Quando siete felici fateci caso.
Perché la felicità a prescindere da quello che dicono Socrate o il rettore dell’università del Harvard è quella. Saperlo essere ed esserne grati.

Speaking two or three languages in a sentence because you are multilingual
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
has come on board....USA is sold out...Europe is totally sold out....India too....South America and Africa almost too....and so many other remote places that I wonder how they heard of my blog....is it by someone recommending it...is it by chance???? I am grateful that I can retain your attention and have you return on and on......Arigato to the celebs...the models...the friends and acquaintances and to those who do not know me but like how I write this blog........
e' inutile che cerchi difetti in me!
Modestamente, li ho tutti...(sorrisi)
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
On the heels of hit singles like “She Loves You” and “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” the legendary British rock band The Beatles first arrived in America on February 7, 1964. After landing in New York to thousands of adoring fans, John, Paul, George and Ringo went on to smash television ratings records with a performance on “The Ed Sullivan Show” two days later. The Fab Four’s invasion of America ended after two weeks, but Beatlemania was only just beginning to grip the nation.
Holding hands is a lost art!!!! now couples just want to go for............and it is sad....not kosher...not romantic
Logo, printed, and concert T-shirts are all the rage and I have to wonder if my husband was at the forefront of this revival ... I like them best when worn under a suit jacket as in the SS17 Dior show above.
A $345 cotton tshirt?
A man can find a plain cotton t-shirt at his local drugstore, usually available in a pack of three for $9. More upscale versions are available for $15 at H&M or $22 at American Apparel.
So why would anyone pay $345 for a cotton t-shirt?
It's all in the H -- for Hermès, that is.

one of the beautiful people
Now that you know you are?
Your lips mashallh
So why would anyone pay $345 for a cotton t-shirt?
It's all in the H -- for Hermès, that is.

Sarò un po’ impegnato.$$$$$$$$$$
How does it feel to beone of the beautiful people
Now that you know you are?
Your lips mashallh
yes you have to have deep pockets to afford Hermès
gummy bear breasts implants
A woman’s perfume tells more about her than her handwriting.
"One must give value to their existence by behaving as if ones very existence were a work of art."
If you've ever spoken with a Japanese person at length, you may have noticed them making strange "agreeing noises" while you were talking. It's an interesting aspect of the Japanese language called aizuchi, basically verbal sounds that a person will make to show they're listening attentively and affirming their agreement with what the other person is saying. In Japanese, I could be explaining something that happened to me, and the person I'm speaking to would say things like eeh (yes), mah (well), so (that's true), and ne (a general word of agreement). It sounds quite strange to native English speakers, but in Japanese these words are necessary for communication to flow smoothly, and if you don't make them properly the other person is likely to stop and ask you what's wrong.
Why I write often in many languages?. because I think, speak and express myself in many languages.........and there are certain words, passages, sentences that if translated into English would lose their original meaning. Is like Eros Ramazzotti singing in Spanish " Più Bella Cosa" it loses the essence when Italian is the original....or Roberto Carlos singing "Amor Perfeito" in another language when Portugese is it , it loses meaning too.....and so on with other languages and artists.
Money, brings "a false sense of security. Sometimes you have so much money you believe you can't even die[sic}....

J’ai arrêté de dire au revoir quand je m’éclipse d’une fête. Oui, ça peut paraître malpoli, mais au fond, je trouve ça bien plus respectueux.
"Le désir fleurit, la possession flétrit toutes choses" Marcel Proust
a layman translation would be.....when you desire something - when you get it , you do not want it...(ie. beautiful girls, luxury items...out of the ordinary experiences and so on.....)

a layman translation would be.....when you desire something - when you get it , you do not want it...(ie. beautiful girls, luxury items...out of the ordinary experiences and so on.....)

If you have never read Proust than you must but it is better if you can read it in French
I do not like drama and I do not give drama.....therefore
I don’t do drama queens
Simple rules I set to myself when it comes to people with negative energy;
- I never let them in to my friend circle
- I never waste any of my thoughts on them
- I never waste any time talking about or with them
- I don’t bother communicating with them at all (I would never waste a second replying to them)
Silence reigns that is the best policy
Aujourd’hui, un petit point sur le French Kiss. Un peu comme les Français, le French Kiss est hyper sensuel… et TRES intime… genre je fourre la langue dans ta bouche, eh oui, puisqu’il s’agit de notre bon vieux baiser avec la langue, mais en version US. Alors qu’a-t-il de si French, ce baiser ?
ארץ ישראל - Did you say Sh'ma today?
and this is always present in my trading room at my homes......never want to miss bagging the elephant.............
Indiferencia (sentimiento), un sentimiento o postura hacia algo o alguien caracterizado por no ser ni positivo ni negativo, intermedio entre el desprecio y el aprecio; y relacionado con la apatía.
y muchas mujeres prefieren esto.....
Been there done that
thigh gap
no thigh gap
Camila Giorgi one of the 4,000 + followers of the tidbits
love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people
I keep seeing these flowy, silky maxi skirts and I love them more and more. Effortless beauty. And you don’t really need to wear heels under!
Interesting dress, not sure what to call it! It’s cool because it’s unique, original design that you have never seen before. Fashion like this is refreshing
Absolutely amazing. This dress by Ramona Filip is gorgeous, loving the off shoulder cut and the dress being in beige/nude gives me major cravings! Love it!!
What a cute dress! Perfect for a dinner date or even if you want to feel glamorous day time! A dress like this makes you feel like a woman without giving you that sex appeal which sometimes can feel too much in certain surroundings. Yet a red dress like this looks absolutely innocent yet glamorous! Love it! Cute Miu Miu heels.
Gorgeous! This sophisticated lace dress feels aristocratic and absolutely appropriate for any occasion. Dresses like this makes you also feel covered up without looking boring, a big big plus!
Gorgeous! This sophisticated lace dress feels aristocratic and absolutely appropriate for any occasion. Dresses like this makes you also feel covered up without looking boring, a big big plus!
Miu Miu crystal heels again with a cute day look. Wearing this outfit for a lunch or semi casual drinks with your girlfriends, great choice! The skirt is the absolute centre piece of this outfit, and it being almost too sexy for daytime is good to dress down with a cardigan or jumper that is more covering.
Is this a Dolce & Gabbana dress or am I mistaken? I Loooooveeee the lace detail and the cut of the dress. So glamorous yet classic. This dress could be worn by Brigitte Bardot in the 50’s but it works so well on anyone, simple but looks like a million dollars.
Another short dress that is chic because it’s covered up and with original design. So pretty. Loving the pastel green or if it’s turquoise? Does look great even if not worn with a tan in this picture! A big plus for the nude coloured heels, do you see how it extends the look of the leg? Amazing!
Another dress which has movement to it, possibly to it’s cut and material. Extremely cute shoulders, giving that girly look – almost like a dress made for a doll. It signals purity and elegance at the same time. Gorgeous colour – love it.
Victoria Bonya
White shoes, white clutch, white ring
Playing modern day peek-a-boo in this all white ensemble
And of course the little white and barely there dress – or maybe it’s a shirt? Who cares I love it!!


