בוע טוב
Shavua Tov!
We hope everyone had an inspiring Shabbat, and wish you all successful week ahead.
Septembre est le mois de l’adaptation calculée.
Voglio il tuo profumo
Dammi tutto il tuo sapore
Gianna Nannini
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
If you follow this blog you know that Wixson is one of the few that get mentioned quite
often here.....if you see her in the morning sans maquillage she does not look great but
once she steps up on the ramp or on editorials she becomes great...another person
yes the Kingdom as in KSA
Is the Starbucks logo a mermaid...or a depiction of Queen Esther.?...being that the defacto
founder, CEO. owner Howard Schlutz is a JEW than do the reasoning...?????
Starbucks is to be found in Mecca, in Al-Madina, opposite the King Abdul Aziz Gate in Mecca, opposite the Al-Majid Gate in Al-Madina, as well as in Cairo. Starbucks is to be found everywhere, with this logo. This is the Starbucks logo.
Gisele Bündchen's First Commercial for Stuart Weitzman Will Debut During the 2015 VMAs
Following a slew of red-hot Stuart Weitzman campaigns, Gisele is leading the luxury footwear line into unchartered territory. No, she's not going completely nude for the ads (albeit she's come very close in the past, and has an affinity for posing in the buff)—she's starring in Stuart Weitzman's first-ever television commercial.
Today during my two hour daily walk , I as always was listening to music on my iPhone and the app OOTunes and normally I switch from radio stations around the world and occasionally listen to my playlist on iTunes. Today I mainly listened to Radio Tel Aviv they had the most incredible non stop music...all genres including even red neck music from Alabama(smiles)....the walk went by so fast...WOW is all I can say and I do not say WOWvery often.
you need elegant black bottoms
$1,244, Givenchy
The Beverly Hills palm trees.....Edith Piaf singing the " Autumn Leaves" so Chic...
Beyoncé Made a Video at the September Issue Cover Shoot
And if you must ask whose house this is....than if you don't know than you don't know
Si une femme est mal habillée, on remarque sa robe, mais si elle est impeccablement vêtue, c’est elle que l’on remarque.
― Coco Chanel
y una cosa te vengo a decir
viaje de Bahrain hasta Beirut
fui desde el Norte hasta el polo sur
y no encontre ojos asi
como los que tienes tu
"Shakira - Ojos Asi"
Dopo un mese è di nuovo lunedì.
Hello September.....tell me something I do not know.....
A chi ancora crede nella dieta del lunedì, nella palestra del primo settembre, nella parola cambiamento appuntata sull’agenda che sia un buon inizio.
E a chi crede semplicemente nel potere dell’adrenalina, buena vida. Senza bisogno di un calendario a ricordarcelo.
(Un anno fa. Oggi. Domani e sempre)

gummy bear breast implants
"It doesn’t matter how beautiful you are, if you don’t have anything interesting to say then you’re still boring."

What would Audrey, Jackie, and Grace wear to the gym today?
I know they would wear something more elegant than this......not that this girls do not look
There is no better way than this to watch a Fred and Ginger movie......
A Thoroughbred racehorse, palm trees and the San Gabriel Mountains. Must be the one and only Santa Anita Park racetrack in Arcadia, California, U.S.A
It's all about the attitude. "All the time, you see people wearing the most expensive labels in the world, and everything is on top of each other, but at the end of the day, what is the difference between the woman who looks good and the woman who doesn't? It's not how much she's buying, it's not how expensive it is, but how confident she feels when wearing that piece. That is what makes the difference and that is what you can see in her eyes.
Aesthetic Facial Rejuvenation
Mirror, Mirror...How Can a Small Shadow Make a Big Difference?
When you look in the mirror who do you see? As we age, our faces undergo many unwanted changes; over time we loose contour, volume, and develop shadows. Beauty is a function of our perception of lines, geometry, symmetry, and youth. As the signs of aging begin to show, injectables offers many ways to improve things like, sagging skin caused by loss of volume, wrinkles, sun damage, and shadows that result in your face looking tired and drained. By taking advantage of the right injectables there is no reason why you cannot look considerably younger throughout your entire life.
Falling in love with all things French came easily to me.as having a Paris born father can instill some of those feelings......and I do not dream much but sometimes I dream in French.

