
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 151

the smell is wow.........

Saturday, Turner Classic Movies had a 24 hour marathon of Humphrey Bogart movies....
and there is nothing better......and this song from the film is divine......

Isn't It Romantic? (Theme From "Sabrina"), Ella Fitzgerald

שבוע טוב   Shavua Tov! 
I hope everyone had an inspiring Shabbat and wish you all successful week ahead.

Bon Vivant
Red Hair
Well Dressed
Self Made
Private Planes

If this is love, well it's fabulous..........

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


 there's a great word to pull out when you want to praise someone: さすが sasuga (sah-soo-gah), which roughly means "I always knew you were incredible" or "You never let us down." So if you have a friend  like moi named Mori Riyo who does something good, hit her with "Sasuga, Riyo-chan!" and know that you've made her day.

Falling in love with all things French came easily to me.as having a Paris born father can instill some of those feelings......and I do not dream much but sometimes I dream in French.

She is one of the most avid followers of my blog.....


and this is covering all the options a Birkin for all
occassions...........I told the Jewish Princess that Lady Lee and Peepy
would be a bit impressed(smiles)

I got this sms today with this humorous caption......
"Forgive me as I have selfied! "🙈

Google went public exactly 12 years ago today, August 22.
.......and even if you did not get in with the underwriters and
bought at regular price...........Here's how much you would have made if you'd invested in Google at its IPO
If you bought about $1,000 of stock — about 11.76 shares — at the IPO price in 2004, then you'd have about $18,522 today.
If you'd invested $10,000, then you'd have $185,384.53, a gain of $175,384.
If you'd been high-rolling with a $1,000,000 investment, then you'd have a stunning $18,853,022.60.....Gordon Gekko would be proud

and yes, if you hate JEWS than you should not use GOOGLE  and youtube as they both are founded,controlled and owned by two JEWS...........I rest my case

Agent Provocateur is a British lingerie retailer founded in 1994 by Joseph Corré and Serena Rees. The company has 100 stores in 13 countries. In 2007, Mario Conde3i, private equity firm, purchased 80% of the company for £60 million.

"Exquisite beauty is a powerful magnetic force that commands, it does not seek attention it rules the law of attention"

Beauty comes in all shapes, ages and colors...
Past and actual supermodels, fashion is eternal, la mode est un eternel recommencement


I love this music: 
Bechol Pa'am Sheani Mitahev
-Falling In Love With You All Over Again by Izhar Ashdot-

California palm trees send me...they really do and always will

O arquétipo de Oxum é o das mulheres graciosas, com paixão pelas jóias, perfumes e vestimentas caras. Estas mulheres são símbolos do charme e da beleza, pois carregam o dom especial de sua Deusa. Elas andam e dançam dos modos mais excitantes e provocantes. No seu caminhar está o fluxo do rio. Ninguém consegue escapar de seus encantos.

gummy bear breast implants


This is Prada Techno if you don't know than you don't know

If you follow this blog you know that Wixson is one of the few that get mentioned quite often here.....if you see her in the morning sans maquillage she does not look great but once she steps up on the ramp or on editorials she becomes great...another person

yes the Kingdom as in KSA

Today during my two hour daily walk , I as always was listening to music on my iPhone and the app OOTunes and normally I switch from radio stations around the world and occasionally listen to my playlist on iTunes. Today I mainly listened to Radio Tel Aviv they had the most incredible non stop music...all genres including even red neck music from Alabama(smiles)....the walk went by so fast...WOW is all I can say and I do not say WOW very often.

The 'top' of Brasilian models of lingerie............... Since the supermodels of the 90 decided to give up their throne the Brasilians models arrived with pomp and circumstance, they have reigned without any problems. They have cornered covers of the best magazines, they have staged all campaigns and have been shining examples in the Victoria's Secret stratosphere.

Todo aquel que piense que la vida siempre es cruel,
tiene que saber que no es asi,
que tan solo hay momentos malos, y todo pasa.
Todo aquel que piense que esto nunca va a cambiar,
tiene que saber que no es asi,
que al mal tiempo buena cara, y todo pasa.

Ay, no ha que llorar, que la vida es un carnaval,
es mas bello vivir cantando.
Oh, oh, oh, Ay, no hay que llorar,
que la vida es un carnaval
y las penas se van cantando.

you need elegant black bottoms

$1,244, Givenchy

démodé -

exagerated silicone implants not Kosher


Uma coisa que não é elegante.
Meuu! isso é deselegante.

iethe Kardashians........

questions I received from 
 ...and I answered them privately....sorry....
What are your answers?

Regularly burn incense?Oud
have you ever really really been in love?
Best room for a fireplace?
Ever have plastic surgery
What do you wear to bed
Do you miss anyone right now? 
Last person you kissed/kissed you? I mean kiss kiss?

