Eat Kosher!!!!!!You will live longer!!!

I fall in love with details
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
In some places around the world ....some individuals cringe when the subject of plastic surgery or admitting to having work done is is taboo....but in one of the most narcissistic places as Beverly Hills it is a badge of honor or is considered chic.....and yesterday still looking like I was punched in the face I ventured onto Rodeo Drive and to Barneys.....I got so many compliments and admiring looks....really and a few told me, you will look fantastic after the swelling goes down; you see even store clerks like models and socialites love the fact that you went under the knife....under the scalpel if you wish....
And yes, sometime in a few weeks I will post the results.

Smile (if your face isn't botoxed), you're in sunny Beverly Hills
The goal of facial aesthetic surgery is to reverse the signs of aging without leaving tell tale signs. A facelift is not intended to make a person look fundamentally different, just fresher. It is an effective way to “turn back the clock” and the beneficial effects will last about ten years. When properly performed there is a natural appearance that never looks tight. Scars are usually inconspicuous, even with short hairstyles.
I am sick of political correctness....why are they not allowed to post this video for recruitment
and we have to put up with all other beliefs of and let live.......and yes I
like the presentation............
I was invited by a friend to Century City to watch "Straight Out of Compton" she
as well as I were not impressed.....but than again you might have a different opinion
and I respect it............
another new sponsor.....muito obrigado...........

These two lucky girls met fabulous Sheikha Mozah in Cannes. Sheikha is looking chic and fab in her casual black ensemble. Loving the classic sunglasses and sparkling earrings.
Some good manners tips for women..........
1. Send thank you notes, always and to everyone.
2. Practice good posture
3. Speak more softly
4. Listen without interrupting
5. Wear Black
6. Ignore fads, or use them sparingly
7. Learn French
8. Wear only 2-3 accessories
9. Have impeccable manners
10. Read on a variety of topics
modestia parte....modesty aside I pick talent always in the right manner...
RATHI MENON for ELLE Singapore
Wearing Max Tan for Elle's August Issue
with supermodel Huda Ali
Rathi is on a cover and in many other magazines this month.... she puts Miss Universe on the map in Singapore clearly!...
with supermodel Huda Ali
Rathi is on a cover and in many other magazines this month.... she puts Miss Universe on the map in Singapore clearly!...
Well done, and I told you so.........
Να `ξερες τα βράδια πως μισώ που με τιμωρούν που σ’ έχω χάσει θέλω να σε δω, τ’ ομολογώ άλλη τέτοια νύχτα ας μην περάσει
Natural or fake? Who of these celebrities has gone through the knife? How about all of them.......
Et vous, le rouge, vous en portez ? Quelles sont vos vêtements rouges préférés ?
I couldn’t tell you
what it was that
inevitably made her
so special to me,
but I do know that
there has never been
another person that
has made me feel
as at home within
my own skin as
she has, and even
in her silence,
I can feel her loving
me from wherever
she may be.
what it was that
inevitably made her
so special to me,
but I do know that
there has never been
another person that
has made me feel
as at home within
my own skin as
she has, and even
in her silence,
I can feel her loving
me from wherever
she may be.
"لن يفهمك إلا إثنان ، أحدهم مر في حالتك ، والأخر يحبك جداً"

gummy bear breast implants
Do Japanese say I love you?
Of course. There are two ways to say this, suki desu (lit. "I like you" but with a strong romantic implication) and ai shiteru ("I love you,") usually considered too strong for casual use)

But cool is also definitely NOT like fashion. Cool is more about what the norm is NOT. Cool is elusive, indefinable, covetable. It is original, desirable, and not accessible to everybody. If everyone has it, if the brand becomes saturated, it stops being cool.
Sheikha Mozah, cheekbones to die for. I know some people say they are bought, does it matter?
And yes they are..............
What a beauty!
Brigitte Bardot, the iconic French model, actress, singer (kinda, and bombshell who rose to prominence in the 1950s and 60s.
By the time the 70s rolled around Bardot withdrew into seclusion, then became an animal rights activist, and then a xenophobic curmudgeon. So let's celebrate some of her earlier stuff, you know at the height of the bizarre retrofuture psychadelic affair that was the 1960s (and Serge Gainsbourg).
In my mind she had some of the most elegant and beautiful facial features of the last century. Check out this cool video.
It is at once interesting and sad. She had such big eyes, full cheeks, and wonderful lips. Those are the way full lips should look – not the ridiculous overstuffed Juvederm lips of our generation.
“ Pleasure to me is wonder—the unexplored, the unexpected, the thing that is hidden and the changeless thing that lurks behind superficial mutability.
Shakira sang about them..... "Ojos Así"
when a girl uses LOL in a text. It usually means she's easily impressed....And most likely still not know what is the know.

Bisogna trascendere dal reale - per capirne la magia.

there is a difference between perfume and cologne, with perfume you put one drop, and it lasts for a week, but with cologne you have to put a spray every 15 minutes because it disappears.
Puede resultar un problema ser demasiado Guapa??? No, si lo sabes llevar con clase!!!
Você não precisa me dar nada! O que significa: Você tem que me dar algum presente. Você poderia se esforçar mais, né?
Who can afford to buy at Tom Ford boutique?
"rich Asians with cash"
young oil-money princess from Dubai or the Kingdom

Been there done that......
thigh gap
no thigh gap

Rolene Strauss one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


more tidbits
some of my favorite things, people....places
a look back at the 2014 Victoria's Secret Casting for non angels

The French Kiss was invented in Paris, so surely the natives are experts on lips, oui?
CCC with her favorite lipstick...........