Marcella Bella feat Loredana Bertè_Dopo la tempesta
If you're doing what everyone else is doing, you're doing it wrong.
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
I advocate class. Every day. Every minute.
and yes, women that wear white gloves send me........
No filter No words
iPhone 7(jet black)
Thank you Apple we got it first...........hoi polloi in two weeks
and i mentioned before that I do not subscribe to the six pack look rather prefer
the fit or fat lean look..but I do subscribe to this six pack...
I have also upgraded it(smiles)
Ladies We all know how big the loafer has-been For a Few seasons now. HUGE. Well step aside loafer! It's time to get to know His sophisticated sister, the high heel loafer.
I do not like pets.....i do not have pets but Gordon Gekko was right

Cute as a button.
Former Editor for Harper's Bazaar Russia.
Writer. Model. Muse.

When referring to your namorada (special one) I hate it when they say baby...it is written in so many songs and it is said quite often....JG says: call her "love or dearest, it sounds more classy and more original"

some pretty things in french ✨
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, 58, whose grandfather was the founding king of modern Saudi Arabia, is no stranger to the United States or Western media. He considers himself a "great friend" of America and the "world’s foremost value investor.
un arc-en-ciel - a rainbow
des paillettes - glitter
des nuages - clouds
une fleur - a flower
une guirlande de pâquerettes - a daisy chain
la soie - silk
une perle - a pearl
un petit gâteau - a cupcake
un coquillage - a seashell
un bracelet à breloques- a charm bracelet
un collier - a necklace
une bicyclette - a bicycle
les étoiles - stars
l’océan - ocean
la lune - moon
le lever du soleil - sunrise
le coucher du soleil - sunset
une robe - dress
Such an event is simply impossible to miss! 🔥
Sexy bomby💣💣💣- group "SEREBRO" visit "Brewery" on 9 September.
The most anticipated performance of the sexiest groups start at ⏰22: 00.
The False Prophet - Parshat Re'eh
Long story short - In this week’s portion we learn that we should beware of false prophets.
Arab Idol - Hussain Al Jassmi - Boushret Kheir
Je lis la nuit, jusqu’à trois, quatre heures du matin : l’obscurité, le noir autour de soi, ça ajoute beaucoup à la passion absolue qui s’établit entre le livre et nous. Vous ne trouvez pas ? La lumière du jour disperse les intensités en quelque sorte.
Despite all the haters that resent their phenomenal way of making money...Goldman Sachshas not lost its AURA

esta frase es de mi agrado
es reconfortante estar cerca de alguien y reconocer su olor'
this phrase is to my liking
" is comforting to be around someone and recognize their smell(fragrance)"

Always carry a roll of cash. Keep it in your front pocket
Never stay out after midnight three nights in a row. Unless something really good comes up on the third night..
If you did tattoos.....
You will regret your tattoos.
Never date an ex of your friend.
Ask for a salad instead of fries.
Do not ever say, "it is what it is."
When people do not invite you to a party, you really should not go. And sometimes even when you are invited, you should not go.There's always another level. Just be content knowing that you are still better off than must who have ever lived.
In many places around the world, it is still done this way......

Japan is the most polite country in the world, where society's "golden rule" is to never cause 迷惑 meiwaku (inconvenience, trouble) to others...
Freckles,,,,,,Ahh freckles ! Let's talk about them. Words can't describe how much I love this charming feature.
On women, I find it to be special.
A must place to visit if you have deep pockets of $$$$$ i n Monaco...........but the Principality is passé:
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Luiza Zissman one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic

