
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5781 - JG 30


Chrome on Windows...Location North Beverly Park Beverly Hills...account @ Goldstein2323.glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning.daring ....$$$$πŸ’πŸ’Œ



thank you world for loving my blog.....I write, therefore I am.| I am, therefore I write.

"Fabulousany better would be a sin "®©" This phrase is a Registered Trademark 
that belongs to me..............so if you use it you must pay me(smiles)….

 March 13, 2021/29 Adar, 5781


Shabbat HaChodesh 2021 / Χ©ַׁΧ‘ָּΧͺ Χ”ַΧ—ֹΧ“ֶΧ©ׁ 5781Shabbat HaChodesh (Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh Nissan) for Hebrew Year 5781 begins at sundown on Friday, 12 March 2021 and ends at nightfall on Saturday, 13 March 2021.

Χ©Χ‘Χͺ Χ©ΧœΧ•Χ! :)Shabbat shalom. Have a restful weekend everyoneParashat VayakhelExodus 35:1 - 38:20

“When a Jew visits Jerusalem for the first time, it is not the first time; it is a homecoming.” -


Alexa play OMC - How Bizarre

With these 5 of the big 6 pageants having been postponed from 2020 to 2021 due to the pandemic, the wait has been way too long 😫 Here is when and where they will finally happen ✨ πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­ Miss Grand International | March 27 | Bangkok, Thailand πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Miss Universe | May 16 | Hollywood, Florida, USA πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± #MissSupranational | late summer | Poland πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ Miss International | November | Yokohama, Japan πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· Miss World | December 16 | San Juan, Puerto Rico Which one are you the most excited for? πŸ‘‘

Countdown to 69th Miss Universe • 66 DAYS πŸ‘‘ 66 years ago, 21 year-old Hillevi Rombin of the Sweden was crowned Miss Universe 1955 at the Long Beach Municipal Auditorium in Long Beach, California, United States beating 32 other contestants πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Who do you think will be our 69th Miss Universe this upcoming May 16? πŸ‘‘

One of my favorite places
Randy's Donuts...Located just off the 405 Freeway on the corner of La Cienega Blvd and Manchester Blvd, sits the most recognized donut in the world. Landmark 24-hour shop 
lures locals with its selection of homemade classic donuts, bagels & muffins.

Happiness is when you are on the 405 going north and you see the sign
to get home to BH

CrepΓΊsculo-Twilight....as I was being driven home last night I asked one of my  “seguranΓ§as” to take this pic, and 
is such a beautiful portrait.

(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)

There is an advantage of being different in a great way not in a mediocre way.

Soy JudΓ­o - AnΓ­ YehudΓ­ - אני Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ“Χ™
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”
 IPO INVESTOR- •lover of everything luxury• fashion, beauty  • multilingual
Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
I LIVE THE LIFE I LOVE. I LOVE THE LIFE I LIVE. WELCOME TO MY DIARY OF CHIC this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, memories and living for today

Dedicated to everybody who still believes in romance

Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion. 
Being alive is the special occasion.

Em tempos de isolamento social, a gameficação do esporte ganha forΓ§a e tem 
entretido as pessoas.

I go to sleep and i wake up using my favorite formula..........I'm constantly being asked by my discerning friends which one product I would recommend they buy first:  12 years of using it I say the award winning " Dr. Frances Prenna Jones Formula 2006"... with its unprecedented levels of actives, you can clean, treat, prevent with one sweep of a cotton pad. It gives the most amazing fresh-faced youthful glow. 

Start your day with an FPJ juice

Sometimes I re-post pics  or I repeat certain passages but it is done because 
I have followers that ask me to do so...so it is not that I am repeating 
myself or running out of ideas.....with a computer like memory I 
remember all(smiles)

The female body comes in all eye catching shapes...


Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon Ben Talei asserts there are only three or four doctors who can perform his 
AuraLyft, "the Ferrari of face-lifts" ($25,000). During the three-hour surgery using local anesthesiaTalei goes deep under the muscles to pull up the face, neck and upper chest.

