Whatever you believe, and wherever you are in the world, I hope you have a meaningful day.
“Quiero transmitir belleza, arte y suavidad”
Here's looking at you, kid
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
last name ever, first name greatest
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
When I see a pic like this one the perfectionist in me thinks:
Gigi wore her hair in a high bun....so in order to pull it off your face
has to have symmetry and your ears perfectly pinned back...
so my trained eye and trained symmetry tells me she should have both of
her ears pinned back by plastic surgery, specially the right one.
Beauty has no names, nor it needs any description.

Today Albert Einstein would have been 138.
We celebrate this incredible man who was once nearly Israel's president. Happy Birthday Dr. Einstein.
Being a polyglot I can absorb words from books into my mind
fruit bowls are 10X more enjoyable when dipping them in Tajin 🍉🍍🥝
Today was wonderful day💖 Her First time in Disneyland and she is so happy
A chi si guarda indietro che come disse il grande Pazienza non bisognerebbe farlo mai, nemmeno per prendere la rincorsa. Noi, e tutti quelli che in un'altra vita farebbero tutto quello che possono ancora fare in questa.
Smile now..........
Kim Yu-na -Yu-Na Kim-Queen Yu-na |
Do not let that sweet smile fool you........y claro que es Judía
One of my favorite traders at Goldman Sachs.....I call her "The Terminator"
Technology in Global investment banking has gone from a cost to a possible Necessary savior.
The banks That Get Their technology strategy right will stay profitable at a time When sluggish overall growth, low interest rates and ever-developing regulations are hitting the bottom line
Terrifying and Amazing
Apple's new iPad Pro 9.7-inch in 24K gold to help write the Tidbits
one of my favorite places...i took the drink to be polite but did not drink it for it is in a plastic cup(smiles)
gummy bear breasts implants
"Buy a tuxedo before you are thirty. Stay that size." and preferably a Brioni
Gli donne che ti chiedono - cosa fai.
E quelli che preferiscono il - dove sei.
E quelli che preferiscono il - dove sei.
light up eyes and hands begin to itch with spontaneously desire.
Short-sellers bet that a stock will decline. They profit from this view by borrowing shares (at a small cost) and selling them at a high price. The idea is that, once the share price falls, the investor can buy them back cheaper and pocket the difference.
An Israeli lollipop that helps you lose weight

And I subscribe............
not a day goes by that i do not eat strawberries.........and if you go to the Cheese Cake Factory in BH ask for them....they are not in the menu but they will serve them
FASHION SAYS "Me Too" .................... STYLE SAYS "Only Me" .................... "HER STYLE IS BLACK & EXPENSIVE
i’ll believe every single post about astrology before i believe anything that comes out of liberal kooks regarding global warming or climate change....what a sham!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Katrina Motes one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Venezuela has learned how to manufacture beauty -
Venezuelans will tell you That One advantage they have in the game is beauty Their exotic mixture of
people and races. The country boasts Mediterranean, northern European, African and indigenous
Apart from That as Sousa likes to say, "God created These beautiful women -
but he created Also plastic surgeons. "Sousa is very open about the repute women
who train at his school get plastic surgery.
Dr. Petr Romer is the official plastic surgeon to the Miss Venezuela Pageant and -- not surprisingly --
one of the most popular plastic surgeons in Caracas. Romer said he did some discreet nips,
tucks and lifts on about half of the 20 Miss Venezuela finalists, including five nose jobs,
six breast implants and three liposuctions.
2008 Miss Universe Dayana Mendoza sculpted her way to her title last year.
It has been reported that Miss Mendoza had the tip of her nose reshaped, implants
and liposuction to remove fat around her knees.
Each year hundreds of women flock to his boot camp in the hopes of being the next
Miss Venezuela. Sousa and his team of personal trainers, dental surgeons, and plastic surgeons
put the women through a grueling three to six month program to make them into a Barbie doll.
Venezuela has learned how to manufacture beauty -
Venezuelans will tell you That One advantage they have in the game is beauty Their exotic mixture of
people and races. The country boasts Mediterranean, northern European, African and indigenous
Apart from That as Sousa likes to say, "God created These beautiful women -
but he created Also plastic surgeons. "Sousa is very open about the repute women
who train at his school get plastic surgery.
Venezuelans will tell you That One advantage they have in the game is beauty Their exotic mixture of
people and races. The country boasts Mediterranean, northern European, African and indigenous
Apart from That as Sousa likes to say, "God created These beautiful women -
but he created Also plastic surgeons. "Sousa is very open about the repute women
who train at his school get plastic surgery.
one of the most popular plastic surgeons in Caracas. Romer said he did some discreet nips,
tucks and lifts on about half of the 20 Miss Venezuela finalists, including five nose jobs,
six breast implants and three liposuctions.
It has been reported that Miss Mendoza had the tip of her nose reshaped, implants
and liposuction to remove fat around her knees.
Miss Venezuela. Sousa and his team of personal trainers, dental surgeons, and plastic surgeons
put the women through a grueling three to six month program to make them into a Barbie doll.

Less than 4 years ago, I stumbled upon the work of Ulyana Sergeenko . I hadn’t seen anything quite like it. Definitely Russian, yes, and playful, sexy and prim all at once. A defiantly aristocratic approach to dressing.
Ulyana herself cuts a dashing, high-society figure.

Claire and Virginie Courtins-Clarins. Not only are they part of the Clarins legend , but are impossibly tall, lithe and beautiful and yes, they also have lots of style.
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

What's the difference when using the third person to refer to oneself instead of words like 私、僕、or 俺?
One of the cuter -- or possibly creepier -- things that Japanese girls do is refer to themselves in the third person. (I think is cute and I like it)
Usually, Japanese girls will use their own names in place of a first-person pronoun at a young age, then when they start school and begin interacting with other girls will switch toatashi, a feminine version of watashi, the most common word for "I" in Japanese
One of the cuter -- or possibly creepier -- things that Japanese girls do is refer to themselves in the third person. (I think is cute and I like it)
Usually, Japanese girls will use their own names in place of a first-person pronoun at a young age, then when they start school and begin interacting with other girls will switch toatashi, a feminine version of watashi, the most common word for "I" in Japanese
『トワイライト』:GOING UNDER GROUND / Live

Haifa Wehbe who is a famous Lebanon singer, has done much plastic surgery on her appearance Breast augmentation as well as Lip augmentation that are easily noticed even by layman persons. The drastically changes on the shape of her breasts and lips are surely the impacts of going under the knife///she has also done -Cheek implants and Chin implants that are seen clearly on her face. She is also a big fan Botox injections as well as Fillers injections. Fortunately for her, she has found the great professional surgeon, because she always gets the expected result for all plastic surgery she had done. Automatically it makes her going international and much more famous as an singer

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden


A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel depicts the plight of the French peasantry demoralized by the French aristocracy in the years leading up to the revolution, the correspondance thing brutality Demonstrated by the revolutionaries toward the former aristocrats in the early years of the revolution, and many unflattering social parallels with life in London during the same period.
Fifty years ago in Tahiti, three innovative Americans built the first over water bungalow, thereby giving vacationers direct access to the island’s wondrous lagoons.
It seems That checks, plaid, hounds tooth - or any other synonym for the tartan trend - has made its way into the collective consciousness of fashion week attendees.
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)
Amal, più chic che mai
CAVIAR KASPIA’S EGG GARGANELLI if you don't know than you don't know
McCann New York and client State Street Global Advisors conspired in the middle of the night to drop a remarkable statue in Bowling Green Park of a girl facing off against the famous Wall Street Charging Bull.
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777