Shabbat Shalom ✡
שבת שלום
Have a wonderful Shabbat, everyone!

Dress It Up
Dress it up is my mind-set right about now.
I believe this is , one of my better posts, the music list is one of the better ones too.....while on the subject of music - several followers of the tidbits asked me? sometimes you play lots of upbeat music , sometimes sad music. And I say: The music I play does not send a message whether I am happy or sad......I play music that I like to listen to. I am always happy, very positive. I do not send messages to anyone with the music those who are loved and appreciated by me know it....and those that I do not like, simply get silence and are ignored as they should be. We are here in this world for a short time, I do not like drama and I do not give drama. I live for today.
Mieux vaut allumer des petites lumières que de se plaindre de l’obscurité.
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
more places,,,,,things....people that send me............
Signora Prada..........yes as in Miuccia..
anything that comes in orange boxes will do just fine.............


Alaïa dresses............
Azzedine Alaïa...this is an Alaïa..
al-Khobar or al-Khubar; Arabic: الخبر)
and sorry to post this again and again but I love these scene...the song always sends me..........
The beauty of Kabukicho on a rainy night
more tidbits
All people smile in the same language.....
BALMAIN ❤‼ when elegance meets sexyness. This is one powerful hown from the new Balmain collection
When you step into the world of Armani, it’s kind of like entering a parallel universe of perfection.
With Purim just around the corner…..you’re going to eat plenty of these over
the next few days!!
the next few days!!
simplicity and sophistication... daily inspirations for style and life.
I am not a fan of reality shows but being that 3 of the cast members of the "Rich Kids of Beverly Hills" are followers of the tidbits, than i will reciprocate....but really they are quite entertaining.......
The name Hermès comes from the Greek god of messengers and commerce.
The house, which began as a harness and saddle maker, has been in existence for 177 years.
There are 315 exclusive Hermès stores around the globe.
The famous Kelly and Birkin bags are named after Grace Kelly and Jane Birkin, respectively
If you're wearing lingerie that makes you feel glamorous, you are halfway there to turning heads"

Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel
She looks so much like Princess Jasmine. And her hair is straight out of a Pantene ad. Mashallah she got that Khaleeji-perfect look down!
Before I forget, there were some fantastic coats and dresses in the FW16 collections. Louis Vuitton showed a covetable trench and leather coat, and my favorite dresses above by Giambattista Valli, Stella McCartney, and Marni.
Só love, só love
Só love, só love
Só love, só love
Só love, só love...
Quero, de novo com você
Me atracar com gosto
Corpo, alma e coração
Venero, demais o meu prazer
Controlo o calendário
Sem utilizar as mãos...
Amor vou esperar
Prá ter o seu prazer
Seu corpo
É mais quente que o sol
Eu vivo a sonhar
Pensando em você
Delírios de jogar futebol
gummy bear breasts implants
On Wall Street, it’s Who you know AND What you know....so be on Goldman Sachs side....and as GG would say "Tell me something I do not know" thus both of your bases are covered.....I rest my case......
The only color I judge people by is the color of their teeth(smiles)
good neta, a word which means the fish part of a piece of sushi, though in this case
it refers to ideas for these little updates that I write.
Only Michelangelo, Dr Steven M Hoefflin could create this side profile at her age....
Everybody knows that Miami Beach is a glamour capital of the world. Few destinations rival South Beach or SOBE for glitz, ritz, and fun. Between the fancy hotels like the Delano and the Fontainebleau, fine dining, and balmy weather year-round, Miami Beach rivals any place in the world for fun and sun. What few people may know however is that Miami Beach cosmetic surgeons are among the most famous and accomplished in the world.

Oui j'aime Paris,
Oui j'aime cette ville,
Oui j'aime ses rues,
Oui j'aime ses bâtiments,
Oui j'aime son côté musée à ciel ouvert,
Oui j'aime son côté snob…
Et en même temps…
Paris est comme un vieille dame qui vieillit mal depuis quelques temps.
Yes I love Paris,Oui j'aime cette ville,
Oui j'aime ses rues,
Oui j'aime ses bâtiments,
Oui j'aime son côté musée à ciel ouvert,
Oui j'aime son côté snob…
Et en même temps…
Paris est comme un vieille dame qui vieillit mal depuis quelques temps.
Yes I love this city,
Yes I like its streets,
Yes I like its buildings,
Yes I like his side open-air museum,
Yes I like her snobbish side ...
At the same time ...
Paris is like an old lady who age well for some time.
- one of the cardinal rules about Japan is, even if you shout 天皇陛下万歳 tenno heika banzai! ("Long live His Majesty the Emperor") as you commit seppuku on the steps of the Imperial Palace, you can't ever really "lose your gaijinity" and become Japanese. The best goal is to get your language ability to the point where storekeepers and other people you deal with will just shut up and talk with you normally, rather than complimenting you on how good your Japanese is, since after a certain point getting a 日本語が上手 nihong o ga jozu ("Your Japanese is very good") compliment actually means you still have a ways to go.
"We’re living in an era where capturing moments using our phones is more important than actually living these moments with whoever is beside us."
money is money but for rich people there is ‘old money’ and there is ‘new money’. Old money smells like rich mahogany, leather bound books and has always had money while new money went to public school, didn’t have a nanny and clawed their way out of a tortuous middle class upbringing. As far as real rich people are concerned, the nouveaux riche are classless underlings and second class citizens. In fact, old money would rather spend time with their chauffeurs and gardeners than invite a pastel-wearing, Lamborghini driving, loud-mouthed, hedge fund millionaire into their home when the only thing they have in common is their bank balance.

