Palm Island Miami Beach Sunrise with South Beach in the near distance..............
Tem pôr do sol mais incrível do que esse? Lindo demais!
שבת שלום
Have a wonderful Shabbat, everyone!
“There are no better moments than the ones you share with your family. Shabbat Shalom
ברוך אתה ה 'אלוהינו אחת הנצחי, ריבון העולמים, מי לא עשה אותי גוי
Blessed are You, Eternal One our G-d, Sovereign of the Universe, who did not make me a Gentile.E grati dovremmo esserlo per il tempo che abbiamo. Quello che impieghiamo a fare quello che amiamo. Quello che passiamo con le persone che ci fanno stare bene, che ci regalano energia. Il tempo trascorso a viaggiare e anche quello speso a fare e disfare valigie e a trovare nomi e città su una cartina perché il viaggio comincia da prima di mettersi in marcia: e' uno stato della mente. Il tempo di un caffè. Quello di una canzone, di una telefonata.
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
in layman's positive...have a nice disposition and be cheerful
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
Privet Matryoshkas
and being around Hollywood phonies is contagious....the Jewish Princess decided to have some fun....yes a little mocking.........
RG has it all.....and she loves her Hermès riding boots........
IF you like poetry...this woman,Elizabeth Barrett Browning.,is one of the greatest..if you have not read her most famous poem called,,How Do I love Thee?
Let me Count the Ways...and the last line in this poem is amazing,,here it is."if God choose,I shall but love thee better after death."
Me gusta porque es de efecto inmediato
and no the intimate clothes is not the caption on this is the white gloves....
It used to be a woman's darkest secret. But now plastic surgery has become a status symbol - and even something to brag about.
Not long ago, surgeons agreed that the Holy Grail of cosmetic surgery was discretion and helping clients "get away with it".
Thank you Donald Trump
Dow skyrockets 300 points higher, breaks above 21,000 as stocks hit all-time highs
At the age of 29, Shachar Pe’er — Israel’s greatest tennis player is retiring from the sport.
This world champion is ranked the 11th greatest tennis player in the world.
This world champion is ranked the 11th greatest tennis player in the world.
Mazal tov on a phenomenal career!
..And very likely the Jewish Princess will take her place and go to much higher status....
Stella McCartneys's grey panties ($75)....

Don Draper
When someone asks you about a competitor...
"I've never heard of him."
Apple sold its billionth iPhone
short little dresses , but the shoes in Clare Waight Keller’s farewell Chloé show are
FAB too
“I decided who I wanted to be, and that is who I am.”
Gabrielle Chanel’s life can be summed up in three ways: to choose, to desire, and to be. She found endless combinations to fuse her ideas. This is how she achieved her unique style: a conqueror who transformed her rebellion into an art.
gummy bear breasts implants
You ever walk by someone who smells so good you just fall in love with their scent?
La libertà.
E la dignità.
E la dignità.
Non conta null'altro
WOW!!! Yuna-Kim a woman with gloves really "sends me"
Sometimes a girl just needs to hear that she’s worth it you know ?
no, I say all the time(smiles)
If you go to Miami Beach this is a must place to go to and not to forget the one and only NEWS CAFE......further away, my all time favorite, the Bal Harbour Shops.
As the founder of the ultra-chic Webster boutique in Miami, Laure Dubreuil knows what women and men want - and exactly how they'll wear it.
Laure's combination of a rich rusty brown trousers, sienna boots, cream jacket/fur vest and pewter Chanel handbag is so chic!
and I always sit on the other side by the books and magazines////we have a table reserved for the GOLDSTEINS(smiles)
the first kanji I was consciously able to read was 子 ko commonly seen in girl's names like Keiko or Aiko.
L'iscrizione in palestra il primo marzo come - Titanic
Sai già come finisce il film ma non puoi fare a meno del melodramma.
Thank you Goldman Sachs.........
Snap shares soar in debut after largest IPO since 2014
- Le donne mi hanno sempre sorpresa: sono forti, hanno la speranza nel cuore e nell'avvenire -
A te, alle donne che hanno saputo sorprenderti e a quella straordinaria che sei stata tu
mini thigh gap
No thigh gap
Srinidhi Shetty one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Spring, for many women means white dresses.........

blonde models, claire courtin-clarins, doc martins, Fashion, fashion is my remedy, fashion remedy, french style, fur coat, heiress style, high heels, ..
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
Whether it’s diamonds, sequins, pearls, kimonos or matching designer handbags, Peepy and Lady Lee have showcased it all
a little take on Japan-日本,

Three concepts that are at the core of what it is to be Japanese: 責任 sekinin, which means to take responsibility for something; 勤勉 kinben, which means to have an industrious and hard-working spirit; and 謙虚 kenkyo, or humility,
It depends of how you want to be as a woman....but I think sometimes natural is better than exaggerated implants
no implants
no implants

Cierto o no, la única verdad es que ese doctor hizo un grandísimo trabajo con la nariz de Letizia. Se la dejó perfecta, y a pesar del cambio radical, la nueva nariz encajaba perfectamente con su rostro.
True or not, the only truth is that the doctor did a great job with Letizia's nose. He left it perfect, and despite the radical change, the new nose fits perfectly with her face.
El cirujano que operó a Letizia fue Antonio de la Fuente
The surgeon who operated on Letizia was Antonio de la Fuente
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Elegance......chic.....well bred........
Are you on Twitter? if you are - so are 200 million other people around the planet. Naturally, some of those people live in France, and today's vocabulaire makes it a little easier to interact with them...
Mot-Dièse: Hashtag.
Tweeter: A verb, pronounced twee-TAY, meaning "to tweet."
Clavier: Keyboard.
L'ordinateur: Computer.
Suivez-Moi: "Follow me!"
If there's one thing we know about Kim Kardashian Is that she's not afraid to bare it all. The reality TV star was recently spotted in NYC rocking jogging pants with a sheer bodysuit That literally Showed to her nipples.
Stylish to some extent. But who wears it better , the non-curves or the curves?????

Every once in awhile try this is a delicious one.........
This pic is not about the is how you can have a crystal bottle at the beach
and no plastic.......

Double Challah
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777