שבת שלום חברים יקרים
Shabbat Shalom and a wonderful weekend everyone.
It is considered a great mitzvah and responsibility to honor the Sabbath by lighting candles 18 minutes before sunset on Friday evening. This unique commandment, entrusted to the Jewish woman, is rich with meaning and purpose.
سلام و حب
Privet Matryoshkas
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
Calm is super power...........
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Let the light in ✨🙏😉 Deixe a luz entrar
Watch your back...keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Peasant blouses are great, and so are classic white button-downs shirts. They look sharp under a sweater or on their own with the cuffs rolled up.
What defines you? Maybe it’s the shade of your skin, the place you grew up, the accent in your words, the make up of your family, the gender you were born with, the intimate relationships you chose to have or your generation?

Nothing Shows Off Curves Like A Pair Of Heels
Thank you Mark Zuckerberg love the stock price but not a fan of Facebook
I woke up with un tarlo musicale (literally: a repetitive piece of music that sticks in your mind) in my head. It was the beginning of an Italian song called il cielo in una stanza, written by singer and songwriter Gino Paoli in 1960. This old song, wonderfully interpreted by ‘la voce’ (the voice) of Italian music, Mina, is still considered to be one of the most romantic Italian songs of all time.
gummy bear breasts implants
"Pick my brain. Ask me about my views on something. Dig deeper than the obvious. Let’s make each other think. Show me a different perspective."
To: ----- ------

Je lis la nuit, jusqu’à trois, quatre heures du matin : l’obscurité, le noir autour de soi, ça ajoute beaucoup à la passion absolue qui s’établit entre le livre et nous. Vous ne trouvez pas ? La lumière du jour disperse les intensités en quelque sorte.
Fare shopping
fa bene!
Lo shopping è l’elisir di lunga vita: chi fa acquisti ogni giorno vive di più...it is my favorite sport
Words to keep inside your pocket:
- Quiescent - a quiet, soft-spoken soul.
- Chimerical - merely imaginary; fanciful.
- Susurrus - a whispering or rustling sound.
- Raconteur - one who excels in story-telling.
- Clinquant - glittering; tinsel-like.
- Aubade - a song greeting the dawn.
- Ephemeral - lasting a very short time.
- Sempiternal - everlasting; eternal.
- Euphonious - pleasing; sweet in sound.
- Billet-doux - a love letter.
- Redamancy - act of loving in return.
"I don't like standard beauty, there is no beauty without strangeness."

A few moons ago i went to the biggest Wall Street Party of the year and everyone was miserable but not me(smiles)
La plus belle relation (en tout genre) jamais eu ? Des relations d’amitié perpétuées au fil des ans par certaines de mes amies: elles font partie des rares personnes auxquelles je fais confiance. Il y en aurait bien une autre, mais je la garderai secrète ici.
Musique du moment ?
Been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap

Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people
que llevas en el bolso

Ulyana Sergeenko

Ulyana’s the real deal for being a Russian trendsetter and she’s one the most high-profile figures of the so called Russian Fashion Pack, who are also called The Russian Mafia or the Czarinas. Ulyana’s style embodies an old-world feminine charm with an ode to all things vintage, sophisticated and elegant. She’s also a prominent Russian (Haute Couture) fashion designer.

a little take on Japan-日本,

(Fun fact: 六本木 Roppingi means "six trees.") Foreigners are likely to use this word when counting chopsticks, since they're the right shape, but the counter for a pair of chopsticks is actually 善 zen, a word which Japanese themselves are often too lazy to use. Being a foreigner(Gaijin), I always go out of my way to use the correct counting word, saying something like お箸、一膳もらえますか?o-hashi, ichi-zen moraemasu ka? ("could I have a pair of chopsticks?"), mainly because Japanese don't expect gaijin to get this word right and I like to surprise them.
Who says money can’t buy you everything?? Well, it can definitely buy you beauty. You just have to be smart about it. Case in point: Ivanka Trump. She’s daddy’s (the Donald’s) little girl and has all the money in the world. If plastic surgery is what she wants, plastic surgery she will get. Even though she has the means to have as many procedures as she wishes, she (thankfully) has not gone all-out like Heidi Montag in a white-trash plastic surgery binge. One plastic surgery procedure she has obviously had done is the (obligatory) nose job. It seems everyone has had a nose job these days. Here’s a before shot of little Ivanka, looking cute and young with a bump on her high bridge:
Don’t even get me started on the other stuff (boob job, porcelain veneers, etc)…
but at least it’s all done with a little taste and class.
but at least it’s all done with a little taste and class.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Sheikha Mozah in White Chanel couture.

When RG saw this add from J. Crew…she told me …. what pant can be that flattering and that comfortable?
but far be it from me to dismiss the experts or not to be seduced by advertising.
J. Crew was close by… so we went in… she tried them on… went back… tried them on again…
took the girlfriends… they tried them… went back and tried them again…
It’s true… they RG said they are the most fantastic pants…
If you like skinny pants, cropped just on the ankle and slim fitting… these are the ones.
she bought several of them with the tuxedo stripe in leather… LOVE
She also bought more pairs… in the grey and the navy.
And what I love about them… they work anywhere and with everything
They are pixie perfect for RG and her friend you should try them....
Did you ever take the Myers-Briggs test? If so, which one are you?
Crowned over a month ago, Stephanie Del Valle - Miss World 2016 has been travelling to many countries and cities across the globe for Beauty with a Purpose. The Miss World Organization, through Beauty with a Purpose raises the most amount of money than any organization for Charity globally. As of 2017, billions have been raised since Beauty with a Purpose (Miss World Charity) inception...

If you ever been to Moscow there are lots of flashing M's and they do not stand for Moscow but rather for McDonalds a fact that tells me that- Capitalism conquers all....sorry but that is a fact. And Vladimir Putin loves the Big Mac(smiles)
Triangle Underwear

Dior Poison Club (Official trailer)
yes you have to have deep pockets to afford Hermès
Pencil skirts should be an item in every woman's wardrobe
They are:
- Classy
- Never go out of style
- Sexy
- Smart
- Perfect if you go from the office to a night out
- …Simply amazing
Louis Ernest Ladurée founded the house in Paris in 1862 and the company has ceaselessly enticed customers with its confections for more then 150 years.
Is It Passé To Drink Diet Coke?
In a world of green juices and sparkling water, is diet soda off trend?

Bourekas are generally filled with potato, cheese, spinach or minced meat...in a way they are similar to empanadas Argentinas.
It has been awhile since I quoted , Mr Jed Clampett of the Beverly Hillbillies fame, so here it is
"You'all come back now, hear" sit a spell" till the next one.do come back and JG is always trying to entertain you, amuse you and enlighten you " JG loves life, it is © Fabulous, any better would be a sin"
"You'all come back now, hear" sit a spell" till the next one.do come back and JG is always trying to entertain you, amuse you and enlighten you " JG loves life, it is © Fabulous, any better would be a sin"
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777