today is remembrance day, the day we remember all those who have given their lives so that we can live on our little piece of land
lest we forget יזכור
at peace with myself....never complain....never explain
And gente....people, if this is not one of the best ever than nothing is.....WOW WOW
I do not easily get impressed but this , this is impressive.....he was probably a JEW in another life(smiles)
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
I am critical, particular, aristocratic in tastes.
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
"Quello a cui opponi resistenza persiste”
lips: soft
face: soft
hair: soft
heart: soft
Il y a une telle surenchère de tendances autour du bien-être et de la nutrition qu’il commence à devenir clair qu’il n’y a pas qu’une seule manière de s’alimenter sainement. Pour certains c’est sans gluten, pour d’autres, paléo, pauvre en graisses, protéiné, etc.
– N’abuser pas des sucres.
– Essayer d’écouter les signes que vous envoie votre corps.
Et pour terminer je vais vous citer Hippocrate qui était philosophe et médecin grec de l’Antiquité, considéré comme le père de la médecine : « Que ton aliment soit ta première médecine »
This is a phase some women go through - the barbie doll look.
And some requirements to acquire the look ........
She should have big long hair (fill it up with extensions),
loads of make up (especially going strong with eye shadow giving you mysterious cat eyes),
as much lips as possible (lipgloss, lipstick, who cares!),
long fake nails (acrylics) tight short dresses that show off those curves and cleavage
and not to forget - a pair of very high heels (platform included) that screams "come and......
Those Bollywood girls are nice and cute and sexy.

Quando nell'oggetto della mail ti scrivono URGENTE, proprio in maiuscolo, eh
Another classic lesson from the Sheikha.......
Breast Implants do not bounce this way(smiles)............
Visibility is perfect at 45,000 Feet!!!!
A private jet can fly at a height of up to 45 000 ft, though most cruise at 41 000 ft. This is generally higher than an airline flight and allows for a more direct route – out of the most congested area of the sky. A private jet pilot will choose the optimum cruising altitude depending on the distance of the journey.
Apple has acquired Israel’s Realface— this facial recognition technology will bring your smartphone to the future! Face the facts— Israel’s pretty amazing.

Not all investment banks are created equal. . To work at Goldman Sachs you need to have graduated with a 4.0 from an Ivy League school (preferably-Harvard). You need the resume of Zeus. And that only gets you in the door. Then you are subjected to multiple round of painstaking interviews. In fact, you're grilled by the entire bank, from the twenty-year-old assistant research analysts on up to the managing partners. You have a better shot at winning a Grand Slam tennis tournament than getting hired by Goldman Sachs.Of course, once you get the job, your genetic superiority goes unquestioned. You no longer have trouble getting dinner reservations...the whole financial world and the world for that matter are at your feet.!!!!!///how do you know this Mr Goldstein....I know...and if you don't know than you don't know....I rest my case!!!!
If you are going to drink coca-cola then follow the norm....
crystal bottle crystal glass
Ann Margaret - The Pleasure Seekers (1964) - Everything Makes Music When You're in Love
gummy bear breasts implants
"I’d rather read the iTunes User Agreement."
If you did not know and most than likely you do not.....this is a BBJ landing
on a runway......
This is an Alaïa if you don't know than you don't know
Elle est belle, et plus que belle ; elle est surprenante. En elle le noir abonde : et tout ce qu’elle inspire est nocturne et profond. Ses yeux sont deux antres où scintille vaguement le mystère, et son regard illumine comme l’éclair : c’est une explosion dans les ténèbres.
¡DIOS MÍO! ¿Quién es su cirujano y por qué no le han dado el premio Nobel de medicina?OMG! Who is her plastic surgeon and why they have not been given him Nobel Prize for medicine?
After plastic surgery
There are people we meet in life who miss being important to us by inches,days, or
and yes red lips send me....the proper lips of course.......
if you spend time around me you will eat lots of strawberries and drink plenty of
Well said

Mad Men - Peggy Dance Scene
Been there done that...
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Andrea Hegard one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Polka Girls
Polka dots has been in fashion since the 50’s & 60’s, and is one of those patterns which will never really run out of style.
Sure, sometimes it’s more trendy then at other times, but I feel you can use it pretty much anytime!
However I must fill in to say I feel polka dots are typical summer clothes, and usually best suited for cute dresses. But you can also spot them on gorgeous swim wear and other apparel, just see below.
Polka Girls
Polka dots has been in fashion since the 50’s & 60’s, and is one of those patterns which will never really run out of style.
Sure, sometimes it’s more trendy then at other times, but I feel you can use it pretty much anytime!
However I must fill in to say I feel polka dots are typical summer clothes, and usually best suited for cute dresses. But you can also spot them on gorgeous swim wear and other apparel, just see below.
In 1890 in Russia, Vasily Petrovich Zvyozdochkin, a wood carver, and Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin, a painter, came up with the very first matryoshka, a set of nesting dolls in colorful folk dress designed to start tiny and end up big. Spend a few hours in the company of 31-year-old Miroslava Duma-or Mira, as her friends know her.....and it's easy to feel you've encountered a latter-day, living matryoshka.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

"A child who can do 挨拶 aisatsu properly will not stray as he goes through life." On its surface aisatsu just means "greeting," such as saying good morning to people you meet every day, though as with many aspects of Japan, things get a little more complex. Because the junior member of a relationship (the 後輩kohai, if in a school or company setting) is supposed to greet the higher-ranking member (先輩 senpai, or bosses/managers) first, this greeting effectively reinforces the relationship and allows the junior group member to show respect to the senior member. Another application of aisatsu is something like "official greetings after a happy event," and every New Years Day the Japanese get into the car and visit with various family members.

The best nose jobs aren’t those that change a person’s whole look or even change the structure of the nose itself. Instead, successful rhinoplasty will use the same basic shape and contours of a nose to enhance it. This will then improve the whole look of the face. Have you ever looked at someone and thought “there is just something different about her and she looks amazing” but you were unable to pinpoint what that “different” thing was? This is a sign of a good nose job, and Salma Hayek is a great example of it.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Sheikha Mozah of Perfection
the Diamond District.
Every morning for decades, the scene on 47th Street between between Fifth and Sixth
Avenues in Manhattan has pretty much looked the same.
At around 9 a.m., clusters of Hasidic Jews with their long black coats and white
beards walk briskly towards their offices, black leather suitcases in hand, past jewelry
storefronts that are slowly starting to open for business
Ladies go for this Gianvito Rossi slingbacks- navy, denim, white, black satin, black patent, tan, red, pale pink, and green…
Piggyback Ride - Piggyback Bride
Sleeping model
Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse
Ah, the M word. If you were lucky enough to hit the genetic jackpot and score a
metabolism that burns calories at lightning speed, then hey, good for you!(and moi)
(Okay, yes that was slightly elitist, but seriously, enjoy it.)

a escova modelada
Streets of Fire 1984 Movie. Universal Studios Inc.
Tonight Is What It Means to be Young - Streets of Fire
Urban Dictionary defines side-boob as: A view of the female breast seen from a side; generally under loosely-fitting clothes.

No salgas a la calle sin ellas
The Block-Heel
These Prada Mary-Janes are great.
Lay’s Potato Chips stands with Israel 🇮🇱
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777