After Shabbat I traveled with the Jewish Princess to the Orange County Fair but before we had a nice shopping spree at South Coast Plaza.....and we will stay in Newport Beach for a couple of days as Tiffany has tennis workouts.............
And I am always driven on Beverly Drive up to the is the scenic palm tree road that I never get tired to see...............
Make your day a little sweeter, with a decadent Chocolate Soufflé 😛🍫 |📸
Shavua Tov.........Wishing everyone an amazing week
“Aliyah is the foundation of the state of the Jews and the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy of the Jewish people returning to its land and building it.” - Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו
Did you make Aliyah?
The three wise monkeys (Japanese: 三猿, san'en or sanzaru, or 三匹の猿, sanbiki no saru, literally "three monkeys"), sometimes called the three mystic apes, are a pictorial maxim. Together they embody the proverbial principle to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". The three monkeys are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil.

Buon giorno con il tiramisu 🇮🇹✨
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
«La vita è adesso»
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you
too. ..JG
I started the day walking Pier to Pier.....from Newport Beach to Balboa.....fabulous walk....beautiful views..................
I told you so............
Fast walking, the best way to burn fat According to Harley Pasternak, star fitness guru, doing cardio exercise intensively burns calories but not fat. The best way to do it is to walk
Camminata veloce, il modo migliore per bruciare i grassi Secondo Harley Pasternak, il guru fitness delle star, fare attività cardio in modo intenso fa bruciare calorie ma non grassi. Il metodo che funziona di più è camminare
Feliz aniversário, Gisele Bündchen! ..... ONE OF THE FIRST FOLLOWERS OF THE TIDBITS AND A DEAR FRIEND TO THE GOLDSTEINS ....................
And they will sell very fast....we live in a mad mad world.......
LOCATION: Indian Creek Island, Miami, FL
PRICE: $150,000,000
SIZE: Four contiguous and vacant waterfront parcels that together span 7.3 acres
Curves are healthy too...............
She loves LV as much as I do..........
No shame in this monogramed game 🤦🏽♀️
Peepy seems to be saying: "Keep the snakes away from me unless they are Gucci ones"
The traders are like lone wolves who go in and make tons of money by making quick decisions…
But supporting every successful trader is his/her broker – the one who actually connects buyers and sellers and makes trades go through.
Il y a plein de choses qui définissent les femmes, mais au niveau du physique, la caractéristique la plus flagrante, ce sont les seins. Une source sans fin de fierté, de déceptions, de complexes … et un truc autour duquel toutes les femmes se retrouvent. Un sésame précieux pour le fameux Girls’ Club.
and this pic is worth a Million dollars....YSL and Halston.....
Satin is Satin......
Happiness are simple things............
I love Cartier..........the tradition continues................
Ханна - Te Amo (Премьера клипа, 2017)
"ما ذهب جميل إلا و جاء أجمل، فالحمدلله دائماً و ابداً"
This is what makes Coffee Coffee.....if you don't know than you don't know
"It's the 5 M's," "Miscela — blend; macchina, the coffee machine; macinino, the grinder; manutenzione, machine maintenance; and mano, the skill of the barista."
This is not about La Perla, it is about my well manicured hands(smiles)
If you request it they will make black shirts for you.......
Soon after Charvet launched, Paris was the center of the shirting world.
Christofle Charvet, whose father Jean-Pierre had been "curator of the wardrobe" for Napoleon, created the first chemisier in the world. Henry Poole, for some perspective, didn't open on London's Savile Row until 1846.
Esperta in drammi sentimentali.
Thank you Jack Ma - Ma Yun 马云; my shares of Baba
and i am betting on you on the upcoming Best inc. ipo
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd
NYSE: BABA - Jul 21, 7:59 PM EDT

Tony Curtis gives the profile of his idol, Cary Grant, for TCM.
Jena Goldsack one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people
La moda de baño estilo Beverly Hills

Miroslava Duma is little dynamite...............

Fondation Vasarely
If you are icon even from the back you are recognized
"The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
"The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
a little take on Japan-日本,

Over the years I've learned a lot about the Japanese. They're extremely polite, always careful to avoid confrontation and unpleasantness with others. They're very hardworking, occasionally to the point of karoshi, or death from overwork
Doña Letizia, dióxido de carbono para estar perfecta
El responsable de su piel reluciente es el prestigioso doctor Ricardo Ruiz Rodríguez
Hands up if you’d quite like to take over a mansion in Beverly Hills and throw a massive party for all of your most beautiful friends? Well, that’s exactly what Balmain did to launch their first ever west coast boutique.
Someone told her that carrot juice makes tan stronger 👧🏽 let's check ☺️ So tell me you like tan skin??? 🍫
It was hotter in 1955 than today?????
Here is something to think 1955 the weather was so hot in Memphis that Elvis bought himself a pink Cadiallac and drove to Florida to cool off on the ocean there.....the moral of this, that in 1955 there were few cars, few carbon dioxide yes, Climate Change is a hoax.....
in a peaceful Oasis

a famosa máscara de ouro
Italy's Coffee Culture Brims With Rituals And Mysterious Rules
Coffee - it's something can not start the day without. In Italy, it is a cultural mainstay, and the country is perhaps the beverage's spiritual home.
After all, Italy gave us the lingo - espresso, cappuccino, latte - and its coffee culture filled with rituals and mysterious rules.
Caffé Greco is Rome's oldest café. Founded in 1760, it's also the second oldest in all of Italy, after Florian in Venice.
In the afternoon a cappuccino is considered a breakfast beverage never, ever to be consumed after late morning. the Italian coffee mantra, "it's pesante, it's heavy!"
The most common ritual is drinking coffee standing up at a bar, chatting with the barista. in Rome, you'll often hear a person order an espresso or cappuccino served in a glass — many claim it tastes better than in a porcelain cup.
This red bikini could not get more MAZ. Il sha3ar il mal7oos and the belly button piercing and the Wang buildings on her feet malhom da3y bes il bikini raheeeeeeeb!! The straps, the way it hugs her body couldn't get better! The color and style is sensational! Im thinking.. Eres?
High Waisted

Yes, High Waisted..............