YES All I see is GOLD.....©Fabulous, any better would be a sin!!!!!

" The key question to keep asking is, are you spending your time on the right things? Because time is all you have. "
Amare la vita-love life
Essere buoni-be good
Vestirsi di Nero- dress in black
on Fur (Yea), Selfies (Nay) and Keeping Busy so so ...
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Mazel Tov....parabéns....to the Tidbits........
When I started writing this blog....the Tidbits.... I had high expectations and today they
were realised when my blog crossed the 1,000,000 (million) page view threshold....
keep in mind this is not a blog that post pictures only....or are all about myself....it is a reflection of what I like, what I admire, what I have experienced and continue to experience.....
therefore I have to believe that the majority of you that read but do not follow or those
who follow from all over this wide world find it stimulating and find it profound and
entertaining.....to the fabulous sponsors you have gotten the publicity you so desire...
thank you thank you and thank you........
Yesterday we went from Burbank Airport to Palm Springs by Sikorsky S-92 we got there
pretty fast as we did not have to brave the massive traffic of Los Angeles....and going on 10 East is a nightmare.....it was so nice.....and on the return we floated back....very impressive....
we also had a mini sikorsky takes us to the desert as the Jewish Princess wanted to see it so she
could compare it to the Negev desert in Israel..........
Dr Karyn Grossman
Jaw line.....before I forget Dr Teitelbaum's friend Dr. Karyn Grossman told me a couple days ago that the way they did my Jaw....the more square chin implant will make a great impression.....she knows so do not take my word for it.....pics coming
I promise when all the swelling goes down.....
Women have an incredible talent.
It is often underrated and goes unnoticed but I believe it is not only genius but also unique...it is multi tasking.......
: Nihil boni sine labore. It means, “Nothing good achieved without hard work.”
A massive Mazel Tov to Hanna Knyazyeva-Minenko, the Israeli triple jumper who has just taken a historic silver medal in the Word Athletics Championships in Beijing
Of course all his advisers are JEWS....that is why
On a black day for the world’s billionaires, where 400 of the world’s richest people had $124 billion wiped off their collective fortunes, Saudi Prince Alwaleed escaped unscathed according to the latest figures. the self-made billionaire has grown his wealth by $1.4 billion (5.3 percent) so far this year and even increased his fortune by $81.9 million in the last 24 hours. And yes, he is blessed to have Goldman Sachs in his corner(smiles)
Black jumpsuits are nice, try to find one for this fall
Make sure you wear high brown heels and that you still have a little tan because it will look nicer....
Birkin is still the norm for socialites, models, wannabes and t.....
but Lady Lee ABL still reigns in the Birkin department
Cuando las bailarinas eran naturales y unicas, no como las de ahora que parecen muñecas de plastico, todas con el mismo cuerpo y la misma actitud

gummy bear breast implants
anything with an I sends me..........(phone, pad,cloud, tv, Mac)
a girl with white gloves sends me....
“sorry” vs “I’m sorry”
“night” vs “goodnight”
“bye” vs “goodbye”
“love you” vs “i love you”
all have two different meanings
Wall Street a Jewish Preserve
Wall Street the bastion of world high finance and money corruption, is, in fact, a mostlyJewish preserve. Few Gentiles are allowed to trespass in the hallowed confines of the New York Stock Exchange. It is as if a sign were posted on the exchange’s massive front doors which reads,“NOTICE: No Gentiles allowed. This is an exclusively Jewish Club.”
- Se ora tu bussassi alla mia porta
e ti togliessi gli occhiali
e io togliessi i miei che sono uguali
e poi tu entrassi dentro la mia bocca
senza temere baci disuguali
e mi dicessi: «Amore mio,
ma che è successo? », sarebbe un pezzo
di teatro di successo -

Never gets old Ulyana, never gets old.
and her nose was done by Professor Ivo Pitanguy ...no one does a nose
so perfect

“It’s more interesting to have just a picture of a small detail – then you can dream all the rest around it. Because when you see the whole thing, what is there to imagine?”
yes, in the morning sans maquillage that is how she looks....
The results of studies is very clear answer most of the questions that we ask ourselves in the mirror: the smoothness and elasticity of the skin and its perfect color provides hyaluronic acid - which helps to maintain an optimal water balance of the cells. With age, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases, the skin loses tone and wrinkles.
This tablets,potions and pills help you for sure.

