
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777 - JG 44

Eat Kosher!!!!!!You will live longer!!!

Israel and all who stand with her stand together, hand in hand
Yad B'Yad - Hand in Hand 

she really outdid herself

 Johnny Tillotson-Poetry In Motion

wallahi I do
I swear that is what I do all day long... And it really works! Asi pienso siempre y funciona de maravilla.. ☀️

Hebrew, French, Spanish, ITalian, Japanese, Portuguese,Arabic,English,Latin, Tagalog.... long dark big hair, long walks on a beach, diamonds, high heels, red lips, tennis player, big dreams & expensive taste. Romance.....

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

THANKS Ithe last few days you visited me from...the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai
Italy, UK, USA, Serbia, Argentina, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Austria, Canada, India, Australia, Japan, Brasil, Turkey, Philippines, Greece, France, Denmark, Russia, Sweden, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Malta, Jordan, Poland, Georgia, Estonia, Belgium, China, Hungary, Perù, Macedonia, Israel, Indonesia, Taiwan, Mauritius, Croatia,Venezuela, Mexico, Malta, Ireland, UAE, Belarus, Chile, Ukraine, Gibraltar, Libia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Portugal, Bahamas, Libya, Syria, Adzerbajan, Maldives, Mongolia...and now.. French Polynesia,, South Africa, Algeria, South Korea, Singapore, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Isle of Man,Vietnam, Romania, Lebanon, Lithuania, Latvia, Thailand, Iran, Trinidad and Tobago, Slovakia,, Malaysia, Tunisia, New Zealand, Kuwait, Angola, Dominica, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Iceland, Puerto Rico, Norway, Monaco, Egypt, Bangladesh,Hong Kong, Paraguay, Qatar, Norway, Moldova, Colombia,Luxembourg, Morocco, Guatemala, Bahrain, Nepal, Bulgaria,Malawi, New Caledonia...Sydney and many more........

not because I have beautiful Russian Friends(smiles)...but  I always thought the National Anthem of Russia is beautiful.................
and to a dear dear friend that i think about her every day...............



i want…..a vast collection of lingerie

Chelating.... Removing poisons from my body....
It is a good thing... We all have poisonous metals and chemicals that need to come out of your body as they destroy our organs slowly but surely... I want to keep being healthy, I am preventing cancer or Alzheimer. You should all learn about it. Test yourself and if you are toxic then chelate! A long healthy and happy life is the ultimate goal isn't it?

Thanks for the message.........
"I Love sweets 🍩 and you" 😘

Apple sold its billionth iPhone

Diez años y diez iPhones después
Ten years and Ten iPhones after

Steve Jobs iPhone 2007 Presentation

gummy bear breasts implants


In The Chinese spiritual cosmos there is one deity that stands above the rest. She is Buddhist, Taoist and part of the Chinese folk religion all at once. She is the most easily recognisable goddess, found in almost every Chinese temple in the world. In Hong Kong, she is known as "觀音" , "观音" , "觀世音" , "观世音" , "Guanyin" , "Guan Yin" or "Kwun Yam" [Goddess of Mercy] ...... is the comforter and listens to those in distress, the sick and the frightened. 

What has literature taught me about love? Literature (along with experience) has taught me that love means different things at different points in our lives, and that often as we get older we gravitate toward the quieter, kinder plotlines, and find them to be richer than we had originally understood them to be.

and I have mentioned that in certain elements of our society plastic surgery is consiered
a matter of pride and not ashamed to show it in public..........

It's very different being a beauty queen to being a model. A model is selling what they're wearing, a beauty queen is selling herself. It can get very personal

It used to be a woman's darkest secret. But now plastic surgery has become a status symbol - and even something to brag about.
Not long ago, surgeons agreed that the Holy Grail of cosmetic surgery was discretion and helping clients "get away with it".

Sure, we go to museums for the cultural stimulation and to appreciate the art, but have you ever had a more emotional reaction to a piece? It’s a difficult moment to explain or even understand and some people say looking at art can give you the same satisfaction as falling in love.