The allure of gold is nothing new. Throughout the centuries, gold has held a fascination that comes not only from its beauty (hold a gold coin in your hand, and you’ll see what I mean), but also from its truly limited supply.
That quality has always made gold a “safe haven” in troubled times. And the price of gold has been a barometer of faith in governments and the currencies they issue
Que ritmo para bailar en un noche de luna llena en la playa de El Combate......

Allison Stokke one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places
some of my favorite things, people....places
Let’s talk about Lingerie, girls…
Questions to all of you out there;
- Do you buy expensive lingerie to use frequently?
- What brands do you like?
- Do you always make sure to match bra’s with bottoms?
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

one of my favorite looks of Elena Perminova.....Louis Vuitton, of course

Virginie and Claire Courtin-Clarins
Fun fact: The cosmetics heiresses can always come together through fashion, even though they're opposites.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy With Mother'LEE At "Bangkok City Pillar Shrine

a little take on Japan-日本,

The first greeting you usually learn in Japanese is often お元気ですか? o-genki desu ka? which corresponds to "How are you?" (although it can be more accurately translated as "Are you fine?"). The reply is はい、元気ですhai, genki desu (Yes, I am fine).

this is the future of plastic surgery...it will compliment a face lift quite nicely.........
Stem cell and fat graft transplantation based rejuvenation is similar to soft tissue augmentation using a dermal filler, except the procedure uses your own fatty tissue to restore facial volume and correct wrinkles and folds. It is significantly different in that this technique also restores and rejuvenates the outer appearance of the skin thanks to the natural stem cells and growth factors. Using fat and stem cells, Dr. Maercks is able to restore the naturally beautiful convexities and concavities of the human face. When complete the shapes and shadows signal the eye and brain a perception of youth and beauty.
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Sheikha Mozah in turbans
Sheikha Mozah`s Best Looks Through Out the History
Sheikha Mozah is the best dresser in the world - learn from the Queen of Couture~!


Dolly Parton is a country western singer, an actress and a composer....she has written some of the most beautiful songs.....her original version of " I will always love you" is fantastic....not as known as the one performed by the late Whitney Houston.....but in my opinion, a better version....by the way, she wrote the lyrics and the music......

Marta Ortega, la heredera del imperio Inditex, que no suele posar públicamente, sale fotografiada en una playa de Barbados.
Dolly Parton is a country western singer, an actress and a composer....she has written some of the most beautiful songs.....her original version of " I will always love you" is fantastic....not as known as the one performed by the late Whitney Houston.....but in my opinion, a better version....by the way, she wrote the lyrics and the music......

Doutzen Kroes is a Dutch model and actress. She began her modelling career in 2003 in the Netherlands but quickly got sent by her agency to New York where she was cast, among other names, by lingerie giant Victoria’s Secret.
To stay in shape for her fashion shows, the model practices jumping rope, speed-skating, and shadow boxing. Her hobbies also include ice-skating and surfing.
She takes the help of a personal trainer Michael Olajide, around 3 times a week.
She feels guilty that she makes some girls feel insecure and that her job can have detrimental effects on young girls’ self esteem. “Sometimes it makes me feel guilty now that I am in this profession that makes certain girls insecure,” she once said. “I always say, I don’t look like the picture... If you put me in bad light with no hair and makeup, it’s not good. I wake up sometimes like, this is not what I see when I look at the magazine, who is this visitor in the bathroom?”
Marta Ortega, la heredera del imperio Inditex, que no suele posar públicamente, sale fotografiada en una playa de Barbados.
And she,(Haifa Wehbe) handled the moment quite well......
Height in in centimeter (cm)174cm
Height in feet
, 5 feet 7 inches
60 kg or 132 pounds
Measurement / figure size in 2016
"Bloom where you're planted" this is from a story in the book of Jeremiah about the JEWS, including Queen Esther's family, thriving in exile. Esther is one of my favorite characters, not only is she the strongest woman in the scripture, but her story of saving the JEWS from annihilation by the Persians.

fresh baked Challah
is a special Jewish braided bread eaten on Sabbath and holidays.
soy judio -gracias a HASHEM.
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776