red bougainvilleas send me...they really do.........
Did you say Sh’ma today?
Hebrew, French, Spanish, ITalian, Japanese, Portuguese,Arabic,English,Latin, Tagalog.... long dark big hair, long walks on a beach, diamonds, high heels, red lips, tennis player, big dreams & expensive taste. Romance.....
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
When I started writing this blog....the Tidbits.... I had high expectations and today they were realised when my blog crossed the 1,500,000 (million) page view threshold....keep in mind this is not a blog that post pictures only....or are all about is a reflection of what I like, what I admire, what I have experienced and continue to experience.....therefore I have to believe that the majority of you that read but do not follow or those who follow from all over this wide world find it stimulating and find it profound and the fabulous sponsors you have gotten the publicity you so desire...thank you thank you and thank you........
Fabuloso,maravilloso, maravillosa ........ estupendo: wonderful,marvelous...
, Stunning unusual, admirable, amazing,fantastic, fantastic
extraordinário, incrível, admirável, espantoso, prodigioso, portentoso, pasmosa, calmo sorprendente, admirable, asombroso, prodigioso, portentoso, pasmoso, estupendo ... extraordinary, amazing, admirable, prodigious, marvelous, wonderful .... extraordinaire, étonnant, admirable, prodigieux, merveilleux, fantastique, merveilleux .... straordinaria, incredibile, mirabile, prodigiosa, meraviglioso, bello, bellissimo
Thanks... this is a one day record for page views on my blog.......all i can say is WOW
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 163 -9830 page views
September 19-2016
'lo que se da no se quita'
Belgians loafer-mania took over the fashion world
Thanks Goldman Sachs while waiting on Saudi Aramco IPO I accept your Nutanix initial public offering shares is a winner
Vous aviez déjà vu autant de rose ?Ça pourrait presque être étouffant si ce n’était pas aussi adorable. On se croirait dans un nuage de barbe-à-papa…
so much history was written here.....and is being written
I got this is sweet
“اشتقت لك”
-A text i couldn’t send.
-A text i couldn’t send.
Is the Starbucks logo a mermaid...or a depiction of Queen Esther.?...being that the defacto founder, CEO. owner Howard Schlutz is a JEW than do the reasoning...?????
Starbucks is to be found in Mecca, in Al-Madina, opposite the King Abdul Aziz Gate in Mecca, opposite the Al-Majid Gate in Al-Madina, as well as in Cairo. Starbucks is to be found everywhere, with this logo. This is the Starbucks logo.
Onde o horizonte é mais bonito
Em BH estão as mais belas mulheres do Brasil. Eis a rota para encontrá-las
Jura a mitologia, por todos os deuses, muito antes de a Grécia virar suco, que as moças mais lindas e gostosas do Planeta Brasil são as de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais) Qualquer mortal que aprecie o belo sabe disso. Basta gostar da fruta e, se necessário for, usar óculos.
a short English translation:
They say the most beautiful Brasilian women come from Minas Gerais, the state BH is located in...
So what do you get when you mix beauty, youth, and Brasil? Just another day in Belo Horizonte; no big deal. Well, OK, i can attest to that fact....they are....
a short English translation:
They say the most beautiful Brasilian women come from Minas Gerais, the state BH is located in...
So what do you get when you mix beauty, youth, and Brasil? Just another day in Belo Horizonte; no big deal. Well, OK, i can attest to that fact....they are....
C'est très très chic.
Dis-moi que tu m’aimes, que la vie est belle, que ce monde est fou
Et quoi qu’il advienne je resterai tienne, à toi jusqu’au bout
Oh à la vie à la mort, mi amor, j’plaque toutDis-moi que tu m’aimes et que les autres on s’en fout
Embrasse-moi à Vienne, Harlem ou bien Sienne, emmène-moi partout
Dis-moi que tu m’aimes que nos vies s’emmêlent que je suis ton tout
Et quoi qu’il advienne je resterai tienne, à toi jusqu’au bout
Oh à la vie à la mort, mi amor, j’plaque toutDis-moi que tu m’aimes et que les autres on s’en fout
Embrasse-moi à Vienne, Harlem ou bien Sienne, emmène-moi partout
Dis-moi que tu m’aimes que nos vies s’emmêlent que je suis ton tout
gummy bear breast implants
Half of her beauty is her brain.
Ipanema near Alto Leblon

