I hardly have dreams but last night I dreamt that I was with a leggy, brainy blonde (smiles) in
Santa Catalina.....so I woke up with un tarlo musicale (literally: a repetitive piece of music that sticks in your mind) in my head.....and if you follow this blog you have
heard this fabulous music before.......

What I am about to communicate to you is the most astonishing thing, the most surprising, the most marvelous(smiles),the most fabulous(sonrisas) most thriumphant, most baffling, most unheard of, most singular, most extraordinary, most unbelievable, most unforeseen, biggest, tiniest, rarest, commonest, the most talked about, and the most secret up to this day....here go my TIDBITS:
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
O Professor Ivo Pitanguy
Dr. Ivo
The world’s most famous plastic surgeon DR IVO PITANGUY- RJ-BOTAFOGO-BRASIL
Ivo Pitanguy is famous throughout the world, but in his native Brasil he’s a legend, eclipsed in public recognition only by Pelé, the soccer g-d. That a plastic surgeon could reach this level of renown says something about the Brazilian worship of physical beauty and, of course, Pitanguy’s knack with the knife.
A woman I have known for many years did something to her face not all that long ago, and for a few weeks afterward, I was not able to put my finger on it. Did she get her eyes done? Restylane injections? Botox? Then I thought, she got a face-lift.
Then one day, about a month later, I ran into her at a party and she looked stunning. The puffiness had settled, the fire under the skin had gone out. Even her lips looked like they belonged on her face. They were shaped just like her old lips, but … juicier. Her whole face looked as if it had been pushed out and plumped up—not unlike a slightly tired but still very stylish down-filled sofa that looks almost new if you keep those cushions fluffed. Icannot say that she looked exactly like her old self—but so close! A fantastic approximation! An uncanny resemblance! She looks like a very impressive artist’s rendering of her..........and her surgeon as I finally surmised was: Dr Ivo Pitanguy, and alas he is great but for me my doctor is the absolutely best :) (Dr Steven M Hoefflin...Michaelangelo to me)..and if you don't know than you don't know.
Starting the day in North Beverly Park....what an amazing view.....
Still too long....Still boring....Still left-wing(liberal)
his big limousine.....no wonder they are called limousine liberals.......
The two richest in the world......Bill Gates and Warren Buffett drink five Coca-colas a day
Et si on parlait de seins ?
Il y a plein de choses qui définissent les femmes, mais au niveau du physique, la caractéristique la plus flagrante, ce sont les seins. Une source sans fin de fierté, de déceptions, de complexes … et un truc autour duquel toutes les femmes se retrouvent.

Even if you are rich and famous this happens to lots of women..

Cellulite: le star "insospettabili"
Le guardi e sembrano perfette. Una foto presa in strada o al mare e con una luce particolare rivela invece gambe e glutei non così levigati. La cellulite colpisce quasi tutte, anche le star dalle quali mai te lo aspetteresti. E' democratica

Cellulite: le star "insospettabili"
Le guardi e sembrano perfette. Una foto presa in strada o al mare e con una luce particolare rivela invece gambe e glutei non così levigati. La cellulite colpisce quasi tutte, anche le star dalle quali mai te lo aspetteresti. E' democratica
I like it when women wear a men's Rolex Day-Date President Watch
Blanco o Negro??????
Tattler magazine has one of the best plastic surgery guides....and the 2016 edition is the
“One-percenters,” collectors, dealers, artists, rappers, socialites, hangers-on, would-bes, princesses, archduchesses, moguls, editors, reporters, photographers, bloggers, fashionistas, athletes, rock stars, drag queens, museum directors, museum board members, designers, architects, former Warhol superstars, people holding O.B.E.’s, and celebrity look-a likes....the world is a circus

— (adjective) In the list of one of the most 100 beautiful words in the English language, ineffable’s beauty lies in its flowing sound and meaning. Ineffable describes the sentiment of being unable to express something in words because it is too extreme to communicate; words cannot possibly do justice at this particular moment
“Let me take a selfie” says the song, and plastic surgeons are crediting an uptick in business to social media’s selfie obsession
The selfie revolution is upon us and everywhere you look someone is holding up their smartphone and snapping a picture of their face, which will then promptly be posted to a social media outlet—or three.
Japanese are famous for saying ah, so (short for ah, so desu ka? or "oh, is that so?"), and they really do say it a lot. I sometimes blurt inadvertently ah and cannot help it.
Speaking two or three languages in a sentence because you are multilingual
As i have said before you should not wear all black, your shoes must be brown, beige
or red if you are a woman...the exception is a black tie event. your shirt being white will offset
the black shoes....this is what I mean........
the word style in the dictionary should include her name in their definition......

Un 'selfie' perfecto, ¿pasando por el quirófano?
La piel fina y sin poros, ojos ahumados, un filtro que blanquea la sonrisa y ¡flash! El 'boom' de las autofotos dispara el interés por la estética. Pero, ojo, vivir pegado a la pantalla envejece y distorsiona la imagen hasta casi la obsesión.

Holding hands is a lost art!!!! now couples just want to go for............and it is sad....not kosher...not romantic
(´ε` )♡ ~(^з^)-☆ |°з°| (_ε_) ('ε') |( ̄3 ̄)| ( ̄ε ̄@) (*^3^) (´ε`*) (○´3`)ノ (☆´3`) (* ̄з ̄) (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ (○゜ε^○) (TεT) (-ε- ) (@ーεー@) (*^3^)/~☆ ლ(|||⌒εー|||)ლI left out, the silent treatment for the insolent and ignorant..
I drink hot chocolate sometimes and this is how I like to have it:
never in plastic cups.....no....
The beauty of the Desert......
Lovely by jeep. Charming by camel. Mind-blowing by private plane.
You know I love Hermès. I find it totally Hermèssistible!
Been there done that.......
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Alexandra Agoston one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits


Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places
some of my favorite things, people....places
by request from Cape Town....my version of what really happened
Like a silent movie...a la
'The Artist" !!!!!
A funny stumble of some pics with David & Victoria… ahaha I HAD to put my own comments into it. Its all just too familiar. ‘right!!?

I admire Ulyana Sergeenko’s eclectic taste for all things beautiful, for leaving an impression since her debut that lead to her becoming one of the most recognizable street style stars, now turned fashion designer.

CCC in Alaia

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........


a little take on Japan-日本,

I've written before about how effectively studying a language requires certain things. A real desire to learn is important, as is being inventive enough to figure out how your own brain learns best, since every brain is different. It's also useful to have what the Japanese called kan (pronounced "kahn," like this), a word which means perception or intuition and the ability to figure out meaning in abstract situations. If you're kan ga ii then you're good at making sense of something from very little information, but someone who is kan ga warui is terrible at picking up meaning from a few threads.

Doctor performing plastic surgery.There comes a time in every young Jewish woman’s life when she must face a very serious dilemma: Nose job ? It’s a tough choice.
For generations, Jewish girls from well-off families underwent a special rite of passage, one that fell somewhere between their bat mitzvahs and their weddings: their nose jobs.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Sheikha Mozah looks so fab in Jean Paul Gaultiter Haute Couture ensemble from Fall Winter 2015 collection. Her body is amazing!
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden



For the headquarters of one of the biggest banks in the world(Goldman Sachs), the outside of 200 West Street is deliberately anonymous. Outside, guards patrol in the freezing air and the pavement bollards, masquerading as decorative street furniture, are the type of urban landscaping designed to prevent a terrorist attack.

Last but not least....a little publicity for good friend , Mugdha Godse!!!! and she projects so well..

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless otherwise stated.
I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit