שבת שלום חברים יקרים
Shabbat Shalom!
Wishing everyone a great weekend too.
“There are no better moments than the ones you share with your family. Shabbat Shalom
Welcome to New Year, Happy 2017. Love the the world and You All

Oro, mirra y fondos
Se acerca una fecha señalada, sobre todo para quienes tenéis hijos. Tan sólo queda un día para la noche de Reyes. Para aquellos que no habéis escrito la carta aún, os proponemos regalar un buen fondo de inversión o un buen libro
Tonight is Christmas in Russia so Merry Christmas.....to all my Russian friends sorry I only have lady friends(smiles)
Haifa Wehbe singing "Ma Andi Habib" (I Don't Have a Love) on the Lebanese TV show Al Wadi in 2005.
"La" means "no" in Arabic, so when she sings "la, la, la," she is singing "no, no, no."
هيفا اجمل مطربه بالعالم العربي
I'm excited!!!! I grabbed the opportunity talaga! This might be once in a lifetime! See you in MOA ❤❤❤❤
How beautiful it is to stay silent when someone expects you to be enraged?😏
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
C’e’ qualcosa di più bella che svegliarsi con questa vista?

anything with an I sends me..........(phone, pad,cloud, tv, Mac)
I have a dear friend that went to Le Rosey, Château de Rosey school and always wore Christalle and I always recognised her by her fragrance.....

What Qataris want.....Qataris get.....the Shard...the World Cup....Harrods....and so much more
CNP's Propolis Energy Ampule (for an intensive facial nutrient solution).
Indeed, critics who wish to write-off Puerto Rico will be disappointed. The nation may be inconsistent but it is a powerhouse. So when one has a proclivity to dismiss the Boricua beauties, resist it. Puerto Rico can surprise, stun and disappoint even the strongest of the front-runners. It has not lost it touch in the world of pageantry and this year proves to be one of the turning points for the nation.
Chinese lessons with Dorothy Wang
Bollywood actresses , Indian Models and Indian Beauty Pageant Misses....most of them subscribe to plastic surgery........
What is CoolSculpting?
❄Coolsculpting - is FDA approved, NON-SURGICAL way of BODY CONTOURING, That Freezes the FAT cells away without damaging the skin and other tissues.
If you had any doubt of plastic surgery making a difference....having someone pay for your surgery and taking you to a top top surgeon will do this.....
la nueva tendencia 'healthy' de 2017: dormir
Sorry but this is reality .........like it or not
If you know me you know that I only read non-fiction books as a obsessed reader
I devour books....through the years there are some a mix of non-fiction and fictions= books that I have read lately...
here a ten of them....
1. The Secret History -Donna Tartt
2. The Goldfinch -Donna Tartt
3. Madame Bovary -Gustave Flaubert
4. Sukkwan Island -David Vann
5. Jane, le renard et moi -Isabelle Arsenault and Fanny Britt
6. The picture of Dorian Grey -Oscar Wilde
7. Wuthering Heights -Emily Bronte
8. Rien ne s’oppose à la nuit -Delphine de Vigan
9. Persepolis -Marjane Satrapi
10. La ferme des animaux -George Orwell
I got this sms today....and is so nice......
“اشتقت لك”
"I love it when you hug someone and they smell amazing."
O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst!
O lieb, so lang du lieben magst!
Die Stunde kommt, die Stunde kommt,
wo du an Gräbern stehst und klagst!
Meta Seinemeyer "O lieb' so lang du lieben kannst" Liszt
gummy bear breasts implants


- Thinking about books
- Reading books
- Talking about books
- Looking at books
1. Private Is Better Than Commercial

2. Shop With No One Else In The Store

in latin instead of saying “i love you” you don’t say anything because it’s a dead language. nothing. i think that’s beautiful
You have a family of billionaires. They have entertained. They know the politics of mixing the tables. They know that chicken keeps its heat and steak doesn't. They're going to bring a skill set that may surprise people.
And if you pay attention it will be nice to have a first lady that always smiles instead
of one despite the luxury trappings of the White House that most of the time has a scowl in her face
of one despite the luxury trappings of the White House that most of the time has a scowl in her face
Beauty is very important for
us, otherwise we would not
try to find it with all strength,
to reflect it, to observe it. Beauty
can exist in everything. In objects,
in nature, in a gesture or a mentality.

what is wrong with this pic? plastic and posture....plastic bottles never and posture must always be more correct....even super models miss at times..

Coco Chanel believed that women’s knees are extremely ugly

Elegance never fades...........last night I watched for the umpteenth time the film
Roman Holiday, if you have not than you must........
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Priscila Perales Elizondo one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people
some of my favorite things, places, people
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

The Czarina is looking amazing in this neutral look for her collaboration
with Michael Kors for Destination Kors. The camel colour is soft,
while her red lips pulls together this chic camel look.

For the Destination Kors photo-shoot Miroslav duma choose signature
pieces from the collection – a neutral palette mostly focusing in on a
sandy beige tone that we see throughout, with very classic tailoring.
“I love the American style. Michael Kors is very feminine and playful
but also very classic. I can say with confidence that the designer
loves women because in his clothes, they feel confident, beautiful and sexy,” -Mira
pieces from the collection – a neutral palette mostly focusing in on a
sandy beige tone that we see throughout, with very classic tailoring.
“I love the American style. Michael Kors is very feminine and playful
but also very classic. I can say with confidence that the designer
loves women because in his clothes, they feel confident, beautiful and sexy,” -Mira

Miroslava Duma On Style:
“Honestly, I do not have a clearly defined style, I’m always
experimenting. Because I work in the fashion industry I get to play with
fashion a lot.
I learn new things in this fashion world everyday,
so I always want to try everything,”

Le genre de photos qu'on fait quand on va à Oxford
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
. From 🍴🍷Fancy Fine Dining ......... To 🍜🍹Humble Street Food, This Delicious Places Always Keep Hongkongers & Tourists In HK Satisfied & Coming Back For More!!! ......... 📍"Tsui Wah" 翠華茶餐廳 ; G/F-1/F, 2 Carnarvon Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HK .........

a little take on Japan-日本,

The Japanese make heavy use of foreign loan words, usually borrowed from English, but since Japanese grammar differs from other languages, something is needed to "bridge" the two...and conveniently, there are two such grammatical aids built right into Japanese. The first is the particle na which allows an adjective to be plugged into a Japanese sentence without breaking any rules, and you can hear phrases like surimu na onna (a slim, slender woman), hansamu na otoko (a handsome man), and torendii na dorama (the latest trendy drama on television).

One of my favorite procedures.....had it done many moons ago before it was stylish
Buccal Fat Pad Removal
Buccal Fat removal is one of the first surgeries that actresses and models are subjected to. It is an easy, fast and with little risk intervention, and offers a very natural result. A well made Bichectomy embellishes the face without having to go through a complicated procedure. It's like going to the dentist (if the doctor is good).
¿Para quién está recomendada esta operación?-Para personas delgadas cuyo rostro no se corresponda con la fisionomía o genética de su cuerpo.
-For Thin people whose face does not correspond to genetic physiognomy or your body.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
The biggest sponsor of the Tidbits is American Apparel
American Apparel, best known for its "Made in the USA" slogan, says it's the largest clothing manufacturer in North America. With 4,500 workers employed, it also calls itself the "largest sewing facility in North America."
So by acquiring American Apparel, Amazon could save thousands of US manufacturing jobs and win Trump's support
Nili Lotan’s clothes have been on my radar for a few years, but I became a diehard fan after I spotted Kendall Conrad in the perfect sheath at a wedding last spring. I didn’t know much about the designer herself until I came across this piece on W. Pictures of Lotan’s Pre-Fall collection are on my inspiration board.
Datemi la seconda stagione di The Crown.
O ridatemi la Queen Elizabeth di nuovo a messa.
O ridatemi la Queen Elizabeth di nuovo a messa.
Smile more often, your smile fits you
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Miss Malaysia Gown
I love it
In Lee, Lee Radziwill's new book, you can get an intimate glimpse into the life of one of the most famous style icons of the 20th century. Radziwill, the sister of Jackie Kennedy, married a prince, traveled the world, and was friends with some of the most iconic figures of the past century. Radziwill is usually you fiercely private, but in her book she shares personal pictures, letters and anecdotes about the people and places That shaped her life. Lee ($ 50, assouline.com) is a follow-up to her first tome Happy Times, and we are hoping Already for a third book. The woman who was muse to Truman Capote, Rudolf Nureyev and Giorgio Armani (her decades-long friendship with him was detailed in our November issue) Likely has many more stories to share.
Uniqlo, el 'Zara japonés'
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
“verklempt [Yiddish for choked up with emotion]” by this film.
An amazing shot from Ben Gurion Airport. Imagine arriving in Israel and this is the first thing you see….
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777