
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777 - JG 35

BAL HARBOuR SHUl///the shul the Goldsteins attend

Innamorarsi di una canzone e ascoltarla fino a dimenticarne le parole. Fino a non poterne più. Fino a sentirla parte di quel momento.
Non avere paura, di ciò che vuoi.
Amami, lontano dai livori. Dalle convenzioni sociali e morali. Dai facili perbenismi.
Come bucato steso al sole ad asciugare.


Be grateful that Hashem ﷻ blessed you with things you did not even ask for.

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. cool. clever. chic. edgy. interesting. inspirational. exquisite. stunning. daring. luxurious. delightful. whimsical. intriguing. curious. gorgeous. glorious. heartfelt. simply beautiful. this blog is dedicated to all things divine and that inspire us to enjoy a more exquisite life.

I spent the last three days taking the Jewish Princess to tennis lessons at Mar-a-Lago and no 
we did not get to see Donald Trump(smiles) but did advanced Hanukkah shopping on Worth Avenue.......

La Isla del Encanto did it again.....I have been telling you here and other places that a small island in the Caribbean has some of the most beautiful women in the world.....here is more proof
Miss World 2016: Puerto Rico's Stephanie Del Valle takes the crown

The breakfast of Champions.........

Books Books Books.....the is no greater treasure that I cherish......


Victoria’s Secret Angels come together for a round of ‘Would You Rather’ - 

This pic of you-know-who’s arm,  caught my eye and sparked a hunt for a new bracelet. A gold bangle, a long-ago gift to my sister ML, is her everyday amulet–I am convinced that it protects her. Here’s a nice Tiffany rope bracelet.

Because some of the best French words and phrases don't come from your 11th grade language lab, I present this feature on current French slang.    Today's lesson: Hyper-Cool, adjective. Literally: An accelerated and intensified kind of approval. Actually: "In France they use hyper  like you use super in English.  You'd say super-good, or so major, but the French say hyper-cool." --JG Example "I got the latest Louis Vuitton   Damier Ebene Petite Malle Bag for the Jewish Princess x   It is hyper-cool."

I love Cartier and I love to accumulate the beautiful items they make.....


You must stay here at least one time in your life......

shopping at it’s best |

The Left Bullies are at it again..... Threatening to boycott Andrea Bocelli a blind man, if he sings at the Presidential inauguration of Donald Trump.

Congrats-Mazel Tov 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

If you know me and if you follow this blog you know that you should not invite me to your
wedding as every wedding I attended ended in divorce....and the more elaborate the wedding the faster the divorce.....they did not care for my superstition and asked me to come....wishing you luck.

Non surgical "Nose job". This beautiful lady is a model. She had a nose job by a different doctor in a different country a few years ago and was not completely happy with the results.  So it was corrected 😃 😷

Shakira de joven... maldita pobreza😩 no soy fea, solo no tengo dinero para operarme

It’s not every day that a worldwide rap star picks up an Israeli song and remixes it into a global hit. But that’s exactly what happened when Pitbull – the Cuban-American rapper Armando Christian Perez – took the Israeli A-WA (pronounced ay-wah) band’s electro-Yemenite track, “Habib Galbi,” and added his vocals to the harmonizing sisters.
The new audio track went live on YouTube and the iTunes store on December 1 and quickly scored tens of thousands of hits.

Relaxercise to Russian House-Trance-pop. But kindly do not take any style tips from this video clip. Unless you decide to run for parliament.

gummy bear breasts implants


Can you figure this out...........???
People just want something else that someone else has, but that doesn't mean what you have isn't beautiful, because people always want what you have, and you always want what they have, no one is ever 100 per cent like, 'Yes, I'm the bomb dot com , from head to toe!' 

For the many who are suffering the brutal winter (sorry Global Warming kooks) ....this song will warm you up.....

yes, you know the routine....never plastic cups.....

Todas las cosas brillantes y preciosas se desvanecen tan rápido ... y no vuelven.

slow dancing float on...........