a little take on Japan-日本,

Japan - (Japanese: 日本 Nihon or Nippon; formally 日本国 Nippon-koku or Ni hon-koku, literally "[the] State of Japan") is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the PacificOcean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. The characters that make up Japan's name mean "sun-origin", which is why Japan is sometimes referred to as the "Land of the Rising Sun".
the word 恋 (koi) is an important one, encompassing the burning, almost compulsive feelings you have for someone when you're experiencing romantic love with them, and "have a date"
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
When Black Celebs become White
This isn’t a joke post, though some of these celebs have become some funny looking people. Celebrities get famous and slowly but surely lighten their skin. They do this in a lot of ways, with actual bleaching products, wearing extremely light foundation or with Photoshop. Look, I am not going to debate about the politics of brown women wearing a weave or sporting your natural hair texture (that’s another conversation). It is worrisome to me when brown people begin to alter their appearance to look more Anglo. If you notice when people get nose jobs it isn’t to widen or round their noses it’s always to have traditionally Anglo noses. -just an observation, so , do not kill the messenger(smiles)
Whistle-Blower: ‘Global Warming’ Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference
According to a report in The Mail on Sunday, NOAA scientist Dr. John Bates has produced “irrefutable evidence” that the NOAA study denying the “pause” in global warming in the period since 1998 was based on false and misleading data.
A me non me ne frega niente della reinterpretazione in chiave moderna della più classica delle storie d'amore holliwoodiane. Del profilo citazionista del film. Della regia di Damien Chazelle che si vede che il ragazzo ha studiato e bene e l'ha fatto sui grandi classici. Dei cliché che tali non appaiono. Della nostalgia di cui è pervasa ogni singola scena. Della superba colonna sonora che ti entra nella testa e lì rimane. Di Parigi che ricompone il tutto, ricongiungendo le linee dei più grandi musical di sempre.
A me non me ne frega niente della reinterpretazione in chiave moderna della più classica delle storie d'amore holliwoodiane. Del profilo citazionista del film. Della regia di Damien Chazelle che si vede che il ragazzo ha studiato e bene e l'ha fatto sui grandi classici. Dei cliché che tali non appaiono. Della nostalgia di cui è pervasa ogni singola scena. Della superba colonna sonora che ti entra nella testa e lì rimane. Di Parigi che ricompone il tutto, ricongiungendo le linee dei più grandi musical di sempre.
No. A me frega che Ryan Gosling in completo beige con la camicia bianca e le mani in bella vista sul piano e l'aria un po' sfatta di fumo e di whisky e di sudore e di notte - perché il jazz è questo - è da limone durissimo.
Falar de cabelo crespo geralmente é assim: tem que ame e quem não goste. Conheço meninas com fios crespos e cacheados que adoram suas madeixas naturais. Mas também, conheço outras com fios ondulados que preferem eles lisos – alisados com escova definitiva até a chapinha. Mas também conheço um montão de meninas com cabelos lisos e finos que adorariam ser cacheadas.
Carine Roitfeld has her own signature style.
She is the French definition of classic with a twist.
I admire her way of dressing for she is not a typical beauty; Roitfeld is a striking woman and has an effortlessly chic and well-put together look. It would seem she has a strong sense of self, is comfortable with what she likes and what works for her.
Her fashion pedigree is one to admire having been editor in chief of Vogue Paris for ten years. She has worked with Tom Ford, Yves Saint Laurent and Chanel; she has an eye for detail and an in depth knowledge of fashion and how it works.
I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive...


This year’s Super Bowl features two Jewish owners, Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots and Arthur Blank of the Atlanta Falcons. Owning football teams isn't the only thing these two have in common, they both have close connections with Israel.
Rega means “hold on a sec”
Kosher McDonald’s and McFalafel.
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777