Chrome on Windows
Location Star Island, Miami Beach
account @ Goldstein2323.
glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning.
daring ....$$$$🍒💌

"Fabulous, any better would be a sin "®© This phrase is a Registered Trademark that belongs to if you use it you must pay me(smiles)….
December 30, 2020 / 15 Tevet 5781
Last night i dreamt i was in Ein Gedi, Hadarom, Israel walking with
a dear Brasilian female model seemed so real
He was one of the first dressmakers to dream of the future, his revolutionary designs such as the bubble dress, roller pants and the “Chasuble” cut-out dresses changed the shape of fashion. His incredible career and his striking silhouettes, influenced both his own era and the designers of today. On Tuesday, December 29, 2020, Pierre Cardin passed away.
THANKS TO THE JEWISH PRINCESS....Chat room/text abbreviations & acronyms
Those of us Who have been around a long time might use some shortcuts rather than typing out certain phrases. Unfortunately, people who don't surf the Internet a lot might not always understand what's being said. So here's a list of some common abbreviations and acronyms that you might have seen on the Tidbits or other Internet sites. Feel free to inquire if there are some that you've wondered about that aren't on the list.
Addy - Address
AFAIC - As far as I'm concerned
AFAIK - As far as I know
BFF - Best friend forever
Bump - Bring/bump up my post. Usually posted to make a post rise to the top of the board.
FB - Facebook
FWIW - For what it's worth
GOAT - Greatest of all time
IAC - In any case
ICBW - I could be wrong
IDK - I don't know
IIRC - If I recall correctly
IMHO - In my humble opinion
IMO - In my opinion
IOW - In other words
J/K - Just kidding
K - Believe it or not, shorthand for OK. Don't ask me why 2 letters need to be abbreviated
LMAO, sometimes LMFAO - Laughing my ass off. You know what the other letter means
LOL - Laugh out loud
NM - No message. If someone posts their thought in the subject line, they may put NM in the body of the post to indicate there's no further message
OP - Original Poster, a person who starts a thread, it can also mean original post, the first post in the thread
OTOH - On the other hand
ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
SMH - Shaking my head
TY - Thank you
Dedicated to everybody who still believes in romance
Would you know just what to do or where to keep it?


a little take on Japan-日本,

There are quite a few differences between people in the U.S. and Japan, and one of them is, ah, body size. Japanese can seem impossibly thin to Americans, with an average height and weight of 171 cm/68 kg (5'7"/149 lbs) for men and 159 cm/51 kg (5'2"/114 lbs) for women, at the age of 30.

This week again I was asked:
-”Mr Goldstein, should I fix my nose?”. Often my answer is: YES!
If your nose isn’t your best friend, then check these pictures. You might find a nose that looks like yours, and see how it could look if you had it retouched.
Two of my best friends had their nose redone lately, and they look so much better even though nobody can really spot where the difference comes from, but they for sure look much better.

-”Mr Goldstein, should I fix my nose?”. Often my answer is: YES!
If your nose isn’t your best friend, then check these pictures. You might find a nose that looks like yours, and see how it could look if you had it retouched.
Two of my best friends had their nose redone lately, and they look so much better even though nobody can really spot where the difference comes from, but they for sure look much better.

יונתן רזאל - הטוב הטוב הטוב / Yonatan Razel - Hatov Hatov Hatov
Smells Like Teen Spirit: The Tempting Nostalgia of a 90s-Era Perfume
( Reuters) -"Wonder Woman 1984" pulled in $36.1 million at worldwide theaters over the Christmas holiday weekend and boosted streaming viewership on HBO Max, Warner Bros. said on Sunday as it confirmed plans for a third film in the superhero franchise.
“Prohibido rendirse, respira profundo y sigue” 
YESTERDAY IN THE MIDWESTTo the Global warming liberal kooks....
Miss Universe 2007 Riyo Mori from Japan takes home the title!

And late late that night we went to celebrate at La Mansion in la Zona Rosa
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