Chrome on Windows
Beverly Hills, CA
account @Goldstein2323.
my new home trading room..............
Que a gente se encante cada vez mais pela simplicidade, pelo que é de verdade, por tudo que vier do coração…🍃 May we be more and more enchanted by simplicity, by what is real, by everything that comes from the heart…
✡ Shabbat Shalom ✡ שבת שלום
"A plan got canceled?" خيرة "
Found about a fake friend? "معرفة حلوة و انتهت"
Life is not worth stressing out "
No drama
Sun's out ☀️and she brightens the day for anyone.........
Bom dia! Que vocês tenham um dia cheio de luz
Before Cartier started doing a special scent for me, I swore by Spoiled Beverly Hills....and even though Theodore went out of business I still have many bottles of Spoiled....and it is an amazing smell........
Poetry, Beauty, Love and Romance. These are the reasons we stay alive for.
I think Happiness is Overrated! Satisfied, At Peace - Those would be more Realistic Goals Your ultimate, is to be at peace with yourself. You should have big dreams & deserve to live a life you love & let that love eradicate
Bari, Italy
Gente di mare/che se ne va.
Rodeo is not just for fun in the sun, it’s also the perfect date night getaway 😉 ❤️
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
"Everything you can imagine is real."
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you
Privet Matryoshkas
Good Saturday morning, dear reader! I apologize, as ever, for the disturbance as you prepare to attend your patty pan squash harvest, say, or re-read Henri Lefebvre's treatises on quotidian discontent. But it would be unpatriotic to deprive you of the latest tidibts.....
If you ever come to Los Angeles and are someone that likes to do long walks or long is a beautiful can go from Beverly Hills to Pacific is a distance of about 10.2 miles.....afterwards you can celebrate at In-N-Out with a beautiful friend like I did.......
Aladdin inspiration? ✨🏺
Kybella is a cytolytic agent that causes lysis of the adipocytes.. meaning the permanent destruction of fat cells

You must stay here at least one time in your life......
shopping at it’s best |
On private presentation autumn collection of Dior 🖤🖤
Dr. Jorge Krasovsky Santamarina
This Mexican Doctor does a lipo in 4D...I have a model friend(yes all models do
lipo) that went to him and he removed every little gram of fat in her body....
Me compararas con quien me remplases,
Me vas a maldecir el por que me cambieste,
Yo se que no podras jamas olvidarme,
Te equivocaste en el corazon no se manda
gummy bear breast implants
La fascination qu'exerce un être sur un autre ne provient pas de ce qu'exhale sa personnalité à l'instant de la rencontre. C'est de la somme de tout son être que se dégage une drogue puissante capable de séduire et d'attacher.
Where can you buy municipal bonds?
Investors can buy municipal bonds through bond dealers, banks, and almost any online or full-service brokerage firm.
Unlike stocks, there is no centralized exchange for municipal bond transactions.
Dealers buy and sell municipal bonds (a.k.a munis) in an over-the-counter market.
Unlike stocks, there is no centralized exchange for municipal bond transactions.
Dealers buy and sell municipal bonds (a.k.a munis) in an over-the-counter market.
Chasing the sun
West Hollywood is the heart and soul of Los Angeles..........
you cannot go wrong with this options........
at the beach on a hot para bebés y infantes pero las pijas juran por este olor....
me too....y on your hair........WOW
and to impress someone on a cool Southern California night......
this combination is divine..........
And if you are fortunate to be able to have, buy or covet this scent you will definetely
standout........this is Oh là là
at the beach on a hot para bebés y infantes pero las pijas juran por este olor....
me too....y on your hair........WOW
and to impress someone on a cool Southern California night......
And if you are fortunate to be able to have, buy or covet this scent you will definetely
standout........this is Oh là là
There's a place....where I can go....when I feel low....when I feel blue....and it's my mind....and there's no time....when I'm alone...I think of you....and things you do....go round my head....the things you I love only you....

been there done that
been there done that
Been there done that
Kara del Toro one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




I love this look.....she looks fantastic.......
Miroslava Duma wearing H&M dress and belt, Zara vest and Prada sandals. She's a living doll in this look! Unfortunately the dress is sold out...
Looking fashionable at McDonalds only a few can pull it off.......she can
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
I love this look.....she looks fantastic.......
Miroslava Duma wearing H&M dress and belt, Zara vest and Prada sandals. She's a living doll in this look! Unfortunately the dress is sold out...

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

How would you like to see a beauty of a flower, or maybe a flock of geese in you see something at the time you see it...... When you hear it, what is the song saying to you right now.

Nada melhor que reservar um momento do dia pra tomar aquele cafézinho, não é mesmo?
Adriana Lima and Alessandra Ambrosio starred in a luxurious photo shoot, which posed for the cameras in sophisticated black and nadovich sets of underwear.
Nishba Lach | נשבע לך
שנים חיכיתי לקבל אותך במתנה
אוצר יפה, אוצר יפה
וזה הרגע הנכון לאמר לך שאת בשבילי הכל
ולנגן בקול
אני נשבע לך, אני נשבע לך
שאתן לך את ימיי ולילותי
אני נשבע לך, אני נשבע לך
שאתן לך את ימיי ולילותי
אני נשבע לך
דמעה של אושר בעיניי
אני רוצה אותך בתוך חיי, בתוך חיי לנצח
את נאחזת בידי
קולות של מלאכים ומנגינה רק לך יפה
אני נשבע לך...
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5778