Last person you kissed/kissed you? I mean kiss kiss?a kiss with strawberries flavor(smiles) and yes, they are.
And in Italia I like how they put lemon or lime to eat them...is nice too....

and these strawberries are picked and put into porcelain
bowls....count me in........

What is elegance?...start with soap and water

I am rarely bored alone; I am often bored in groups and

Nancy Ajram - Fi Hagat / نانسى عجرم - في حاجات

been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Noyonita Lodh one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


Karlie Kloss


Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

Backless Dresses

If you're not a fan of showing too much cleavage, you'll be happy to know that the back 
is back to fashion. Backless dresses and shirts are becoming more and more popular 
as a trend, so our prediction is that this spring and summer the streets and red carpets 
will be crowded with women showing off their beautiful backs. 

Why the back? It's suggestive and sexy, yet mysterious and subtle. You can strike a unique balance between showing off a lot of skin, while keeping things classy. Also, for those girls who aren't satisfied with their cleavage size this trend can be a great way to show off their best parts, and hide the imperfections.  

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

a latter-day, living matryoshka. Miroslava Duma may stand just a fraction over five feet in her size XS Wolford stocking soles, yet her towering online presence has made her virtually larger than life. The sheer ferocity of interest in her—take a peek at the Instagram comments on whatever new look of hers she has uploaded if you don’t believe me—can make it seem as if more and more Mira's of ever-increasing magnitude are revealing themselves before your very eyes.

She of the Clarins family – yes, that Clarins.


g  "HI! MAGAZINE" Celebrity & Society Lifestyle Magazine In Thailand. CELEBRATING HI!13th ANNIVERSARY [Special Edition] 2002-2016. ***SEPTEMBER ISSUE 2016 Be Launched!!!!! 

a little take on Japan-日本,

It's part of the nature of the Japanese people to prefer substituting euphemisms for words that are embarrassing to use directly, and you'll often year terms like人身事故 jinshin-jikoor "an accident involving physical injury" to refer to train suicides, or そうですね so desu nemeaning "yes, that's so" for "thanks for your suggestion, we'll pretend to consider it carefully before we discard it."

 learning Japanese isn't fundamentally harder than any other language, some areas seem difficult for foreigners, like the way Japanese people write kanji for each other by drawing the character in the air -- my brain just isn't equipped to process invisible finger strokes like that. Also, the Japanese like to attach sounds to numbers, for example 084 becomes ohayo (good morning), 3476 is sayonara (goodbye) and 39 is san-kyu (thank you). 


Many times I have lauded Dr Steven M Hoefflin, the Dr. I have used for the best facelift and natural lift...many celebs have turned  to him to bring back time.....with a scalpel, he truly is an artist..I can attest to that.

And if the late Michael Jackson would have stopped after Dr H had made him look good it would have been great.....but he overdid his plastic surgery.....
And Dr Steven M Hoefflin is Michaelangelo....

 Dr. Rian A. Maercks is a talented innovator in the world of plastic surgery. There are few corners of the field that are not on the forefront of his mind as ripe for innovation and improvement. Dr. Maercks is perhaps best known for two things, his “Cold-Subfascial Breast Augmentation” and his amazing ability to create natural appearing beauty in the face. It is the latter that has led him over the years to coin the term “Aesthetic Facial Balancing.” 

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

 Sheikha Mozah was wearing the iconic Bulgari necklace from the Serpenti Collection and it used to belong to the legendary Vogue Editor Diana Vreeland. Sheikha Mozah bought the necklace from the jewellery boutique Eleuteri in Rome in 2009, long story short she went to the store in person unannounced and “battled” with the owner to buy it because it was not for sell (for the full back story read my Instagram post). She wore it as a belt during her visit to Lebanon in 2010. Evidently she loves snake diamond jewelries, she added another snake necklace into her collection.

World’s most stylish royals.

Sheikha Mozah, Queen Rania and Kate Middleton on the cover of Hello Middle East September issue. Pick up your copy if you live in Middle East. P.S Queen Rania looks stunning.





Fill In The Blanks: Let’s Talk Beauty

Beauty is one of those individual quests; we all partake in it but each to our own. Some of us like to follow a complex routine; others keep it simple. One way is no more effective than another; beauty and how we work it is very much an individual approach.

Backstage angels 

Queen Rania looks positively stunning!
 I am not sure if the Malletage Alma works that well with the outfit, 
but she can sure pull it off. 

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Damien Hirst

“Spot” painting
No que depender do Karl, é tudo esportivo

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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  When I started writing the Tidbits …my blog , I knew I would attract a wide world audience but this is beyond expectations. I not only hav...