di lunga vita: chi fa acquisti ogni giorno vive di PiΓΉ
 ... ... it is my favorite sport (smiles)

Χ©Χ™Χ¨ Χ™Χ€Χ”

My favorite candidates to win Miss Universe Puerto Rico πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· 2019!


One of my favorite views 🌞✨  

In the last few days you visited the tidbits from...

Italy, UK, USA, Serbia, Argentina, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Austria, Canada, India, Australia, Japan, Brazil, Turkey, Philippines, Greece, France, Denmark, Russia, Sweden, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Malta, Jordan, Poland, Georgia, Estonia, Belgium, China, Hungary, PerΓΉ, Macedonia, Israel, Indonesia, Taiwan, Mauritius, Croatia,Venezuela, Mexico, Malta, Ireland, UAE, Belarus, Chile, Ukraine, Gibraltar, Libia, South Africa, Algeria, South Korea, Singapore, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Isle of Man,Vietnam, Romania, Lebanon, Lithuania, Latvia, Thailand, Iran, Trinidad and Tobago, Slovakia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Tunisia, New Zealand, Kuwait, Angola, Dominica, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Iceland, Norway, Monaco, Egypt, Bangladesh,UAE....Brasil.....Cape Town.....
Hong Kong, Paraguay, Qatar, Norway, Moldova, Colombia,
Luxembourg, Morocco, Guatemala, Bharain, Nepal, Bulgaria,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Portugal, Bahamas, Libya, Syria, Adzerbajan, Maldives, Mongolia...and now.. French Polynesia,La Isla del Encanto.....

Malawi, New Caledonia....and there are many more....I noticed today from "Tierra del Fuego" 
NeuquΓ©n and Punta Arenas.

Thank you, I am flattered !
Come back soon !!

(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)

Life is so short and beautiful. I don't litigate. I won’t argue. I simply will ignore your existence.


Soy JudΓ­o - AnΓ­ YehudΓ­ - אני Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ“Χ™
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”
 IPO INVESTOR- •lover of everything luxury• fashion, beauty  • multilingual
Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today.

Today  RG and I walked in Mount Hollywood....going up all the way to the peak and the walk down was fast yes, we felt the burn.....what a way to start a day.............

Reach the summit of Mount Hollywood, 1.6 miles from Griffith Observatory and 2.4 miles from Western Canyon. Pass hitching posts for horses and walk into a viewing area on the summit where you can take in the sights. Look down the ridge to the south over Griffith Observatory toward the city of Los Angeles. On a clear day, you’ll see the coast to the west, along with rows of ridges in the Santa Monica Mountains. 

"   The key question to keep asking is, are you spending your time on the right things? Because time is all you have.   " 


Aujourd’hui, un petit point sur le French Kiss. Un peu comme les FranΓ§ais, le French Kiss est hyper sensuel… et TRES intime… genre je fourre la langue dans ta bouche, eh oui, puisqu’il s’agit de notre bon vieux baiser avec la langue, mais en version US. Alors qu’a-t-il de si French, ce baiser ?

Be quiet, and sometimes, be unavailableπŸ’‹

Don’t invite me to your wedding i will look better than you and it will be embarrassing for us both(smiles) but seriously every wedding I have ever attended specially the lavish ones- they always end in divorce....so an Israeli friend did not invite me for that reason.

Last weekend a friend of the Goldsteins got married.  The bride wore a custom-made dress by Karl Lagerfeld, with a reception frock by  Christopher Kane. 

Inspired by her amazing bridal style, I decided to refresh our wedding vocab en franΓ§ais...
Wedding: Le Mariage
Bride: La MariΓ©e
Groom: Le MariΓ©
Wedding Dress: La Robe de MariΓ©e
Wedding Ring: Le Bague de Mariage
Church: L'Eglist
Veil: La Voile
Priest: Le PrΓͺtre
Bridesmaids: Les Demoiselles D'Honneur
Groomsmen: Les GarΓ§ons D'Honneur
Rice: Le Riz
Cake: Le GΓ’teau de Mariage
Honeymoon: La Lune de Miel

Ivan Boesky?

He was the face of "greed is good"—until he went to prison...despite of that he  is still a friend ........ 

 He really did say greed is good—and was applauded at a Berkeley business school graduation in 1986. The line would be immortalized in Oliver Stone's Wall Street byGordon Gekko, the perfect hero/villain for the Decade of Greed. And while that's every decade on Wall Street, in the 1980s the unapologetic pursuit of money became a sacrament. At the apex of his renown, before his spectacular fall, Ivan Boesky parlayed a 10-year run of bafflingly prescient stock picks (using his wife Seema's money) into finance super stardom, with laudatory magazine profiles, a book deal, and lecture invitations from the best business schools.

Sexy isn't always about Breasts and Backsides. It is the way you walk the way you talk and the way you think.

Your lips mashallh

"Brevity is the soul of lingerie."

This pic is not about her backside but rather the view of the  MacArthur CausewayStar Island and Palm Island.

I fell in love with this movie "Since you went away" and the song "Together"
is so romantic.....I was born in the wrong era.

gummy bear breast implants


La justification idΓ©ologique ne passe plus par les rapports sociaux. Aussi, la science et la technique ne touche pas aux rapports de classes, elles conditionnent entiΓ¨rement nos conditions d’existence. Ainsi, elles nous dΓ©tourne de la sociΓ©tΓ© et des conditions humaines
The ideological justification no longer passes through social relations. Thus, science and technology do not touch class relations, they completely condition our conditions of existence. Thus, they divert us from society and human conditions

5 Mendeli St, Tel Aviv
Mashya -I do not dream very often but I dreamt I was with RG at one of my favorites restaurants in Tel Aviv...........

