Happy September

The 101 freeway dropping down from Cahuenga Pass into Hollywood and heading towards Downtown Los Angeles, from Mulholland Drive
A blessed and good week to All
Shavua Tov
שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov
שבוע טוב
Namaste right here 😉🙏🏼
Oyendo letras de folk... leyendo un libro de amor
Listening to folk lyrics ... reading a love book
The cast list for the ever-popular Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is officially here, and it's making history as the most racially diverse lineup in the company's history. Close to 50% of the models walking in the show are black, Asian or Hispanic (at least 25 are POC). For comparison, 30% of last year's lineup were POC models.
A tutte le principesse che non hanno dimenticato come si fa, a correre.
To all princesses who have not forgotten how to do, to run.
I want to live in this state of Bliss...........
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
You make my heart go like طربق طربق
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you
too. ..JG
Boker Tov Olam – בוקר טוב עול
In BH this is the view upon awakening...it sends me...the Hills....the Palms...
the cool weather......
And this is the view coming down from the Hills for my two hour daily walk.....
And afterwards.....my healthy breakfast.......
Two hours of daily walking produce this natural results..
Beauty is only skin deep
" Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time. "(unless you find the fountain of youth or make a pact like Dorian Gray)

Botox usually lasts for 4 months in females, and for 3 months in males? The difference is due to men having bigger muscles, which metabolize the Botox more quickly.
Meet! ALEXANYAN Tigran Albertovich.....The doctor with diamond hands, and women are not afraid to entrust their deficiencies to correct!
Discover Twilly d'Hermès at Hermes.com
my sister ML subscribes to my
no plastic only crystal bottle....crystal glasses and porcelain cups.........
I find leopard print underwear sexy and chic......do you?
TCM Remembers -- Jerry Lewis (1926-2017)
gummy bear breast implants
"read more books.
watch more films.
write more honestly.
learn more languages.
study more greats.
listen more closely.
think more freely."
I love when you read a book and you become so emotionally invested in it, and when you walk around public places after reading it you feel like you’re in this bubble by yourself, like you’re so deeply inside your mind you’re actually out of touch with reality
Tom Jones sang : "She's got style.....she's got grace- she's a winner.".....
La vita è quella cosa che fai prima a impegnarti per renderla straordinaria - o almeno non ordinaria - invece di lamentarti di tutto.
Japanese are famous for saying ah, so (short for ah, so desu ka? or "oh, is that so?"), and they really do say it a lot. I sometimes blurt inadvertently ah and cannot help it.
Do people still do this??? hold hands in such a nice way.......??????
Or this is an exception????
When a girl uses LOL in a text. It usually means she's easily impressed....And most likely still not know what is the know.
si tu me dices ven
lo dejo todo
si tu me dices ven
sera todo para ti
mis momentos mas ocultos
tambien te dares
mi secretos que son tan pocos
seran tuyos tambien
si tu me dicen ven
todo cambiara
si tu me dices ven
habra felicidad
si tu me dices ven...si tu me dices ven
lo dejo todo
si tu me dices ven
sera todo para ti
mis momentos mas ocultos
tambien te dares
mi secretos que son tan pocos
seran tuyos tambien
si tu me dicen ven
todo cambiara
si tu me dices ven
habra felicidad
si tu me dices ven...si tu me dices ven
no detengas el momento por las indecisiones
para unir alma con alma...corazon con corazon
reir contigo aunque cualquier dolor...
llorar contigo....llorar contigo sera mi salavacion
para unir alma con alma...corazon con corazon
reir contigo aunque cualquier dolor...
llorar contigo....llorar contigo sera mi salavacion
pero si tu me dices ven
lo dejo todo
que no.....tarde...y te encuentres en la calle
perdida...sin rumbo y en el lodo
si tu me dices ven..lo dejo todo
lo dejo todo
que no.....tarde...y te encuentres en la calle
perdida...sin rumbo y en el lodo
si tu me dices ven..lo dejo todo
bieeenn...zacarias ferrerias
been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Alejandra Guilmant one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka......Babushka Chic.


Des collines d'Hollywood aux plages de Santa Monica en passant par le quartier de Downtown, peuplé de grattes-ciels, Los Angeles s'étend à l'infini. Vivier de stars, temple du healthy, cet éden californien fascine. Voici six pistes pour commencer à apprivoiser la cité des anges.
Polina is so chic and cool....................

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

learning Japanese isn't fundamentally harder than any other language, some areas seem difficult for foreigners, like the way Japanese people write kanji for each other by drawing the character in the air -- my brain just isn't equipped to process invisible finger strokes like that. Also, the Japanese like to attach sounds to numbers, for example 084 becomes ohayo (good morning), 3476 is sayonara (goodbye) and 39 is san-kyu (thank you).
This is my favorite procedure provided is done with an artist with a scalpel, otherwise you will look like you came out of a wind tunnel
Shelf life: 10 to 15 years
Days hiding out at home: 5 to 7
Cost: $11,000 to $100,000
Post-op pain factor (on a scale of 1 to 10): 5
Shelf life: 10 to 15 years
Days hiding out at home: 5 to 7
Cost: $11,000 to $100,000
Post-op pain factor (on a scale of 1 to 10): 5
La colazione pugliese.
Slouchy boots look fresh to my eye, A denim piece in an untraditional cut, Céline Alphabet Pendant, and maybe, a beautiful print—the print trend certainly has had staying power the past few seasons.
Shadows of gray
Sulla sacralità dell'ora della merenda.
On the sacredness of the hour of the snack.
and this is product placement too but I get payed big time for doing it(smiles)........
American Apparel made in downtown Los Angeles......sweatshop free........
Colombia vs Brasil vs Venezuela
September 3 1944 -- 73 years ago today -- The last transport from Westerbrok in occupied Netherlands took Anne Frank & her family to Auschwitz.
We will not forget.

Linoy Ashram becomes first-ever Israeli to win bronze medal at world rhythmic gymnastics championships.
Mazal tov!
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777