Paris “La Maison Rose”  Montmartre πŸ€
In this time of lock down i woke thinking of my last visit to one of
my favorite places in the world...

If you are going to drink Coca Cola you should only drink Mexican Coca Colas and always in a crystal bottle......

Tiene la carretera paraliza
AquΓ­ esta pasando algo descomunal
He visto millones de miss universo
La cosa es que con todas me quiero quedar
Por culpa de esos cuerpos tan ricos

Me tienen el cuello como un abanico
De lao a lao, de lao a lao
La cera, es tu pasarela, lΓΊcete

gummy bear breast implants


Being a polyglot I can absorb words from books into my mind 

Pacific Coast Highway
I could get used to this commute πŸŒŠπŸ•ΆπŸŒ΄

ΧœΧ”ΧœΧŸ: Χ”ΧžΧ•ΧŸ Χ¨Χ•Χ— חיים

A picket fence, ideally white, has iconic status as Americana, symbolizing the 
ideal middle-class suburban life, with a family , and peaceful living.

 le "Leonardo da Vinci" des cΓ©ramiques dentaires

I love wearing Missoni...and  I was great friends with the founder,  the late Ottavio Missoni...and i can attest he would approve as how nice she wears one of his creations....

Sans makeup and real breasts...not too shabby

Anshul Garg presents  Tony Kakkar​  's Shona Shona a duet with Neha Kakkar starring Sidharth Shukla & Shehnaaz Gill from the Album Sangeetkaar 

been there done that

Ladies do you have a thigh gap, a mini thigh gap or no thigh gap????

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




 ⠀А Π› И Н А πŸ‘‘Π‘ А Н Π¬ К О one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people



Polina loves to read....we are in the same train of thought..........

Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele CCD


the wonderfully eccentric, self-proclaimed legend Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele, 
has proved that she’s quite literally limber enough to master the role


A fancy-schmancy room full of luxurious items beyond our imagination.

a little take on Japan-ζ—₯本,

There are quite a few identifiable mechanisms that help the Japanese get through the day harmoniously, like the mantra δ½Ώη”¨γŒη„‘γ„ sho ga nai which means "it can't be helped [therefore we shouldn't worry about this problem]" and the basic golden rule of society that you should never cause 迷惑 meiwaku (inconvenience) to others.)


Altering your looks is a pretty interesting thing. People always say that if you live in Beverly Hills you can barely walk down the street without seeing tons of women who have had a crazy amount of work done.


I just want to say that A) this is where the party is at, and B) you will find out if you do that.

With her penchant for trousers, high heels and a crisp white shirt (or a basic T-shirt), Emmanuelle Alt is the woman every girl wants to be. She is, without a doubt, the true personification of effortless chic. Nevermind that she also happens to be the editor of Vogue Paris, the French stylemeister ranks as the most approachable editor among her various international counterparts. 

in another universe, love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love.

Fresh 🍊 juice 🧑

I am bias...Mugdha's is the best

March 9, 1959: “The first Barbie doll goes on display at the American Toy Fair in New York City.
Eleven inches tall, with a waterfall of blond hair, Barbie was the first mass-produced toy doll in the United States with adult features. The woman behind Barbie was Ruth Handler, who co-founded Mattel, Inc. with her husband in 1945. After seeing her young daughter ignore her baby dolls to play make-believe with paper dolls of adult women, Handler realized there was an important niche in the market for a toy that allowed little girls to imagine the future.

Mitsubish UiFJ Financial (MUFG)

The last 4 PURE FILIPINA representative of the Philippines in
 Miss Universe.. Who's your favorite?

Catriona seemed to be thinking.....I GOT THIS...and she did

πŸ“· πŸ“·πŸ“·πŸ“·πŸ“·πŸ“·πŸ“·πŸ“·πŸ“· ☕️

When there is doubt of your existence you might consider this.
Yes, I  want Moshiach now. Everything -all of this- is just temporary… Boruch Hashem! 
May we all be zocheh to have the geula sheleima speedily in our days! 
And now… sing: We want Moshiach now. We want Moshiach now. We don’t want to wait!

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5781, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5781

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