
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 89

שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov! Wishing everyone a great week

«La vita è adesso»

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

more people, things, places that send me...........

Ryan Paris - Dolce Vita

Karlie Kloss and her long legs and sunny disposition........


Women that wear hats........

Leslie Caron in “An American in Paris ” directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1951 

Maloney and Porcelli - Manhattan

 Al's Newsstand - Beverly Hills,

Missoni.......all of their clothes....men and women...........

more tidbits


Nella gente che si commuove per un film.
Credo che tutti abbiamo un romanzo nel cassetto, chiuso da qualche parte. E chi non ha un romanzo ha una melodia, una poesia, un quadro. Ecco: credo anche che dovremmo aprire quel cassetto.
In people who are moved by a movie. 
I believe we all have a novel in the drawer, locked up somewhere. And who does not have a novel has a melody, a poem, a painting. Here it is: I also believe that we should open that drawer.

I like women in riding pants....
Look who is riding as well... IGGY Azalea. 

Wow she looks amazing........she does

She likes gold iPhones like moi...........

The moral of this story is that: if the lady who designed the Nike swoosh had had a Jewishlawyer or better yet
Jewish female lawyer(smiles) her share would have been 350 million dollars not $35

Queen Rania looks positively stunning!
 I am not sure if the Malletage Alma works that well with the outfit, 
but she can sure pull it off. 

Beyoncé launched a women's fitness clothing line on Thursday featuring bodysuits, leggings and headbands, named in part for her 4-year-old daughter, Blue Ivy.
Called Ivy Park, the 200-piece active wear collection is a joint venture with British businessman Sir Philip Green, who owns the Topshop fashion chain.

Ah, French Women: soignée know, I know C'est si bon, so clicky as they walk by. Everything about them-their poise, Their refinement, Their cool dispatch, Their trim, tidy figures, Their yachty scarves, Their precision manners, Their purposeful glances, insinuating Their silences, their hair, Their skin, Their scent, the invisible caress of Their lingerie, Their avoidance of cirrus-henna tattoos and purple inspires marvel and envy. Although world-class cities from Rome to Barcelona, Buenos Aires to Singapore, New York to Dubai, can pride on being Themselves lustrous strongholds of exalted femininity, it is the French Woman in Particular the Parisian Woman-to-whom homage is paid and of whom-study is made.


Gummy bear breast implants


A face lift done with local anesthesia - only great Doctors can perform it
without general anesthesia

❝ Glamour is constructed, elegance is acquired, and charm is innate.  Most of being elegant is knowing when to say “no,” and how (quickly, neutrally and with as little detail as possible, and more often than not).Manners are a must,

The French Kiss was invented in Paris, so surely the natives are experts on lips, oui?

I am all for the perfection of the Victoria's Secret and their Angels - thin, beautiful and ideal key ingredients in which I live under. Everyone is individually beautiful, but my peeve is the false beauty and untamed perfection of these Angels. Flawless is what they are not. They all have done extensive plastic surgery and are enhanced in their photos to what the image Victoria's Secret want to project. There is nothing wrong with that but do explain, that many times the perception of this girls is not reality....here is a little sample...sans maquillage they are nothing to write home about

“Without make-up, top models are everyday women. . So next time you look in the mirror and say “I look terrible " think of the most beautiful top models who don’t look that different from you in the morning when they get up!  

So remember JG's old adage....should you wake up in the morning with a model, a celeb, a famous woman athlete and you ask one of them - "Who are you?" you are justified as the girl in the night with maquillage does not look like the one that wakes up next to you.....I rest my case..

Bra, soutien-gorge; ブラジャー , reggiseno , sostén, sutiã 

panties, bragas, calcinha, mutandine, culotte, תחתונים גרביונים (סלנג) , パンティー; パンツ パンティー 

Can anyone at her age or at any age look so classy, elegant in casual
clothes? ...and her hips are amazing.....

I like romantic walks to Swiss Banks(smiles)....

Dicono che sia peccato lasciarsi senza abbracci. Dimenticarsi. Non ricordare nemmeno un motivo per tornare. Dicono che siano peccato tutti.

"I sogni son desideri...""Questa è l'isola che non c'è..."

J’ai souri à l’idée de voir à quel point les standards de beauté ont évolué en quelques années. C’en est vraiment fini des visages parfaits, aujourd’hui ce qu’on recherche c’est une présence, un style, une attitude, bref, tous ces mots qui ne veulent rien dire, ce truc indéfinissable qui crée le mystère.

Language changes… the way you speak and write.
It’s impossible not to be affected by the cadence of the French language, to become more descriptive… to embellish.
It’s inevitable that questions are ended with an answer. The French often do that… answer their own question with the negative, “non”, which really means yes.

comfort in the desert of KSA

comfort at GEORGE V FOUR SEASONS-Paris

Been there done that...

