
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 153

 Class is not just something one is born with. It comes with the way you move, the way you dress and the way you speak. It flows with your actions, reactions and decisions

If not for Monsieur Louis Vuitton...there would not be a Marc Jacobs....or a Bernard Arnault.

Turner Classic Movies had a Brigitte Bardot 24-hour film marathon and this
clip in her honor.............

  1. This greeting is preferred by chassidic and traditional Jews of European descent. The Hebrew salutation, used by Sephardim of Eastern descent and those who favor modern Hebrew, is “Shabbat Shalom,” which means “Sabbath [of] peace.”

in latin we don’t say “love will find a way,” we say “omnia vincit amor” which means “love subjugates everything” and i think that’s beautiful

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


"We will all laugh at gilded butterflies." 

William Shakespeare

Our generation has witnessed the death and rebirth of Polaroid Instant Film; yet it is interesting to note that most model agencies have always preferred the format as a staple facet in portfolios.

Sam Cooke - You Send Me (Live)

now you know what i mean when I say something sends me.....

Here Comes The Prince
Prince AlWaleed marks his India entry by buying into India Cements

is this like they say in the Kingdom.....same same??????

you are blessed with thick lustrous hair when you go in a pool and when you hair is wet it remains thick and with no entradas...........

"Be my baby" by The Ronettes from Dirty Dancing

Remembering this rule-breaking fashion pioneer, queen of knitwear and one of the first designers I ever had the honor to meet. Grateful to have known the legendary
Sonia Rykiel ❤️

Beach Cream

 “aha” moment—it works on both hair and skin.  it smells good, too.

now when we do not feel like going to Starbucks we have our mini-Starbucks at home

Celine Paris T Shirt $405 USD -always in style..

 eyes like yours can burn a heart to ashes and turn a universe upside down. 

dejenme decir que hermoso... esto si es romanticismo :)

por alto esta el cielo en el mundo 
por hondo que sea el mar profundo 
no habra una barrera en el mundo 
que un amor profundo no pueda romper 

amor es el pan de la vida 
amor es la copa divina 
amor es un algo sin nombre 
que obseciona al hombre por una mujer 

yo estoy obsecionado contigo 
y el mundo es testigo de mi frenesi 
por mas que se oponga el destino 
seras para mi seras para mi

Gummy bear breast implants


two hours of daily walking produces this....no need for contortions or weight lifting....slim is
the look...........

I do like it.....to me is amusing and nice..............

 The practice of referring to oneself in the third person in Japanese does carry with it a nuance of juvenility and immaturity, as young Japanese girls almost exclusively refer to themselves this way. However, some women continue to refer to themselves in the third person well into their 20s or 30s, either out of habit or to emphasize an aura of 可愛さ (かわいさ, cuteness) about them.

The Shabbat candles symbolize Shalom Bayit, peace in the home, for that is where world peace begins.

The Shabbat candles symbolize Shalom Bayit, peace in the home, for that is where world peace begins.

If you are wondering, . I have made no secret that I am completely favorable to the hyper-glamouristas Sheikha Mozah of Qatar and Lady Lee Pheungboonpra of Thailand.They epitomize that over the top, awesomely bejeweled, hyper-groomed, vividly colored super-luxe aesthetic that only a woman with experience, age and supreme confidence can carry off. Their style is bold, fabulous and life-loving! Makes you feel alive! Also unmissable liking of Claire Courtin-Clarins (CCC on my blog). She is so blonde and pale that I feel as if she has been bleached and it’s amazing! Her style is uniquely her own. I hate gimmicky styles, where people feel they need to define themselves by one component of their appearance (I ONLY carry a Chanel 2.55, even to the gym! I HAVE to wear Mac Rubywoo, it’s my thing you don’t understand! Louboutins are my life!). BO-RING....she manages to combine her style in her own way...and CCC always looks chic and amazing.

What Does Your Underwear Say About You?


‏كن جميلاً مع الكل، فهناك لحظة وداع ليس لها وقت..

when you walk up the Champs Élysées take a left down the Avenue George V and end up on the Avenue Montaigne…
Possibly one of the chicest shopping centres in the world…but my favorite is Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
 Whether it’s the Parisian women or the imports… they look smart… more elegant than edgy… classic rather than cutting-edge.

The idea of being alone is fine and attachment perhaps not........

A most beautiful song. This song really epitomizes Sophia Loren's untimeless beauty and grace. A magnificent woman for the ages. Her legacy will live on forever.

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Connie Maily Jiménez Romero one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

There are many types of beach cover ups – it can be the classic tunic, the kaftan, a kimono or some form of skirt. See acquiantances and how they have chosen to cover up themselves. If you notice, often it’s part of their entire beach outfit, matching their swimwear!

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


If I had to define it in one word, it would be chic chic and chic. She's the queen of chic, especially necklaces and bags. Another word that comes to mind is luxury. All she carries is not exactly cheap. I mean it's a mixing of expensive clothes.

“It,” times four.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

White on White look...........

very few are as extravagant, chic matching as Peepy and Mother Lee....amazing... 

a little take on Japan-日本,

 Japan a "vertical" society in which young people learn to show respect to their elders(senpai) in ways we can't easily conceive of in English.



Facial symmetry is one specific measure of bodily asymmetry. Along with traits such as averageness and youthfulness it influences judgements of aesthetic traits of physical attractiveness and beauty. It is also associated with health and genetic fitness

Facial symmetry is a key component of human perceptions of attractiveness 

A person's face is their foundation and should be treated with the utmost respect and expertise because every detail matters.

This is my favorite procedure provided is done with an artist with a scalpel, otherwise you will look like you came out of a wind tunnel.

Shelf life: 10 to 15 years
Days hiding out at home: 5 to 7
Cost:  $11,000 to $100,000
Post-op pain factor (on a scale of 1 to 10): 5

And to me, the procedure du jour is a "chinplant," the popularity of which skyrocketed by 71 percent from the previous year for reasons science will never quite figure out. For $2,000 to $5,000, surgeons will take a scalpel to your lower lip or chin, and insert an implant into the soft tissue to create a more authoritative jaw. While it probably won't make you the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, the thinking goes that at least you'll kind of look like one from your neck to your lower lip.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

Sheikha says she is her own stylist: she likes to sketch and sometimes works with top designers on her outfits. ”It’s my mental treat. When I’m exhausted, I go to my dressing room and go through my closets and I try to mix things and fix things. I don’t have a stylist because I wouldn’t find anyone that would understand what I want.” -Sheikha Mozah told Financial Times.



Plastic Surgery: Indications and Practice: Expert Consult Premium Edition: Enhanced Online Features, Print, and DVD, 2-Volume Set

Shiksa: The Gentile Woman in the Jewish World (Hardcover) ~ Chri... Cover Art


And every thing returns when it comes to Fashion....this shoes were in style way way back...in the Frank Sinatra Humphrey Bogart, Betty Davis era....

‘Maitresse Charme’

A military coat and clogs—. Vogue Paris always gets it right.

The Good,The Bad...The Ugly    


Madonna many moons ago at the Park Hyatt now the Four Seasons in Buenos Aires
during the filming of "Don't Cry for me Argentina"

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

well said.........if you don't know than you don't know

New iPad Air en oro....in Gold!!!

Dukhoon Malaki is a a fragrant paste to burn in your home. The aroma is sublime it does not make much smoke. This make for an interesting gift even for the most elegant of your friends.

Güneşi Beklerken 10.Bölüm Kerem Zeynep Öpüşme Sahnesi

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free



The World Hates Us BUT – ISRAEL IS ALIVE

Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel Word Cloud.

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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