
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777 - JG 38

Any plans for after Hanukkah???(Amanpulo and Makati)
Miss Universe is happening soon........

Antes que me vaya dame un beso Se que soñare con tú regreso Mi vida no es igual Ahora que te perdi Como te voy a olvidar Como te voy a olvidar

as duas meninas que acompanham ele , dançam e contagia a gente,muito boas

This holiday is the Jewish Princess favorite holiday...she gets lots of fancy
presents for eight glorious days....... 🕎Hanukkah 🕎Chanukah🕎חנוכה 🕎Channuka

Shelo yihbe neiro l'olam v'ed ~ the light will burn forever
A snippet of Shlomo Carlebach zt "l ~" It could be today. "
.... Chanukah is one holiday where the whole ceremony is only at night. Chanukah gives us the strength to bear the sometimes long, sometimes
Blackest of nights.

But G - d swore to us that in the morning the light will be burning.

עם ישראל חי
Masada Shall Never Fall Again

Eternal memory to the victims.
Скорбит вся страна, весь мир.
Вечная память погибшим. 

l'Amore non va in vacanza stanno trascorrendo una splendida serata ;))

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

I want it all
I want it all
I want it all. 
And I want it now. 

Some things don’t last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down on the corners and peering in close, hoping you still recognize the person you see there. 


from a friend.........thanks........

Elegance is the new avant-garde. I’m fed up with extravagant clothes, that are synonymous with tastelessness, and also with badly crafted garments. I find them passé, garments a second-rank actress would wear in one of those out-of-money, small-town theaters where the costumes were badly made using unappealing fabrics

The Epitome of Class......
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in Swing Time (George Stevens, 1936)

& le domande esistenziali: il duo "shampoo e balsamo" preferito???

Indian beauty queens are known for their intelligence, wit and charm 


I am totally guilty of this:


Someone who is obsessed with cleanliness and avoiding unsanitary surfaces. Tends to engage in excessive hand washing and fears holding or touching objects handled by other parties, lots of daily showers....and I do not like shaking hands....much prefer air kisses....

Firstly, don’t touch your skin, because your hands have a lot of bacteria. I also believe in always using alcohol gel on my hands, because everywhere we’re touching things there are germs.

When I say goodbye to someone I don’t kiss, because this also has a lot of bacteria [smiles]. Don’t kiss just anyone, that’s my advice.
Having said that, I see Dr David Colbert in New York and he has an amazing three-part treatment: the first level is basically a machine that takes away all the dirt and cleans your skin; then there’s a delicate laser that closes your pores; then the third level is an acid used like a peel. 

betheparadise asked:
Dear, your blog is so awesome just like you. 🌺
JG: many thanks........

RG tells me that Paul Andrew Shoes Will Caress You.

by request from Moscow...........

Spoiled by Beverly Hills (you would be longer on this waiting list than for a Hermès Birkin)....and i like it but not like my JG Cartier special cologne.....

The light will expel the darkness and the spirit of the Maccabees will live on.

ספר מקבים א׳, טו
1 Maccabees 15

These three movies should be on your to-see list 
Movie Day in the holidays 

RIP George Michael. Too soon.

gummy bear breasts implants


 I adore stacks of stuff.
- I adore these gorgeous boxes.- I adore this image , because it's just about the cleverest
stack job I've ever seen.

And of course, I adore Hermès

Some of the things in life that send me:

Early morning walks surrounded by tall tall palm trees...........

Fresh cut strawberries......

Evian Water in a Crystal Bottle and drinking on a crystal glass..
is subscribing to my theory(smiles)
Evian Water in crystal bottle and crystal glass...a must, really 

Mexican Coca Cola in crystal bottle.........

It has been almost two years(April 5-2015) since his death. Yesterday I went to the Bal Harbour Shul in BH  to pray for a dear friend.........
Dr. Fredric Brandt, the King of Collagen, the Baron of Botox, the Svengali of Skin Care, and other Alliterative epithets signifying style and flash and glamor and hullabaloo

Semplicemente perfetta.

HEIGHT 5 '10.5 "- 179 BUST 31" - 79  WAIST 24 "- 61 HIPS 35" - 89  SHOES 10 - 40-41 HAIR BLOND EYES BLUE

is it desire or love- that is the question.........

night perception

wake up day reality

This tactic is back....and I am all for it.....if Barack Hussein Obama and his cohorts are plundering the taxpayers money this is more legal than most......(see below)

In the 80s, the goal was to buy a company without putting money. For that were junk bonds. A junk bond is a bond that does not have investment grade by the rating agencies risk, ie Moody's, Standard and Poor's or Fitch IBCA, among others, which, though now blame them all, do the work regulators-including central banks-have not wanted to assume that, in the end, it was a lot of work but worth it as you buying something valuable for nothing.

