
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778 - JG 48

Chrome on Windows
Location *
Palm Island, (Miami Beach), Florida
account @ Goldstein2323.

glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning. daring ....

Always present in my daily life-Louis Vuitton items, iPhones, iPads, Cartier Bubinga glasses and Seguranças

שבת שלום חברים יקרים

“There are no better moments than the ones you share with your family. Shabbat Shalom 

“Coffee” - 9 shekel
“Coffee please” - 8 shekel
“Good Morning, may I please have some coffee” - 7 shekel

Bungalow 10, if you don't know you don't know 💕🌴


(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)

Be grateful that Hashem ﷻ blessed you with things you did not even ask for.

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too.
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more.

This observation might not be understood by many but it makes sense....here are my thoughts:
I have mentioned this about Miami Beach....if someone dropped you off in MB and did not tell you where you were you would think you are not in USA.....Spanish dominates this city....and yes, English and Creole were the other languages up to the last two years but now-specially around Bal Harbour, Sunny Isles and Aventura....the domination of Spanish is there but now  Brasilian Portugese and Russian are very present.
My favorite place in MB is  the Bal Harbour Shops and you cannot go more than a minute without hearing Brasilian Portugese and Russian....and again, here too, Spanish dominates....so, I rest my case

We have a New Ambassador

Revlon has announced that Gal Gadot is the new woman ambassador

Brickell Key in Miami.........yes, of course

I wonder who thought about me today.....anybody else???(smiles)

Which former/recent Miss Universe candidate who has short hair you like most???
Switzerland? Jamaica? China? or Vietnam???

Weddings are a big deal simply by concept (two people agreeing to be together “til death do us part”). Throw in a white gown, many glasses of champagne, and a night dancing until dawn, and it’s an even bigger deal.
Unfortunately very few pass the test of time 

in honor of my late Paris born father....he so admired Napoleon
Vive l'empereur, vive le Napoleon de française

gummy bear breast implants


Mélancolie : Signe de distinction du cœur et d'élévation de l'esprit.

“ The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - that you’d thought special, particular to you. And here it is, set down by someone else, a person you’ve never met, maybe even someone long dead. And it’s as if a hand has come out, and taken yours. ”

"Once you have tasted caviar, it baffles me how people settle for catfish" 

"La morte non vuole gli stupidi diceva Chekhov (Death does not want the stupid"),Chekhov once said!!!

If MbS has his way this will no longer be necessary (the veil) in the Kingdom....and he has
put a checkmate on the المطوعين muṭawwiʿīn

you keep to yourself wayed, you like to stay away from the crowd and the noise, if someone doesn't know u well 3abal’hom wayed arrogant w self centered bes kilish la2, ur a good listener with your very honest also ma t7b tjra7 a7ad b a9ghar ilashya2, even a simple word!

Seattle’s Sephardi Jews Brought Us Starbucks

so if you hate Jews or Israel do not go there(smiles)
Howard Schultz founder and CEO of Starbucks..........

Indiferencia (sentimiento), un sentimiento o postura hacia algo o alguien caracterizado por no ser ni positivo ni negativo, intermedio entre el desprecio y el aprecio; y relacionado con la apatía.
y muchas mujeres prefieren esto.....

Been there done that

no thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Neelam Gill one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people



The hat make this pic more chic........

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

One thing everyone knows about the Japanese people is that they use chopsticks to eat with. It's true: except for certain Western foods like spaghetti or curry rice, the Japanese eat most every meal with chopsticks, and they're so ubiquitous here no one gives them a second thought. Children learn to use chopsticks around the age of three, often using training chopsticks to get started, and the first real peer pressure a child will experience is having to eat in front of the other children at preschool, with the fear of embarrassment if they're behind the other kids at chopstick skill. 
and I still get an occasional お箸が上手 ohashi ga jozu ("you use chopsticks very well") 


There are so many procedures than can change your face and body
it all depends on what you think looks best for you but too much is not



I mean, this song is on point for a good make out session or what? ;)

Thank you, Paula, for the heads up on this adorable Hermès video! Wouldn’t it be great if hats really made a comeback?

Is this aesthetically pleasing to the eye?

Para mí no hay nada más atractivo que una melena limpia, suelta y perfumada. Pero mantener el olor a limpio del cabello no es tan fácil. Con la polución, los hábitos de la vida cotidiana  el cabello puede perder el aroma del champú aunque esté recién lavado. Los champús de gama alta suelen tener un aroma intenso y característico que dura varios días, y ése es uno de los motivos por los que prefiero ese tipo de productos. Las empresas saben que el olor del cabello es muy importante y por eso trabajan las formulaciones para ofrecer fragancias especiales y duraderas.
To me there is nothing more attractive than a clean, loose and perfumed hair. But keeping the hair cleanand smelling great is not so easy. With pollution, everyday habits can lose the hair shampoo scent though it is newly washed. High-end shampoos usually have an intense and characteristic aroma that lasts several days, and that's one of the reasons why I prefer such products. Companies know that the smell of hair is very important and therefore work formulations offer special and lasting fragrances.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

👑 4 women and the same country 🇨🇴

Dayanara Torres

Looks Tami Store

שיר מדהים אהבתי

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778

Miscellaneous Tidbits 5785 OVER ONE BILLION PAGE VIEWS

  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...