I got this message to test my Russian....I am learning.......
А у нас опять зима началась....

no one should go through life and not read this!!!!!

remember when you go to Starbucks tell them....."no plastic only porcelain or crystal glass"

‎" خيره “ is the only word that makes everything feels better

A Sartorial Temple......the best dress jackets and Men's dress suits in the world........
Brioni Flagship Store, Milano via Gesù 4

Il negozio è ospitato in un edificio di quattro piani in Via Gesù 4, a pochi passi da Via Montenapoleone, all’interno del celebre quadrilatero della moda milanese. L’edificio, già storica sede della sartoria e degli uffici Brioni, ha subito una radicale ristrutturazione....and yes, it is in front of one of my favorite hotels in the world....the
Four Seasons Milano

Eddie Cochran - Three Steps To Heaven
Now there are three steps to heaven (three steps to heaven, three steps to heaven)
Just listen and you will plainly see (three steps to heaven, three steps to heaven)
And as life travels on
And things do go wrong
Just follow steps one, two and three (three steps to heaven, three steps to heaven)

Step one, you find a girl you love
Step two, she falls in love with you
Step three, you kiss and hold her tightly

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Chalita Suansane one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people

Seven things Karl Lagerfeld doesn’t like

Should you ever have the pleasure of his company
Heads up, no selfies.  
Opinions, unless asked… “There are not too many people with an opinion I care for.”
Particularly, men’s opinions on fashion... “I’m not crazy to discuss fashion with men. I couldn’t care less about their opinion.”
Stress…“I don’t believe in it. It’s a job, one should not become hysterical.”
The past…“This is one of the sicknesses of our period, to look back. No, forget about it. Fashion is now and tomorrow. Who cares about the past?”
On that note, retrospectives and archives…
“In Germany, they made a huge exhibition of everything I did, Fendi, Chanel, Lagerfeld, Chloé and all that. I’m not even going to the show. I don’t care… I don’t even have archives, myself. I keep nothing…Lots of my colleagues, they have archives, they look at their dresses like they were Rembrandts!”
The word ‘artist’…“I’m a designer, I do photos, I do books, I’m a publisher, but I don’t have the self-proclaimed label “artist.” I hate that. Very pretentious. If other people say it, it’s very flattering, but if you start to say it yourself, you better forget about it.”

“I don’t do selfies. But other people do, and they all want to do selfies with me. No, no, no. Thank God, Sébastien, my assistant, he’s mean to the people in the street, mean and rude. I’m a nice person.”

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free



Claire Courtin-Clarins - Etam Fashion Show - Arrivals - S/S 2012 Collection Launch

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........


a little take on Japan-日本,

Riyo Mori (森 理世 Mori Riyo\)

One aspect of the Japanese I'm a fan of, is their humility, the general tendency to be self-effacing and avoid boastfulness when dealing with others. This humility takes many forms, for example most Japanese will vehemently deny a compliment paid to them, or may deflect the compliment back to you with the phrase おかげさまで okage-sama de, which literally means "it's all thanks to you,"said even if you just met the person in question and they had nothing to do with helping you attain whatever skill or ability you've just been praised for.


I do not want to rain on anyone's parade but after you are thirty years of age you should no longer buy the expensive beauty creams that are over the counter ie in fancy stores: Bergdorf, Saks, Barneys just to name a few.....you need to get them from Doctors(plastic surgeons) or Dermatologists who specialise in beauty and are licensed to give you stronger creams and potions.
However this products are very good for over the counter.......

"The Beta-Lift Peel"
Moderate medium-depth peels result in a temporary all-over peeling with deeper pink tone to your skin for several days to a week. These peels are more effective on moderate wrinkles, precancerous skin growths and more problematic pigmentation. Mostly used on the face,medium peels are typically TCA peels.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

This is the most stunning Dior couture she has ever worn, such a shame we cant see the whole dress on her. 

Killer heels, I love it!

Image may contain: 2 people, people on stage, people standing and concert
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing




We can't wait

Marquinha Do Biquíni Fique Perfeita E Uniforme: Esparadrapo Ou Fita Isolante

The Russian rat pack has a new appendage: Nasiba Adilova. Or is she an old appendage? 



Colombia's brewing redemption at Miss Universe through their representative, Andrea Tovar. Your thoughts?

Stop Saying Trump’s Win Had Nothing To Do With Economics

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

On all kinds of levels from the trivial to the significant ,CHINA is positioning itself to outstrip everyone regionally and globally!!!!!

"Ballet is the new Pilates !" C’est, en tout cas, ce qu’affirment ces tops qui ne jurent plus que par la danse classique pour conserver une silhouette bien profilée. 


Edward Bess X colette

Eau de parfum "In a Scent"

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

red, black and Chanel..........

What a difference 80 years makes.
THEN & NOW: Tonight, the Brandenburg gate in Berlin stands in solidarity with Israel following yesterdays tragic terror attack.
Thank you Germany.

Masada will never fall again

As JEWS.....We have only one country........Israel

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777

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