  A broker trading in his or her personal account after trading in the same security for a customer. The broker may believe the customer has access to privileged information that will cause the transaction to be profitable.

It could be the gold iPhone or the Cartier watch that says she’s a rich kid, but they pale in comparison to the Hermes Crocodile Skin Birkin Bag that can easily fetch over $100,000.

The only place to store pricey items is an enormous safe

I do not want to rain on her parade but unless you are flying private these type of
LV suitcases should not be checked in.........

sencillamente un nivel de música magistral! sin playback ni nada parecido. ¡Gracias maestro por regalarle al mundo semejante obra de arte como lo es su música!

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Keity Drennan Mendieta Britton one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits



Comp Cards

Love of the Babushka......Babushka Chic.


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places, people

Last look

Let's take a stroll back to the VS runway and take a look at the best Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2016 looks.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


very cozy

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........


a little take on Japan-日本,


What's the difference when using the third person to refer to oneself instead of words like 私、僕、or 俺?
One of the cuter -- or possibly creepier -- things that Japanese girls do is refer to themselves in the third person. (I think is cute and I like it)
Usually, Japanese girls will use their own names in place of a first-person pronoun at a young age, then when they start school and begin interacting with other girls will switch toatashi, a feminine version of watashi, the most common word for "I" in Japanese


Did you know there's two kinds of under eye circles?

C'est vrai. 
If your  / boyfriend / boss blurts out "you look tired" as soon as they see you, it might be time to figure out which kind you've got—which will help you nix them tout de suite.
Get up close and personal with your bathroom mirror, and then make a quick diagnosis.
Are your under eye circles brown?  That means they're caused by hyperpigmentation, which happens with sun exposure...and also genetics. You can't change your genes, but you can always apply sunscreen before you head outside.
Are your under eye circles blue or purple? Just like a bruise, that's caused by oxygenated blood pooling just under your skin. (Gross, sorry.) These types of circles happen when your sleep is interrupted (or when you've pulled an all-nighter). They get more common with age, because the collagen that used to help protect the eye area has naturally decreased. 

Which of the two......some do and some don't

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

The fashion icons always share the same taste and style despite the differences in time, geography and culture.

Sheikha Mozah vs Jackie Kennedy




I am sure no was expecting to see Louis Vuitton coming up with these gorgeous racing-inspired handbags, but we can all applaud the French label’s unique ideas and exciting creations right now. Part of the brand’s 2017 cruise line, these race bags seem to be inspired by the eye catching team jackets from NASCAR, that just look super cool, with many advertising patches and competing colors that make every team stand out.
With little consideration for aesthetic gentility or traditional design norms, this idea seemed really interesting for Louis Vuitton, and the French brand probably took a page out of that playbook with these bold and bright Louis Vuitton Race Bags.

Burberry, Showpieces, Vicki Archer

Is there anything more British than Burberry?
Show me some double breasting, fine tailoring and a patch of plaid and nothing speaks “Old Blighty” more.
Burberry, as a classic, is re-interpreted over and over by the brightest young things and is one brand that truly spans the generations.
158 years old and as distinctive and as relevant as ever… merging English heritage with fashion’s cutting edge is what Burberry does so well.

It’s an old story but there is nothing sexier than a woman in a belted overcoat and heels.

Burberry, Kate Moss, Showpieces, Vicki Archer

Elsa Pataky
La ropa interior es para quitársela'

Let there be print!

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)

TWICE, Hit Song Medley 'Cheer Up + TT' @2016 SAF Gayo Daejun EP02

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Vestido + Botinha

The Code of Jewish Law states: “It is forbidden to derive any benefit from the lights of the Chanukah menorah… even to use the light to count your money.”

Jews and Muslims celebrate Hanukkah in Bahrain

Ivanka Trump's Hanukkah 🕎
Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner celebrate Hanukkah with their three children.

Hanukkah in Hawaii: Ivanka Trump and family light candles in paradise
The next "First Family" celebrates the Jewish festival of lights.

An ancient Hanukkah question: powdered sugar or glazed?

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777

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