Diamonds may or may not be forever. Love, sadly, doesn't always last. But the allure of thick, lustrous, full, and , for want of a better word, big hair is truly eternal.Anthropologists will tell you that on some primeval level it broadcasts the youth, fertility and of course, sexiness of its fortunate owner: ( why else would men in certain parts of the world force women to keep it hidden?)

I do not like to take medicine and rarely do because most have side effects.....and since I mentioned the beauty pills that I get ....and yes, I do get lots of questions from friends about beauty tips....not long ago a couple of rich rich rich girls from the Kingdom....yes, from KSA asked me to recommend something....this is a great kept secret, well till  now(smiles).....what I told the rich rich rich girls(smiles)...and this pill that has the FDA approval...and they really work so if you want to get them....here is the info and the name.....
Ask your Doctor to prescribe 150 miligrams of Wellbutrin or Brupropion you take twice a day and the effects are amazing, skin of gold and your metabolism accelerates and helps you get slim.....there it did not cost you........and yes, nothing beats JG's the fit or fat routine of two-hour daily walks to tone the whole body..... 

✔Workout because you love your body!!
Anyone can be fit, regardless of your shape and age. What's important is getting a healthy body image, the best version of yourself and not anyone else. It's easy to view exercise as a chore but i think it's a blessing. Like they say, a healthy body is truly a work of art. So let's love and respect our bodies!

The song and the rendition by Jo Stafford are just "Too Marvelous for words!"

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Britt McHenry one of  the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic



Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people


Grey over knee boots by Stuart Weitzman are on many chic women legs this fall! The “highland boot” is probably the “it boot” this season!
I have covered the black over knee boot being a success this season, but if you feel like going a different direction - Grey color it is!

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Elegance is a synonym for beautiful that has come to acquire the additional connotations of unusual effectiveness and simplicity. It is frequently used as a standard of tastefulness particularly in the areas of visual design, decoration, the sciences, and the esthetics of mathematics. ...

Stolen moment with Claire Courtin-Clarins all smiles while getting ready to out.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

Japanese proverb 石の上にも三年 ishi no ue ni mo san-nen, which translates as "
you have to sit on a rock for three years" and essentially means, be diligent and work at a thing for a long-enough period of time before deciding whether it's worth continuing with or not. 



Botox face.....no movement is the giveaway..............

Facce da botox


Changing your facial silhouette with Botox

Botox can be used to narrow the lower face with, well, jaw-dropping results.

Breast Augmentation

When friends ask me which procedure they should do, without hesitation I answer TUBA..... 

they did TUBA

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Sheikha Mozah Giambattista Valli wardrobe....

The Sheikha blows Naomi away....no contest..........



Karolìna Kurkovà


The Hero Pump
A classic patent pump is a hero piece in any women's wardrobe, especially in beige. A wardrobe staple, it goes with everything 

浅田真央 : 前人未到の「3回転×8回」エイト・トリプル挑戦

share of stars. The one and only Zsa Zsa Gabor, seen here with Lauren Bacall, has died at age 99.
2016 ha reclamado mucho más que su justa parte de las estrellas. El único y único zsa zsa gabor, visto aquí con lauren bacall, ha muerto a la edad de 99. Años.


Uma coisa que não é elegante.
Meuu! isso é deselegante.
iethe Kardashians........

Kylie Jenner, la nueva Kim Kardashian

Pílulas da beleza – até onde?
pílulas da beleza2-01

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

In the Old Calendar of Japan, December is called Shiwasu, or ‘running master’ – a reference to the fact that, in this time of bustle and activity, even the priests of the temple are rushed off their feet as they prepare for the coming new year. At Aman Tokyo, they have a Shiwasu of their own: chef de cuisine Masakazu Hiraki, who has been busy in the kitchen crafting a spirit-lifting menu for the winter.


When Israeli soccer player Almog Cohen scored a goal on German soil, he took a moment to show the crowd just what mattered to him. His shirt reads: “Hashem is G-d.”

Giving Tzedakah before Shabbat.
He is acting out the very words written behind him. They say, loosely translated, that being a mentsch (Yiddish for a “good” person) comes before keeping the Torah.
Before one can truly understand the Torah and its secrets one must work on refining one’s character.

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777

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