Usar laca ya no es cosa de abuelas........... the use of lacquer is no longer a matter of grandmothers
Lejos de apelmazar el cabello como antaño, una nueva generación de lacas ha llegado al mercado para dar brillo, aromas florales o protección térmica a las melenas más exigentes. ¿Te atreves?

Been there done that......
thigh gap
no thigh gap

Maria Victoria Montoya Maya one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


more tidbits
some of my favorite things, people....places

As for Natasha Poly being in Vogue Paris, the Russian beauty is showing off in red- from her bikini
In a tea dress that's half Fifi Chachnil nightgown, half Toddlers and Tiaras. She looks like a beautiful pearly strawberry candy.
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Extravagance.....elegance...and out of the normal style but that is Lady Lee
and Peepy

Japan a "vertical" society in which young people learn to show respect to their elders(senpai) in ways we can't easily conceive of in English.

AL what is her secret...elementary Mr Watson....it is Formula 2006 from Dr Frances Prenna Jones
Natural beauty: Adriana Lima jets into Los Angeles wearing very little make-up
Pure Gold Collagen like many products it works for some and for others does not....
However I guess it is like everything nothing ventured nothing gained.
The man with the Golden Gun....Dr Maurice Dray 10-minute facelift
The French know a lot about suffering for beauty
The facelift, created by French dermatologist Dr Maurice Dray, is a non-invasive answer to going under the knife. It uses injections of man-made chemicals called biphasic tricalcium phosphates (BTCPs) to restructure the jowls by encouraging the skin to produce collagen, the connective tissue that keeps our skin naturally taut when young.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned


Elle n’a peut-être que 18 ans, mais à l’époque des photos photoshoppées et hyper-retouchées,Bella Hadid force le respect.
Je vous rassure, je ne suis pas accro aux people de la télé-réalité, et ce n’est pas de voir une fille de 18 ans en sous-vêtements qui m’a bluffée…Ce qui m’a séduite, c’est le slogan “No Makeup, No Retouching, Just Me” (Pas de make-up, pas de retouches, juste moi). Sans parler de son corps sublime avec des formes qui nous ramènent à la grande époque des Cindy et Claudia.
Du coup, je m’interroge, assisterait-on à un retour de la tendance « au naturel » ?
She may only be 18 but, in a world of photoshopped and perfected imagery, Bella Hadid has guts.
Bear with me, I’m not on the reality-star-cum-celebrity-children train – and I wasn’t astounded to see an 18 year old in underwear… But the byline “No Makeup, No Retouching, Just Me” kind of got, well, me. And she has a bod – curves and all, reminiscent of the Cindys and Claudias of times past.
It has me wondering, is au naturel trending?

There are some tastes and smells that never grow old or un-loved.
Fig is one of them.
I love their succulence and generosity, their sweetness and texture.
The Camorra Never sleeps

hoi polloi
: the general populace : masses
Ever wonder what happens to the hundreds of thousands of fashion pictures that don’t make it to print? Some of them are deleted, some of them are probably on a giant hard drive somewhere…
Le Corset!!!!

Whether they have designed clothes, written poetry, composed operas, built public squares, painted for popes, hewn marble, or sailed the fathomless seas, many Italians of genius have placed a premium on achieving an appearance of effortless mastery, or sprezzatura, that is attained only by costly, concentrated effort and unremitting labor. 'In the end,' says Giorgio Armani, 'the most difficult thing to do is the simplest thing.'"
Sprezzatura [nonchalance], so as to conceal all art and make whatever is done or saidappear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it."
If you live in Los Angeles let me recommend you the following:
Favorite People Watching Spot: This may sound strange, but I love watching Hasidic Jews walk the streets, especially on La Brea. They tend to walk every Saturday in groups and I love the way they wear all black and dress in uniform fashion. It's interesting and inspiring to watch them when they travel in unity.As you know I love sleek black fashion and I think Hasidic Jewish men surprisingly fit in this category. Probably the best spot in Los Angeles to see noir chic on the streets.
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without
credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775