Chrome on Windows
Location *
Palm Island, (Miami Beach), Florida
account @ Goldstein2323.
glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. Dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. charming. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. exquisite. stunning. daring ....
Thank you President Donald Trump..........
Rosh Chodesh marks the new moon and, with it, the beginning of a new Jewish month. For the month of Shevat, which started last night.
If you doubt the existence of Israel....of JEWS just read the Bible for it will tell you so.....
telling yourself “i have more money than i need” is the most freeing thing ever
One Hyde Park, 100 Knightsbridge, London. SW1 of my favorite places in the world..........and theacquisition of a property in One Hyde Park even more so....
An avid follower of the Tidbits.....Best of the Best to you
Happy Birthday Paulina Vega Dieppa

¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Croqueta
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
When someone speaks of you negatively, be flattered. To be in someone’s mind is to have power over them.
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too.
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more.
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too.
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more.
J’ai arrêté de dire au revoir quand je m’éclipse d’une fête. Oui, ça peut paraître malpoli, mais au fond, je trouve ça bien plus respectueux.
Everybody knows that Miami Beach is a glamour capital of the world. Few destinations rival South Beach or SOBE for glitz, ritz, and fun. Between the fancy hotels like the Delano and the Fontainebleau, fine dining, and balmy weather year-round, Miami Beach rivals any place in the world for fun and sun. What few people may know however is that Miami Beach cosmetic surgeons are among the most famous and accomplished in the world.
Blonde Espresso from Starbucks is my new favorite......and yes, in a crystal
cup no plastic cup for moi...........
Blonde Espresso is a sweeter, gentler flavor
at the beach on a hot para bebés y infantes pero las pijas juran por este olor....
me too....y on your hair........WOW
and to impress someone on a cool Southern California night......
And if you are fortunate to be able to have, buy or covet this scent you will definetely
standout........this is Oh là là
Kawaii (かわいい [kaw͍ai.i], Means, "lovable", "cute", or "adorable") is the quality of cuteness in the context of Japanese culture. It has become a prominent aspect of Japanese popular culture, entertainment, clothing, food, toys, personal appearance, behavior, and mannerisms.The noun is Kawaisa (可愛さ) (literally, "lovability", "cuteness" or "adorableness").
mori-chan -sekushii look.....
I like a conversation with substance, A conversation that shows intellect, Powerful thought and knowledge. But if you cannot give me that, Or you do not at least show a bit of effort, There’s no need to waste mine or your time. Especially.
“Vanity is but the surface” (Vincent Van Gogh) “We have no patience with other people’s vanity because it is offensive to our own” (Francois De La Rochefoucauld) “Without vanity, without coquetry, without curiosity, in a word, without the fall, woman would not be woman. Much of her grace is in her frailty” (Victor Hugo) “I have come to have the firm conviction that vanity is the basis of everything, and finally that what one calls conscience

وكلام ال ...

As Netanyahu might say, come on people, don't be Italian (bella figura)
Il mio tessuto preferito? Shatoosh...My Favorite cloth material,,Shatoosh
La justification idéologique ne passe plus par les rapports sociaux. Aussi, la science et la technique ne touche pas aux rapports de classes, elles conditionnent entièrement nos conditions d’existence. Ainsi, elles nous détourne de la société et des conditions humaines
Y te diera flores, vida mía
Pa vestir tu cuerpo, noche y día
Y un collar de arenas, reina mía
Que adorne tu cuello, noche y día
Y te diera amores, vida mía
Para estar contigo, noche y día
Y la luz más clara, vida mía
Reina de mi reino, noche y día
gummy bear breast implants