Tudo beleza, obrigado E você?
and this is covering all the options a Birkin for all
occassions...........I told the Jewish Princess that Lady Lee and Peepy
would be a bit impressed(smiles)
occassions...........I told the Jewish Princess that Lady Lee and Peepy
would be a bit impressed(smiles)
Aesthetic Facial Rejuvenation
Mirror, Mirror...How Can a Small Shadow Make a Big Difference?
When you look in the mirror who do you see? As we age, our faces undergo many unwanted changes; over time we loose contour, volume, and develop shadows. Beauty is a function of our perception of lines, geometry, symmetry, and youth. As the signs of aging begin to show, injectables offers many ways to improve things like, sagging skin caused by loss of volume, wrinkles, sun damage, and shadows that result in your face looking tired and drained. By taking advantage of the right injectables there is no reason why you cannot look considerably younger throughout your entire life.
Everyday is Holocaust Remembrance Day!
The electrified, barb wire fence surrounding the Dachau concentration camp in Germany.
La vita è quella cosa che fai prima a impegnarti per renderla straordinaria - o almeno non ordinaria - invece di lamentarti di tutto.
"Pour moi, être aimé n’est rien, c’est être préféré que je désire."
Been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
הודא נקאש - Huda Naccache one of the 4.000 + followers of the Tidbits
Comp Cards
“Azzedine Alaïa is the greatest couturier who never was.”
Alaïa invented the “body” that literally changed the way women moved as the stretchy fabric shadowed their curves wrapping around, following the motion and setting them free. He also reintroduced the “balcony” bra that was inspired by corsetry that highlighted and accentuated the bust.
By the early 1980s Alaia’s designs were appearing in Vogue and Elle, sold in several boutiques including Beverly Hills, Barneys NY, Chicago, Los Angeles and Tokyo, Neiman Marcus in San Francisco, Les Createurs in Geneva and Joseph in London and shown in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bordeaux and Palladium in New York in 1984.
2006 Alaia brought the brand out and sold it to the Swiss luxury group Richemont in 2007 to maintain financial stability. While the group assumed 100 per cent control, Alaia was given a free pass to pursue his dreams and design the way he felt right – not to suit the ever changing fashion world or meet a certain number of annual sales. Following the designer’s request, Richemont also created a foundation to preserve his enormous and incredibly valuable archive containing his own creations along side vintage Vionnet, Balenciaga, Paul Poiret, Schiaparelli, Comme des Garçons, Margiela, Junya Watanabe and some young designers.
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

This Spanish label has been around since 1974 and was created by Jesús del Pozo. But it’s only been recently that we’ve been seeing Delpozo on recognizable faces, like Miroslava Duma. It’s no wonder that this label is becoming a fast favourite among the elite. It’s branding targets the contemporary woman who isn’t afraid to wear traditional and modern elements. Delpozo is considered a luxury pret-a-couture label that honours couture manufacturing techniques (ie embroidery), and loves volume, silhouettes and colours.
Burberry seems to roll out those eye catching coats, and outerwear that cause a mass break out of hysteria amongst countless women. Flashback to Burberry’s infamous monogrammed poncho, or signature trench coats. One of my favourite Burberry moments will always be when Elena Perminova wore Burberry’s metallic blue trench coat.
glam·or·ous adjective
1. full of glamour; charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, esp. in a mysterious or magical way

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
And Lady Lee as always s0 elegant......and yes, Peepy too.....

A word that seems uniquely Japanese is 新米 shinmai (pronounced SHEEN-mai), which means "new rice" that's just been harvested. A person who starts a new job will often be referred to with this term, e.g. shinmai salaryman for someone who's just started their first 9-5 job, or a shinmai idol singer who has just made her singing debut and is still green and inexperienced
Another word that I appreciate......Ganbarimasu! Ganbaru! Ganbatte kudasai! Now these were variations of a word, a rather 'heavy word' whose meaning went deep and seemed to live in the psyche of the Japanese and their attitude to life. Ganbarimasu means to carry through one's task, putting up with difficulties and striving to overcome all hardships. The Japanese love the word and use it all the time. It is ingrained from childhood as a valuable human attitude.
The reality is having the money to go to the right plastic surgeon....and a plastic surgeon that has the eyes of an artist, an sculptor.....and yes, it is easy to look better with $$$$$$$$$$
will it give you a very personality?......will it make you nicer?....that is an answer that is not feasible.
Bollywood actresses , Indian Models and Indian Beauty Pageant Misses....most of them subscribe to plastic surgery........

Un 'petit' plaisir
euphoric sensation you experience from thinking about future plans and daydreams.
This beautiful feeling is a natural reaction the human mind manifests from
expectations of future pleasures and joyful anticipations, such as planning a trip,
going on a date, and many other fulfilling, life-changing events.
Dopamine: the molecule behind all our most sinful behaviours and secret cravings. Dopamine is love. Dopamine is lust. Dopamine is adultery. Dopamine is motivation. Dopamine is attention. Dopamine is feminism. Dopamine is addictionIs dopamine your chocolate addiction? Your gambling? Your alcoholism? Your sex life? The reality is dopamine has something to do with all of these. But it is none of them. Dopamine is a chemical in your body. That’s all. But that doesn’t make it simple unless you can conquer it.
Prada always in Style
Some things never get old.
Just like the handbag from Maison Longchamp, the Pliage.
The movie is glorious. La Fille du Puisatier is based on the 1940 original written and directed by Marcel Pagnol. This 2012 version comes from Daniel Auteuil as his first directing credit.
Agent Provocateur is a British lingerie retailer founded in 1994 by Joseph Corré and Serena Rees. The company has 100 stores in 13 countries. In 2007, Mario Conde3i, private equity firm, purchased 80% of the company for £60 million.
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776