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap



Heart Evangelista one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


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Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people



Victoria Bonya’s Little White Details

White shoes, white clutch, white ring

Playing modern day peek-a-boo in this all white ensemble

And of course the little white and barely there dress – or maybe it’s a shirt? Who cares I love it!! Bring out those tans lines and something white😉

 MUGLER Angels

Wedding Louis Vuitton outfit, great outfit for great wedding



 PEEPY WITH N'TUI nantaya 

Peepy and Lady Lee.....many moons ago.....she was a looker, still is in her own way

a little take on Japan-日本,

Japan's unique use of the English letter "H" (always pronounced エッチ ecchi) to represent anything related to sex is one of the more famous cultural tidbits about the country. If a man or women thinks about sex overly much they are ecchi, and the most common way to refer to the act itself is エッチする ecchi suru, lit. "to do H." The term has been around qui te a long time, emerging as a slang term used by female students to describe BL relationships back in 1890 before changing to its current more general meaning by 1955. Most Japanese assume the letter "H" comes from the first letter of the word hentai, though this is only one theory. Alternate theories include that ecchi became popular as a result of the Marilyn Monroe film "The Seven-Year Itch" (the final word sounds very similar), which was released that year, or that the "H" represents the first katakana of the English word "erotic" (エロチック) 


facelift, technically known as a rhytidectomy (literally, surgical removal of wrinkles), is a type of cosmetic surgery procedure used to give a more youthful appearance. It usually involves the removal of excess facial skin, with or without the tightening of underlying tissues, and the redraping of the skin on the patient's face and neck.

Yes, face-lifts have made [Dr. Sherrell J.] Aston extremely rich. But then Aston is said to do the best face-lifts in the world. Despite his wealth and fame, however, his reputation is not without controversy. He tells the secret of a good face-lift and why, if pushed, he’d happily take the knife to his own daughters

When Lebron James left Cleveland to play in Miami he made this statement" I am taking my talents to South Beach" as he did not feel appreciated in Cleveland......

Brasil has some of the best plastic surgeons in the world....and Dr(Prof) Luiz Toledo also did not feel
appreciated so he took his talents to Dubai.

and do not fear the long canula he is holding....Dr Toledo invented a technique for liposuction that can remove all of the fat....all lipos leave ten percent of fat in the dermis and only he, Dr Luiz Toledo can remove it all....he also has tiny tiny canulas to remove all those stubborn little pockets of fat

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden”

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Hello my name is fabulous

The fashion icons always share the same taste and style despite the differences in time, geography and culture.

Sheikha Mozah vs Jackie Kennedy




Quand je veux me faire de vrais cadeaux, je m’offre des magazines anciens. J’aime tout. La mode, les photos, l’odeur du vieux papier, la folle créativité, l’absence de cynisme. La période que je préfère, ce sont les années 70. À cette époque là, la femme se redéfinissait. Avec maladresse, avec sérieux et avec beaucoup de joie.
Je feuilletais avec émerveillement un Vogue de l’année 73. En couv, Sylvie Vartan, sublime. Et à l’intérieur, ces quelques phrases D’Emanuel Ungaro :
“Chaque femme doit trouver l’air de sa chanson. Quand elle l’a trouvé, elle s’est trouvée elle-même. Il y a une harmonie intime entre le dehors et le dedans, c’est cela le style.

When I really want to get myself a special gift. I get myself old magazines. I love everything about them. The style, photos, the smell of old paper, the crazy creativity, the absence of cynicism. My favorite period… the 70s. This decade saw the woman redefine herself. Oftentimes with clumsiness, always with seriousness and tons of joy.
I was bedazzled flipping through an issue of Vogue from ’73. Sylvie Vartan on the cover… sublime. On the inside, a few quotes from Emanuel Ungaro,
“Every woman has to find the melody to her own song. When she’s found it, she’s found herself. There is an intimate harmony between her inner and outer self, a harmony called style. 

And Mark Zuckerberg loves churros here he is at my favorite churrería  in Madrid....

A glass of warm lemon or lime water first thing in the morning is surprisingly helpful in several ways. This Yogic or Ayurvedic ritual was primarily for stimulating digestion and eliminating ama, the Ayurvedic term for toxic slime that builds up in the gastro-intestinal or GI tract. 

Tiramisu is an Italian dessert. It is made of ladyfingers dipped in coffee, layered with a whipped mixture of egg yolks and mascarpone cheese, and flavored with cocoa. 

in the tuileries

“What are you reading?”
“The Shema, שמע ישראל”

The Tomb of King David

The Jewish people's miraculous survival and triumph over baseless hatred and destruction are defined by just three words: Am Yisrael Chai!-עם ישראל חי

1936, We were banned because Jew
1945, 6,000,000 were murdered because of being Jew
1936, Nous avons été bannis parce que Juif
1945, 6.000.000 ont été assassinés parce que Juif

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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