Chrome on Windows
Palm Island, Miami Beach Florida
account @Goldstein2323.
This is how i started the 24 hours of staying awake for my Birthday .........
I've used this movie, especially this scene, to determine whether a woman is the right one for me. A few seemed nonplussed by this scene, while a few were moved to tears.The ones crying had a soul or sensibility that was simpatico with mine ...
Cinema Paradiso è l'anima del cinema italiano. stupendo film che fa commuovere. e poi c'è il grande maestro Ennio Morricone. Oscar meritato
שבוע טוב
Shavua tov. Wishing you all a great week.
ברוך אתה ה '
Blessed are You, Eternal One our G-d, Sovereign of the Universe, who did not make me a Gentile.
The Jewish Princess started the week off in splendor 🌞
California Dreaming
Watashi wa anata o aishite
"i love you"
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
Una mujer inteligente no pierde su tiempo en envenenar su corazón. La mujer inteligente DISFRUTA, VIVE, AMA y es FELIZ. Ella sabe lo que tiene, lo que quiere, lo que vale y lo que puede hacer sentir. . .
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too.
It's my Birthday......tell me something I do not know....surprise me.....
and lest not forget that the Jewish Princess shares the same bday as amazing is that....the 24 hours I stayed up was so great.....this year I did not even feel it as it went by was filled with receiving great messages, lots of phone calls....lots of best wishes....lots of shopping(Bal Harbour Shops)...nice meal at Graziano's.....una tarta de chocolate fenomenal....quality time with family....noir films....and I received gifts that were both luxurious but also simple ones that mean the same....nice kisses too(smiles)....I hope G-d allows me the same next year......
and btw as soon as the clock hit November 11 even Google got in the act...
Que mis ojos se despierten
Con la luz de tu mirada yo
A Dios le pido
Que mi madre no se muera
Y que mi padre me recuerde
A Dios le pido
Con la luz de tu mirada yo
A Dios le pido
Que mi madre no se muera
Y que mi padre me recuerde
A Dios le pido
Yes, it is my Birthday someone close to me sent this to is trying to see
if I have a sense of humor....and you know, that i do......
if I have a sense of humor....and you know, that i do......
Yes, Fabulous, any better would be a sin
I have a friend that likes midnight swims and always comes by and makes herself at home.....
Whether they have designed clothes, written poetry, composed operas, built public squares, painted for popes, hewn marble, or sailed the fathomless seas, many Italians of genius have placed a premium on achieving an appearance of effortless mastery, or sprezzatura, that is attained only by costly, concentrated effort and unremitting labor. 'In the end,' says Giorgio Armani, 'the most difficult thing to do is the simplest thing.'"
Sprezzatura [nonchalance], so as to conceal all art and make whatever is done or saidappear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it."

strawberries all day....all night....all year......if you don't know than you don't know
and every once in awhile with chocolate.........
I mentioned this before about the many Russians moving to Sunny the point it is called little Moscow....and this is one of the friends I mention about before that walks with me occasionally....she is at one of my favorite places.....Bal Harbour shops...and I took this pic with my iPhone .............
In the KSA they say same this case is same same they both went to the same breast implant Doctor.......
If you have a trained eye...the size...the shape and the millimeters are same same......
Jennifer Lopez - Amor, Amor, Amor (Official Video) ft. Wisin
If there is anything sacred amidst all the profanity and excess of Wall Street, it is the partner title at Goldman Sachs. The financial world’s closest thing to sainthood,Goldman partnership has been described as “the pinnacle of Wall Street,” a position somewhere between the mafia’s “made man” and a rabbi.
La plus belle relation (en tout genre) jamais eu ? Des relations d’amitié perpétuées au fil des ans par certaines de mes amies: elles font partie des rares personnes auxquelles je fais confiance. Il y en aurait bien une autre, mais je la garderai secrète ici.
I can’t hold it in …I KNOW Signora Prada!(Because if you’re in the know, then you KNOW, that that’s how you must refer to her… and well, I am in in the know).
Hebrew and Yiddish term for a non-Jewish person; synonymous with "gentile."Usually neutral, despite persistent untrue rumors that it is derogatory. It should only be considered offensive when it is used in a context indicating that it's intended as an insult, or said in a tone of disgust- much like the word "Jew." Plural, "goyim"; adjective forms "goyish," "goyishe," "goyisher."
Beauty is about Uniqueness

Luxury most be comfortable otherwise it is not Luxury.
my beautiful addiction

❝ You are mysterious, I love you. You’re beautiful, intelligent, and virtuous, and that’s the rarest known combination. ❞ and I mean the Rolls Royce(smiles)
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Nashaira Balentien one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


6 style tips for dressing like an off-duty Victoria's Secret Angel
This is the formula you need to follow if you want to elevate your wardrobe to Victoria's Secret Angel status
1. Always add a splash of denim
2. Statement Trousers
3. Sport Chic
4. Add A Pop Of Print
5. All-Black
6. Smart Tailoring
Elena Perminova - Super cozy autumn look

Elena Perminova - Super cozy autumn look

Claire Courtin-Clarins, in Reed Krakof

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
a little take on Japan-日本,

Gekkou」 鬼束ちひろ「月光」- Moonlight
Need that extra boost without the straps?
The first American woman to win the New York City Marathon in 40 years described her victory as a "pinch me" moment. Shalane Flanagan, 36, a four-time Olympian, opened up about winning Sunday.
In Vest
Create Your New iPhone X Wallpaper With Notcho
In its secondary meaning, Hebrew mitzvah, as with English "commandment", refers to a moral deed performed within a religious duty. ... The tertiary meaning of mitzvahalso refers to the fulfillment of a mitzvah.
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778