
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 160

שבוע טוב
Shavua TovWishing every one a great week.May the coming week hold only blessings and peace for all of Am Yisrael

Lunedi  mattina. Una dozzina di cose da fare. Due conference. Shopping....luxury

'MAMA MIA...irraggiungibile
A clip from Top Hat. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing to "The Piccolino."

Las, rien ne dure au monde que tourment !

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


Fabulous two hour walk......

Yesterday I walked down with RG from the Hills(as in Beverly) to Sunset Boulevard on to La Cienega then to Wilshire and back to the Beverly Hills Hotel...where RG even in warmups got lots of attention....and yes, she projects any place..........

Vida de modelo não é fácil, não! :) Dêem uma olhadinha nos aquecedores usados para amenizar um pouco do frio do estúdio :)

an avid follower of the Tidbits

JANINE TUGONON Victoria's Secret PINK VSPink Ad

Victoria's Secret cast their first Filipina model in this campaign

I love seeing an item that I consider chic (the Céline skirt) in a street style pic—especially when it looks this good.

and matryoshkas stirrup tights, from  Toteme line, are a fall must-have.

A dream is a picture of a possibility 👑

She has a kind heart and is willing to babysit for a friend..........

AA in BH only the plastic cup not chic(smiles)
Los Angeles. Em mais um dia ensolarado, a super top Alessandra Ambrosio  em dois momentos diferentes do seu dia. Sempre linda, a brasileira radicada em LA mostra pra gente que mesmo ao ir pra academia, podemos mandar bem no look. Usando um macacão, casaquinho na cintura, bolsa Gucci e óculos Helena Bordon modelo Beta Demi , Alessandra arrasou no look! 

one of the best clinics for beauty in Dubai

Reform Jews Are Rich And Orthodox Jews Make No Money

5776 y la escucho

gummy bear breast implants


my fourth time I read this book....it is amazing.....

and my third time to read this one too.....they have a relevance as they both deal with the late Edmond Safra..........

The red lips. The beanie...... The white shirt. And of course, the zipper up the back.
Soooo cool.

I have been meaning to write about the art of the thank you for some time.
I am worried that, “thank you” is loosing puff… being forgotten or relegated to one of those meaning-to-do jobs.
This upsets me.
I am a great believer in the power of those two small words.
They won’t change the world but they do make it a more gentle and civilized place.
Saying thank you is easy, it’s fast and it costs nothing… What is difficult about that?

But cool is also definitely NOT like fashion. Cool is more about what the norm is NOT. Cool is elusive, indefinable, covetable. It is original, desirable, and not accessible to everybody. If everyone has it, if the brand becomes saturated, it stops being cool.

Can you buy beauty....yes, if you go to the right plastic surgeons...and of course if
you have the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Sheikha Mozah, cheekbones to die for. I know some people say they are bought, does it matter?
And yes they are..............

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It's very different being a beauty queen to being a model. A model is selling what they're wearing, a beauty queen is selling herself. It can get very personal

spot the one without plastic surgery

Oui, la rencontre des bouches est la plus parfaite, la plus divine sensation qui soit donnée aux humains, la dernière, la suprême limite du bonheur.

In poverty she is envious. In riches she may be a snob. Money does not change the sickness, only the symptoms

Chelating.... Removing poisons from my body....
It is a good thing... We all have poisonous metals and chemicals that need to come out of your body as they destroy our organs slowly but surely... I want to keep being healthy, I am preventing cancer or Alzheimer. You should all learn about it. Test yourself and if you are toxic then chelate! A long healthy and happy life is the ultimate goal isn't it?

“I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And by and by my Soul return'd to me,
And answer'd: 'I Myself am Heav'n and Hell”

watch "The Picture of Dorian Gray" to understand this quote


B.B., toute une époque de la France...

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Janine Tugonon one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people

Aren´t beautiful shoes the best thing a woman can buy?
?! Marc Jacobs
it´s been giving us some of the best shoes and everything
for many seasons. 

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


I can never resist a post dedicated to a look that screams out ” Privet, I’m Russian”- and when traditional elements inspire fashion designers. Mira’s outfit was made by the Russian designer Anastasia Romantsova- whose line is called A La Russe. I even like Mira’s head-scarf  ..which is more commonly found in orthodox church on sundays, rather than on modern, every days streets. Most of all…I admire seeing pieces of culture preserved in fashion, and traditional aspects made into someones muse..to create something unique. + Mira somehow pulls this off.

What's a good pairing with sweet, white-daisied Doc Martens? A rose wisp of a chiffon dress-slip finished off with a rectangular modern laser-cut lace clutch?
Well, what else then?

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

The army of crocodile Birkins! The dizzying OTT! Look at her. Fabulous, at a water polo match in a white dress shirt and full on makeup, trendy bendy manicure and matching herKelly to the son's MCM backpack to the swimming pool. And the hat. Not hiding her trademark 'do. Never. The hair always gets its picture taken

 who's got the biggest 'do of them all?
Killing it on the Ladies' Committee for Preservation of Big Hairstyles.

a little take on Japan-日本,

One fun group of Japanese words consists of a single word repeated twice, which makes the words more charming and kawaii. For example, the word moe describes the warm, fuzzy feeling you get when contemplating your favorite anime character, but repeating the word -- moe-moe -- adds an extra ingredient that makes the new word more playful. Some other repeating words include puri-puri, the softness of a cute girl's cheek (or elsewhere) when you poke it; tsubu-tsubu, any candy or food with bits of fruit inside; pika-pika, meaning brand sparkling new or in the case of Pikachu, crackling with energy; "love-love," which describes a couple of "normies" in love with each other; and my favorite caffeine gum, Black Black.

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The power of good living and plastic surgery....she looks better now

and I have mentioned that in certain elements of our society plastic surgery is considered a matter of pride and not ashamed to show it in public..........

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

She looks absolutely beautiful and this outfit was mesmerizing. Purple earrings and gold necklace completed the look.

Sheikha Mozah was dazzling in Chanel couture at the meeting with Prime Minister of UK in Feb. This stunning couture is from the Fall 2015 collection and I love the modified version on her. She modified into a dress with an apron like skirt. She always improves the runway sample, for me this might be her best Chanel look in 2016.




I rarely cover couture, but this story in the upcoming WSJ. Magazine is so beautiful it’s worth making an exception. The Tiffany pearl necklace is incredible-

Jo Malone London

From the refined, unexpected scents to the exquisite packaging, the timeless luxury of Jo Malone has captured the senses of discerning women and men around the world ...

cara de pocos amigos....not a very friendly face.....she seems to be saying this:

Her songs resonate with me. She writes so eloquently. She is hands down fave she truly is a woman with a voice. 

this is cool..........a few moons ago, 

President of Russia Vladimir Putin painting Matryoshka doll

Fuel for exercise

Jane Birkin
sexy chic, jane birkin.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

Western Culture Clashes 

Cultures that endorse modesty and cultures that endorse hypersexualization are the *same* thing. 
Both define female sexuality by how it relates to the male gaze.
 In both cases the female body exists as an ornament either to be kept carefully hidden or put on display. Neither is an empowering feminist achievement. 

'Cheerleaders': 'No somos tontas con pompones sino atletas'
'Cheerleaders': 'We are not dumb girls with pom poms we are athletes......

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

“Pool Lab Show”

Lauren Bacall was born Betty Joan Perske. Former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres was born Shimon Perski. They were first cousins. Who knew?

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless otherwise stated
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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