Levanta a mão quem nunca foi ao salão e pediu por ondas bem largas, polidas e com muito movimento iguais as das angels da Victoria’s Secret (ou da ex angel Gisele Bündchen)

Been there done that........
thigh gap
no thigh gap

Kimberly Garner one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


Born: 27th November 1979
Nationality: Russian (born in Siberia)
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Lives: Monaco & Moscow
Occupation: Tv & Radio presenter, model, actress, former reality star in Russia
From the beginning she was an ordinary girl, who lived in Krasnokamensk, Chita region in Siberia. As a 16 year old she moved to Moscow and worked as a waitress. Her big break through came in 2006, aged 27, when she entered one of Russias most famous reality shows “Dom 2″ (similar to Big Brother). She remained on the show for 10 months, and became a well known face across the country.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

"COOPER" vs "HAC" Peepy Love Both!!! "It Is Not A Bag , It Is A COOPER & HAC" ....... [Hermès Haut à Courroies (Birkin) Travel Bag & Ralph Lauren Cooper (Ricky) Weekender Bag

Peepy loves teddy bears....colorful ones at that.......

Lday 'LEE With Pa'Vee , K'Sumanee , Ar'Suree At Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok

a little take on Japan-日本,

Freud's triparite division of the pysche into the super-ego ("over I"), ego ("I") and Id ("it"), translated into Japanese.
I believe that this tripartite division of the self applies to the Japanese too, but some (e.g. Kishida Shu) believe that the Japanese do not have a superego. Not being a monotheistic society, and being instead collectivists, the Japanese equivalent of the super-ego is other people. Instead of guilt (or fear of god 対神恐怖症) the Japanese have social phobia (fear of other people 対人恐怖症).
I believe that this tripartite division of the self applies to the Japanese too, but some (e.g. Kishida Shu) believe that the Japanese do not have a superego. Not being a monotheistic society, and being instead collectivists, the Japanese equivalent of the super-ego is other people. Instead of guilt (or fear of god 対神恐怖症) the Japanese have social phobia (fear of other people 対人恐怖症).

It depends of how you want to be as a woman....but I think sometimes natural is better than exaggerated implants
no implants
no implants


The new look is becoming a trend for women in their 50′s and 60′s, calling it The New Face. Instead if tight, stretched skin, that is a dead giveaway for a facelift gone wrong – the new trend is calling for plump, full, glowing skin. The key to this technique is anunder-skin lifting of the muscles of the lower face, preserving essential facial“architecture.” A regimen of injections of fat and collagen and whatnot supplements this work by creating the appearance of baby fat.

Dr Aamer Khan is renowned for his finely tuned aesthetic eye and subtle approach to cosmetic enhancements.
Doctors are with the opinion that 1 of the initially locations in the confront to exhibit symptoms of getting older is across the eyes. Below-eye baggage and sagging upper eyelids that come with age is often corrected via Eye Cosmetic Surgery treatment, also called blepharoplasty. This comparatively minor eye cosmetic surgical treatment can refresh the look in the confront and go away it looking many years younger
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden


A favorite of Carine Roitfeld and Steven Klein, the younger Hadid is going commercial…
This girl is a looks wisard
l'amitié, which means "friendship" in English.
One more thing: If you're writing a letter in French, you can sign it amitiés, which roughly translates to "your friend" or "best wishes." But I prefer bisous!

️️ FRIENDS!!!!! , It Is Not Where You Go??? Or What You Do??? , BUT It Is Who Is Beside You That Counts. FOREVER!!!!!
Such a beautiful face....
Pia Alonso, Filipina delegate for Miss Universe.
It was a test shoot that she organized by herself, nothing major... but see how perfect she looks. This is exactly how she looked like in person, when I met her.
does her mouth not close at all?
I went back through her tFS thread and not in a single image of her is found with her mouth closed. YSL? Open. T Magazine? Open. Love's new editorial? Open. NEXT's show cards

y este ritmo se te va quedar en tu mente cuando oirlo.........y que onda con los bailarines(sonrisas)

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Simplified T’shuvah
[T’shuvah - lit. repentance process or return]
Torah commands - two categories:
Between man and G-d
Between man and Fellow

Till next time..............
It has been awhile since I quoted , Mr Jed Clampett of the Beverly Hillbillies fame, so here it is
"You'all come back now, hear" sit a spell" till the next one.do come back and JG is always trying to entertain you, amuse you and enlighten you " JG loves life, it is © Fabulous, any better would be a sin"
"You'all come back now, hear" sit a spell" till the next one.do come back and JG is always trying to entertain you, amuse you and enlighten you " JG loves life, it is © Fabulous, any better would be a sin"
Posted at an undisclosed location at an undisclosed hour,,on an undisclosed date with an undisclosed girl(smiles)
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775