
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777 - JG 72

"and for the past two days 
the sky has looked like 
a painting

& il buongiorno a tutti voi 




Anyone who has spent time in Israel knows; the serenity of Shabbat is magical whether you are religious or not.

כי ככה מקבלים את השבת 

שבת שלום

Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom and a blessed weekend. Be safe!

March 17, 1969: Golda Meir becomes the Prime Minister of Israel. She stepped into leadership at a time of uncertainty, war, and challenges on all sides. She was definitely up for the job.
We remember this revolutionary woman.
It's women's history month

ג׳יין בורדו - מה שחשוב - לייב

"The cure for anything is salt water"and of course:  יָם הַ‏‏מֶּ‏‏לַ‏ח, Yām HaMélaḥ

(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)

past is not prologue

Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי
my mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish.”

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG

Boker Tov Olam – בוקר טוב עול

In BH this is the view upon awakening...it sends me...the Hills....the Palms...
the cool weather.......

And this is the view coming down from the Hills for my two hour daily walk.....

 things and people that send me...........

Omega - Flow Versace ( En Vivo ) En De Extremo A Extremo ( 2015 )

Women in fur coats.......

90210....Beverly Hills..........


Fancy French glasses.....and not her gummy bears(smiles)

There is much to admire of a woman that is well cultured, well read, speaks several
languages and rides equestrian!!!! 


 Yuna Kim and Asada Mao

Ah, as mulheres de cabelos cacheados 

The Kotel 

colette 213 rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris

Love Is a Many Splendored Thing Trailer - Jennifer Jones, William Holden

more tidbits

The skin doctor who will 'change your life'
Dr Nigma Talib, naturopathic doctor  

the G-class fits you perfectly

Apple is quietly developing 'iPhone 8' hardware in Israel...so if you hate JEWS and Israel
do not buy the iPhone or use it(smiles)

Apple's office in Herzliya, Israel.

The Beauty Of The Bell Sleeve

This sleeve creates the impression of a long elegant arm and draws the eye downwards; length is always flattering.

I like it when women wear a men's Rolex Day-Date President Watch

Stat · u · esque

(Esp. Of a woman) Attractively tall and dignified: "her statuesque beauty".


Adriana Lima cambió el modo de desfilar de las modelos de Victoria’s Secret en cuanto se subió a la pasarelaFue la pionera en eso de los besitoslos guiños y poner los dedos con forma de corazóna partir de ahíel cambio fue imparable y no hubo nada que hacer para evitarloA la gente parecía gustarle que las chicas desfilaran pareciendo más simpáticascariñosasalegres y cercanas

gummy bear breasts implants


"A line of the poem reads, “the old enchantment holds”–and that is true. Through the intonations of its choral music, the poem is an enchantment: there is magic in it."

This is one of the most beautiful love songs...which version do you prefer? I like
the Mamas and Papas version best....and you?

The most Israeli thing is to drink a cup of Black coffee in a small glass coffee cup. 
How do you drink your coffee?

What is the definition of luxury for you? 

AZZEDINE ALAÏA one of the best the way he cuts dresses for women
and the words "this is an ALAÏA"

But you loved her?Yes.And she loved you?Yes.Then why did it end?

Because love and compatibility are not always the same thing.

Do you ever wonder how many people have loved you and never told you?
Or have told you and never loved you.

l’éphémère possède un charme merveilleux, un charme d’une brûlante tristesse.

 Hi! I've been following your blog for a few months now, and I want to say thank you, because you kind of made me want to read again. I am a JEW (like you) and I have a Bachelors in Lit which just... so I love literature. My teachers kept telling us that contemporary literature was dead, but do you think so as well? Are they any books nowadays (or from the last decade) which we can study and call literature in the future? I'm sorry if it has been asked before ;; 

JG: Beautiful literature and reading will never die as long there are deep thinkers out there....and there are so many books but start with "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

La fascination qu'exerce un être sur un autre ne provient pas de ce qu'exhale sa personnalité à l'instant de la rencontre. C'est de la somme de tout son être que se dégage une drogue puissante capable de séduire et d'attacher.

To Catch a Thief Official Trailer - Cary Grant Movie (1955)

Been there done that

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap




Valentina Ferrer one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




Love of the Babushka.......Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

Hats are simply a must have item for the current hot & sunny season, as not only does it fill the purpose of being a fashion detail, but also plays an important role as the scalp protector it was originally designed for.
So grandma advice number 1: When you are on the beach, it’s so important protecting your hair and your scalp from the sun and it’s heat. Always protect yourself! And there is no need to look ugly meanwhile. Just do what the Chic Babes do, kill two birds in one stone  ;)



Miroslava Duma Wearing A Dress By Ulyana Sergeenko 

I love seeing Elena Perminova's Mira's outfits just as much as Elena Perminova's; But this look is particularly special since it's designed by the Russian Fashion Designer Ulyana Sergeenko (who is also a part of the Russian mafia - jokes aside, style mafia that is). Mira wore this look out for the launch of the worlds first dual screen phone by Yotaphone. What do you think of Mira's vintage dress with the lace embellishments?


Screen shot 2013-12-04 at 7.34.50 PM

Stolen moment with Claire Courtin-Clarins all smiles while getting ready to out.

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy is in love with every detail of how he dresses and is perceived........


a little take on Japan-日本,

Some  creative words the Japanese use include meganist, a word for lovers of meganekko or girls who wear glasses, ユニクラー ("Uniqler") for someone who buys all their clothes from Uniqlo, and "vipper" (from the English word VIP), the "alpha" users of Japan's ubiquitous 2ch BBS who collect posts into summary sites 


Is Plastic Surgery Cheating?

Plastic Surgery Checklist    
FaceNose ReshapingEyelid SurgerySkinBotoxDermal FillersChemical PeelMicrodermabrasionBodyBreast AugmentationLiposuction

Before                                            After

Some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world !!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - "the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

Can she be any more elegant and stylish? I do not think so. HH Sheikha Moza arrived to Tunis last day in a field visit for Silatech projects. HH was received by HE Majdouline Cherni, the minister of youth and sports in Tunis. She looks so chic in Ulyana Sergeenko haute couture coat & turban & belt, I love everything about this look especially the stunning belt. This kicks off her official visit to Tunisia, we will see more of her, YAY!




 a escova modelada

and in her case she wants to show herself.......

White bikini is a MUST on a beach! heart emoticon

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)


Lim Eun-soo to follow the footsteps of Kim Yu-na

Remain a sweet person, don’t let the world fill you with hatred. It’s poison

CliffsNotes (formerly Cliffs Notes, originally Cliff's Notes and often, erroneously, CliffNotes) are a series of student study guides available primarily in the United States. The guides present and explain literary and other works in pamphlet form or online. Detractors of the study guides claim they let students bypass reading the assigned literature. The company claims to promote the reading of the original work, and does not view the study guides as a substitute for that reading

lots of contortions!!.....walking is more fit than this exercises.....

Chopard Shopping...........

Israeli lingerie model Shir Elmaliach was asked to a photo shoot in Beirut, and had to turn the offer down simply because entry to the country would be difficult, not to mention illegal.

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777

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