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said "In Character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity" With her Royal Highness Sheikha Bint Nasser Al Missned, simplicity is taken into a new sophisticated & elegant level. After being named one of the best dressed international women in the world by Vanity Fair there is not much that a fashion critic can say.

Every woman has a beautiful, confident, sexy persona hidden inside, to certain beauty queen the most important attributes are Poise confidence and elegance. Beauty contests are not just some sort of physical competitions. Instead, it is a battle where dozens of women are judged based on their physical, emotional, social, mental and analytical skills. It takes hard work, sacrifice, determination and discipline to balance all the skills needed to win, while still looking exceptionally dazzling.

When you get an sms like this one.....what to think of this? or is this is the times we are living in? I know the answer do you?

As you know women that wear gloves send me............
Women in the past had style and class and dressed to the nines...and I have to give it to many Russian women that take so much pride in their appearance....perfectly matching and no hair out of place.........…

I often think of the phrase ‘false humility’ whenever I see people carry Damier canvas because in their minds, they WANT something that screams “LOUIS VUITTON” but without the monograms so it’s kind of like counterproductive. Talk about a whole new level of cray. If you’re gonna go for Vuitton, go for the kill. More is more, pile on the logos, pile on the monograms. It doesn’t hurt to be obnoxious from time to time. 

Only Alex Sensation can.......................

Why do dj's speak over a beautiful song or worse cut the song before
it is finished...it is not nice.........not kosher

Language is Drama'
If the world is a stage, then our conversations narrate the story of our daily lives.

I give no drama and won't accept drama...........

and here is another tip......some of the best strawberries are served at the CheeseCake Factory...and yes, they bring them in porcelain cups...........I rest my case

The Cheesecake Factory 364 N Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

REINA MIAY te diera flores, vida mΓ­a
Pa vestir tu cuerpo, noche y dΓ­a
Y un collar de arenas, reina mΓ­a
Que adorne tu cuello, noche y dΓ­a
Y te diera amores, vida mΓ­a
Para estar contigo, noche y dΓ­a
Y la luz mΓ‘s clara, vida mΓ­a
Reina de mi reino, noche y dΓ­a

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Gabi Moon one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people


Chic is the girl who will wear a vintage pair of Levis, consciously.

Secondly, chic is the girl who doesn’t look at the price tag as a signifier of what is good and what is not.

Next: chic is the girl who becomes the reference, not the copy of the reference.

Princess Diana had chic, Princess Margaret did not.

Greta Garbo had chic; Elizabeth Taylor did not.

Homework: Read Madame Dariaux’s book and get back to me. Do you know how to be chic?

lena perminova The best light and mirrors 

Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele CCD



a little take on Japan-ζ—₯本,

jiko shokai, which means "self introduction," although it's actually quite a deep cultural concept for the Japanese.


A 15-Year Anniversary for Botox: The Molecule that Rocked the Cosmetic World


I get calls in the middle of the night some personal and some business related and today it happened again got an early morn call from Cape Town and ended up watching for the upteenth time......"Grosse Pointe Blank" and I think Minnie Driver is so cute and lovely but she was dropped by almost all the guys she was with....always wondered why??????

True confession — I’m a dry shampoo nut. I use it in two ways: to refresh the second day or to add volume at the roots when it’s humid. This requires a light version and a powdery one. Klorane has been my go-to and the best dry shampoo available for years. But, today there are lots of contenders so I decided to do a sampling. After being disappointed with the drug store offerings, I bought the above (plus Oribe’s). Sam McKnight’s Lazy Girl (I adore Sam) smells divine, as does the Balmain — both are great for a refresh. The Sachajuan and Philip Kingsley are serious powder shampoos and add tremendous body. The Philip B. scent was overwhelming and I have yet to try the Ouai and Oribe — tbc.

What She Wants: The White Denim Jacket

Napoleon's Tomb is located in the central crypt of the Eglise du Dome Church at the Hotel des Invalides, which is situated on the Esplanade des Invalides, within the 7th Arrondissement, in the city of Paris. The remains of the emperor, inside the sarcophagus, are protected by six concentric coffins, built from different materials, including mahogany, ebony, and oak, all one inside the other.

jumpsuit bug,  Milan-based architect Barbara Ghidoni of the firm Storage Associati looks pretty fab in this one. Her tank watch and single bangle are chic, too.

Elsa Pataky
La ropa interior es para quitΓ‘rsela'

Pinch-Waist Jeans Are a Thing, and They're Selling Out

What will they try to ban next?????
Liberal Socialists Politicians are so much into political correctness that is so sick
that they want to tell us how to live....and no, they do not know better. And all their doomsday predictions never come true.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Road to bbp 2019

 Philipp Plein Resort Collection

i miss being in Israel for this moment....it gives me chills.

Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Memorial Day 2019 Siren Tel Aviv Χ¦Χ€Χ™Χ¨Χ” יום השואה Χͺל אביב

Israel came to a standstill at 10 a.m. as sirens wailed throughout the country in memory of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis during World War II. Buses and cars halted on streets and highways as Israelis stepped out of their vehicles and stood with heads bowed.

Even the youngest Israelis stand in silence in remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust during the 2 minute siren that sounds throughout Israel on Yom HaShoah.
By educating tomorrow’s leaders about the Holocaust, we can prevent atrocities like this from occurring again. NeverAgain

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5779

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  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...