שבת שלום חברים יקרים
Shabbat shalom and a wonderful weekend everyone.
Beverly Hills...........this store is one of my favorite places in all the world....
they serve incredible espressos in a luxury setting.....lots of luxury clothes from
all the best European designers......lots of VVIP's.....lots of liberal socialists Hollywood types that speak about inequality and spend tons of money.....not me...I will not rail against materialism......sorry I am tired of liberal kooks and socialists.....and yes corrupt politicians that are ruining the world...........
If you do not know this is Barney's New York in Beverly Hills and the palms trees here do send me...aren't they beautiful......non??????
It was an arrangement to make America the ATM (cajero automatico) of the world.............No to Globalism........America first................it would have cost millions of jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars to American taxpayers..............
When it comes to Climate Change we will not always have Paris....thank you President Donald Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord...................
Come and listen to a story 'bout a man named Jed
Poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed
Then one day he was shooting for some food,
And up through the ground come a bubbling crude
(Oil that is, black gold, Texas T)
Well the first thing you know old Jed's a millionaire
Kin folk said Jed move away from there
Said California is the place you oughta be
So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly
(Hills that is, swimming pools, movie stars)
Well now it's time to say goodbye to Jed and all his kin
They would like to thank you folks for kindly dropping in
You're all invited back again to this locality
To have a heaping helping of their hospitality
(Beverly Hillbillies, that's what they call 'em now,
Nice folks Y'all come back now, ya hear?)
Opening and closing episode of "The Beverly Hillbillies".

(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis."
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
The Jewish Princess has been playing tennis matches in different places in Southern California....and the last two days we have been in Santa Barbara and today I did my two hour walk in one of the most beautiful places in Santa Barbara......it was a fabulous walk......
I love kissing (the right lips) so much as it can be soft and romantic or hard and passionate or lazy and sleepy or affectionate and then it's like you like the person and you like you because you're kissing and it's just you and you close your eyes and There will be nothing in the world except that
No todo lo rico engorda y no todo lo bueno es pecado. .
my favorite, for slick back Gordon Gekko type of hair.....smells fabulous

She is one of them.....................
Looking back??? better to live for today..............
Four Bs women should possess or try to: Beauty, Brains, Body, and Balance.
Let’s face it, men are sight-stimulated.
Let’s face it, men are sight-stimulated.

Brains:Top-notch men want a woman with brains.
Here we go again with the sight stimulation. Men want a woman who is in shape and takes care of her body
Here we go again with the sight stimulation. Men want a woman who is in shape and takes care of her body
Finally, the last “B” is balance. Men want someone who is calm, cool, and collected for the most part. Achieving balance means not taking things to extremes.
Finally, the last “B” is balance. Men want someone who is calm, cool, and collected for the most part. Achieving balance means not taking things to extremes.

Good guys (don't wear white) ...they wear BLACK

I love the song and a great singer too.........
RICKY NELSON 1962 version and 1985 version.........
gummy bear breast implants
"Être qualifiée de belle est considéré comme quelque chose d'essentiel au caractère et aux préoccupations des femmes. (Contrairement aux hommes - dont l'essence est d'être fort, ou efficace, ou compétent.) Ce n'est pas la peine d'être une personne profondément impliquée dans le féminisme pour comprendre que la façon dont on apprend aux femmes à s'impliquer dans la beauté encourage le narcissisme, renforce la dépendance et l'immaturité. Tout le monde (femmes et hommes) sait ça. (…) On apprend aux femmes à voir leurs corps en parties, et à évaluer chaque partie séparément. Poitrine, pieds, hanches, tour de taille, cou, yeux, nez, teint, cheveux, et ainsi de suite - chaque élément étant soumis à un examen anxieux, fébrile, souvent désespéré.
Anche oggi continuiamo a fare quello che sappiamo fare quello che il nostro tempo ha voluto facessimo: continuiamo ad essere liberi.
"Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you.
Of course a BBJ with the colors of Israel.....if you don't know than you don't know........
I am not a fan of Jeff Bezos of Amazon....but I love the stock...and it is thanks to President
Donald Trump that the stock market is soaring...today it was a great day to own Amazon stock.......
Amazon.com, Inc.
NASDAQ: AMZN - Jun 2, 4:31 PM EDT
10.78 (1.08%)
Formez vos bataillons
Marchons, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!
Amour sacré de la Patrie,
Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs
Liberté, Liberté chérie
Combats avec tes défenseurs!
Combats avec tes défenseurs!
Sous nos drapeaux que la victoire
Accoure à tes mâles accents
Que tes ennemis expirants
Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire!
been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap

Keysi Mairin Sayago Arrechedera one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Jovani Glitter Dress
Have you met?
The usual price range goes from £1,000 & up for a dress depending on length/design etc.

She could be wearing a Ralphs plastic bag and still look like a million bucks.

The BIG 5 Pageants are: Miss World (1951), Miss Universe (1952), Miss International (1960), Miss Earth (2001) and Miss Supranational (2009).
Las Kardashians (y sobre todo Kim) son conocidas por sus múltiples publicaciones en las redes sociales, en las que cuentan en todo momento dónde están, qué hacen, con quién están, qué llevan puesto… y en las que presumen de joyas, mansiones y ropa de lujo (generalmente, poca).
Cualquier tratamiento para los ojos es bienvenido, y más uno que tiene semejante buena pinta. En internet hay montones, para todos los gustos: desde parches de oro de marcas chinas hasta la versión de lujo de Peter Thomas Roth a un precio de setenta euros.
An athletic look that's all curves and and cuteness, perfect with our Cina shorts.
An extra scooped out curved neckline, dainty sleeves, and copper snaps down the front.
An extra low-cut cross between a v-neck and a scoop neck in a cropped shape.
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)
Who Should Have Been There?
2010 - Marelisa Gibson (Venezuela)
2011 - Deborah Priya Henry (Malaysia)
2012 - Bodine Koehler (Puerto Rico)
2011 - Deborah Priya Henry (Malaysia)
2012 - Bodine Koehler (Puerto Rico)
ชั่วนิรันดร์ - กับอีสานโปรเจ็ค - The Isan Project ft. Richie & Mariam - Forever (Dance Remix)
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777