King of beauty queens
Ever wonder why Venezuelan women have been winning pageants year after year.????
In Venezuela beauty is born and made. Overseeing it all is Osmel Sousa. In Venezuela, and
perhaps the world, he is the King of Beauty Queens.
Venezuela has learned how to manufacture beauty --
Venezuelans will tell you that one advantage they have in the beauty game is their exotic mixture of
people and races. The country boasts Mediterranean, northern European, African and indigenous
people and races. The country boasts Mediterranean, northern European, African and indigenous
Apart from that as Sousa likes to say, "God created these beautiful women --
but he also created plastic surgeons." Sousa is very open about the fact that women
who train at his school get plastic surgery.
but he also created plastic surgeons." Sousa is very open about the fact that women
who train at his school get plastic surgery.
Dr. Petr Romer is the official plastic surgeon to the Miss Venezuela Pageant and -- not surprisingly --
one of the most popular plastic surgeons in Caracas. Romer said he did some discreet nips,
tucks and lifts on about half of the 20 Miss Venezuela finalists, including five nose jobs,
six breast implants and three liposuctions.
one of the most popular plastic surgeons in Caracas. Romer said he did some discreet nips,
tucks and lifts on about half of the 20 Miss Venezuela finalists, including five nose jobs,
six breast implants and three liposuctions.
2008 Miss Universe Dayana Mendoza sculpted her way to her title last year.
It has been reported that Miss Mendoza had the tip of her nose reshaped, implants
and liposuction to remove fat around her knees.
It has been reported that Miss Mendoza had the tip of her nose reshaped, implants
and liposuction to remove fat around her knees.
Each year hundreds of women flock to his boot camp in the hopes of being the next
Miss Venezuela. Sousa and his team of personal trainers, dental surgeons, and plastic surgeons
put the women through a grueling three to six month program to make them into a Barbie doll.
Miss Venezuela. Sousa and his team of personal trainers, dental surgeons, and plastic surgeons
put the women through a grueling three to six month program to make them into a Barbie doll.
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Elena Perminova’s Armani Look
And why not?
She's rocking that do-nami.
Blinging in them rings.
Got the matching shoes (who makes shoes like that still?)
In short: being ABL.
You can't say the same. Don't even try.
a little take on Japan-日本,

In Japanese, otaku, which is a polite word for "you" or "your family," now refers to a social class of obsessive, self-absorbed youths and would-be youths who fixate on pop culture icons and live for whatever rush they get from that fixation. Idols, animation, comics (*manga*), adult video actresses: there is no limit to what can be otakified.!!!


The Law of Gravity
Newton discovered the Law of Gravity. Just what is it? Is it as simple as, "Things tend to fall downward?" Of course people knew that things fall downward, ever since there were people. Newton never mentioned being hit on the head by an apple, but he did say that he saw an apple fall. Maybe the moon was in the sky at the time, maybe not. But when Newton saw the apple fall, and thought about it, his great insight was that he saw that the same thing that caused the apple to fall (gravity) was what held the moon in its orbit.
In our lives gravity comes and:
We fight with creams and lotions
And plastic surgery too
But all that does is just slow down
What gravity can do.

She looks absolutely beautiful in blue couture dress and turban. Another perfect example of wearing long gown during the day time and still look effortless. I think this dress might be Jean Paul Gaultiter but can not find the runway sample (or maybe Valentino).


a neologism: “Italian Vixen.” She was the chain-smoking, deeply tanned woman in Versace that could silence a room with one snap of a finger. She was the woman many women secretly wanted to be for a moment. Without the skin and respiratory repercussions. And so, I present to you, Cristina Lucchini, of GQ Italy.
She’s embraced aging and haute couture. Kept her hair long (which is a faux pas for older women, unless, you’re an Italian Vixen). And she wears leopard print. Probably related to Vivianna Volpicella somewhere down the line. Lucchini is just reminiscent of the everyday Italian woman as sex symbol – she’s no bombshell – but they’re something indescribably“che figa” about her.
- Moschino S.p.A.

- Founded: 1983
Ladies.....For the fantastic fall collection, Chloé creative director Clare Waight Keller was inspired by the ’70s style of Anne-France Dautheville. Even just one piece would update your wardrobe.
All That Glitters: Gold And Silver
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

hey’re the perfect transition-into-fall shoe.
ballet -look - her fierce face -she's like saying you ain't got buns of steel like me -i could break your face with my toes.
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Look Saia Com Detalhes em Neon

The massive mezuzah at Ben Gurion Airport.
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776