ELEGANCE comes from being as beautiful inside as outside. When you are elegant, you can basically wear anything that is revealing and still look classy.
and by the way, as I have mentioned here before the fit or fat routine, meaning the long walks make your body slim like and no muscle bound body which I is the proof
Consider the diamond. On the one hand, it is the sum of all the finest things in life -nature, beauty, purity, and glamour. Per cubic inch, it is the most valuable asset you can hold in your hand, a teeny-tiny crumb of wealth. It is the noble face of money,
A diamond is the most portable asset there is. You can hide a 10-carat diamond that's worth over a million dollars in the palm of your hand.
La beauté physique, comme tout le reste, c’est toujours cette bonne vieille histoire du verre à moitié plein/vide : il suffit de se concentrer sur le positif pour éliminer le négatif.
Japan is the most polite country in the world, where society's "golden rule" is to never cause 迷惑 meiwaku (inconvenience, trouble) to others...
A must place to visit if you have deep pockets of $$$$$ i n Monaco...........but the Principality is passé:
"The jeweler of kings and the king of jewelers"
and it might look excessive but I pull it off....non(smiles)
L’amore è una cosa semplice. Proprio come canta Tiziano
Datemi torto.
Se potete e se volete.
Datemi torto.
Se potete e se volete.
Yaritza Miguelina Reyes Ramírez one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


‘They want the body and they want the hair’: Inside the Victoria’s Secret effect
BRAS, knickers, angel wings and a six-figure payday ... Victoria’s Secret is a huge empire.
The models have a collective annual income of more than $50 million, according to Forbes, and their influence — on and off the catwalk — isn’t just contained to driving sales of push-up bras and G-strings.
Demand for volume-boosting “Victoria’s Secret hair” has more than doubled in the lead up to next month’s runway show, according to leading Australian beauty experts.
‘They want the body and they want the hair’: Inside the Victoria’s Secret effect
BRAS, knickers, angel wings and a six-figure payday ... Victoria’s Secret is a huge empire.
The models have a collective annual income of more than $50 million, according to Forbes, and their influence — on and off the catwalk — isn’t just contained to driving sales of push-up bras and G-strings.
Demand for volume-boosting “Victoria’s Secret hair” has more than doubled in the lead up to next month’s runway show, according to leading Australian beauty experts.


The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

LADY LEE & 👦🏻PEEPY ❤️❤️❤️❤️

a little take on Japan-日本,

One theme I write a lot about is how there's exactly one "correct" way to do things in Japan -- a correct way for students to sit at their desk while in school, a specific stroke order that every kanji character must be written in, and so on. There's even exactly one "correct" way to hold chopsticks
A symbol of the Japanese approach to how to do things can be seen in the marks they make on paper when counting objects. While most Westerners count by drawing sets of five "chicken scratch" lines, the Japanese draw the five-stroke character for honesty and correctness, which is 正 tadashii.
if you follow Middle East Nancy Arjram, Haifa Wehbe or Elissa it is quite obvious that they have had work done....extensive is what I mean.
Haifa Wehbe
Haifa Wehbe
Elissa Her name is Elissa, a very famous singer from Lebanon. People started to know her when she appeared on a duet with super star Lebanese singer, Ragheb Alama, in 2000 – according to Elissa, she was already reached fame before appearing on that white linen video clip.
And all three singers went to the same plastic surgeon...

Katy Jurado
Did You Get The Red Boot Memo?
Cuando nace una Miss Universe, el destino le señala el camino.
Paulina Vega Dieppa
Paulina Vega Dieppa
Mario Conde, a close business associate and friend, bought Agent Provocateur awhile back and is making a tidy profit for himself and associates......
Que creen? Rubia o brunette? 😬 .
First Hotpicks for Bb. Pilipinas 2018! Who's do you think will be this year's..
-Bb. Pilipinas Globe
-Bb. Pilipinas Grand International
-Bb. Pilipinas Intercontinental
-Bb. Pilipinas Supranational
-Bb. Pilipinas International
-Bb. Pilipinas Universe
American-Latinas are strongly favored to win Miss USA 2018!
Which one is your favorite?
Which one is your favorite?
I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night.
Isaiah 62: 6
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778