If you follow this blog or if you know me than you are cognizant that I do not drink from plastic bottles, cups, etc.............And lately my preference is for Cascara latte and yes, in ceramic cup, if you ask the baristas at Starbucks they will give you a ceramic cup............
The last two days I have been in Palos Verdes as the Jewish Princess was training with Tracy Austin.....Tiffany got an A+ from Tracy for her tennis and looks............
and by the way Denni is not a Tennis player but she projects nicely on a Tennis court.........don't you think so?????
Si la ves,
lucirá como las otras,
pero si la miras,
lucirá como nadie
una amiga del pasado en este video....tiene sus defectos como todos nos pero siempre es leal y muy trabajadora......Viva Puerto Rico.......
1 billion woooow just 3 months!!! y la Zule luce muy bien........y Daddy Yankee es el Rey

🕯 Holocaust Remembrance Day

Two-minute siren brings country to a standstill amid memorial ceremonies marking annual remembrance day
Israel pauses to remember 6 million murdered in Holocaust
Style is eternal ✨
Happy Birthday to the One & Only Jean Paul Gaultier 🎉❤️
WOW ......
Marcella Bella feat Loredana Bertè_Dopo la tempesta
(Quando mi chiedete, dimmi una canzone da mettere a palla ecco la mia risposta)
"Nella solitudine il solitario divora se stesso. Nella moltitudine lo divorano in molti. Ora scegli.”
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
this is my spontaneous overflow of ideas and things that inspire me, and i hope they inspire you too. ..JG
Countdown begins for 2,000,000 page views on the Tidbits.......

Happy Birthday to the Tidbits. Thanks to all the followers and thanks to the many that do not subscribe but still log in to read my blog....
it just occurred to me that Donald Trump like Israel and JEWS seems to be blamed for everything that is going wrong in the world....and no, of course it is not right...........
Waiter: "Moët or Veuve Clicquot Sir?"
Sir: "Dom Pérignon."
She’s a trifecta; actress, model, singer. . .and pageant queen. Yeah, she’s so beautiful.
Common abbreviations used in chat, emails, SMS (texto in French) or when taking notes. Here are the 10 most common French ones:
BJR = bonjour = hi
BSR = bonsoir = have a good night, hi (in the evening)
SLT = salut
MDR = mort(e) de rire = LOL
JTM = je t'aime = I love you (I'm in love with you)
MSG = un message = message
PK = pourquoi? = why?
QQC = quelque chose = something
QQ1 = quelqu'un = someone
BZ = bisous, bises = kisses
BJR = bonjour = hi
BSR = bonsoir = have a good night, hi (in the evening)
SLT = salut
MDR = mort(e) de rire = LOL
JTM = je t'aime = I love you (I'm in love with you)
MSG = un message = message
PK = pourquoi? = why?
QQC = quelque chose = something
QQ1 = quelqu'un = someone
BZ = bisous, bises = kisses
les étoiles - stars
une robe - dress....an Alaïa
I continue to be intrigued by Daphne Groeneveld she has such a pretty face! fabulous walk. fabulous style , fabulous posture.......... Where do the Dutch keep getting all these gorgeous models from?

esta canción es una de las mas hermosas que he escuchado... su mensaje esta cargado de una realidad absoluta en la vida de millones y millones de personas... la mayor parte de la humanidad ha perdido precisamente lo que enfoca esta canción, la ilusión...
gummy bear breast implants

A miraculous procedure called "Slender Face"! She makes the face slim and fit at the expense of detox and the normalization of the fat cell! In the mezokokteyla only vegetable components and vitamins. With the help of this author's technique, you can remove puffiness, remove toxins, reduce the subcutaneous fat layer in those places that do not lose weight from the diet and improve the skin condition! 👌
Really.... I had a visitor to the tidbits from North Korea...perhaps the dear leader, Kim Jong Un was bored...tired of eating fancy foods, tired of drinking his favorite cognac, tired of smoking his favorite cuban cigars...tired of his bevy of young women, tired of watching the same American movies he adores and decided to read the tidbits....I hope he did not get offended with my recent comments about him(smiles)..........while the people around him are starving he is always enjoying himself.....no, Dear Leader....it is not nice....notkosher....

“Mi è sempre piaciuto il deserto. Ci si siede su una duna di sabbia. Non si vede nulla. Non si sente nulla. E tuttavia qualche cosa risplende nel silenzio”
"I've always loved the desert. It sits on a sand dune. I do not see anything. You do not hear anything. And yet something shines in silence "

Is "beato te" ironic at all? For instance, in English, the phrase "lucky you", is sometimes used with a somewhat negative connotation... For instance, if someone is going to Sardegna for the summer and they tell you, and you would like to go but can't. You could reply (Beato te) "Lucky you!", and sort of indicate that your jealous...or if you have a good looking girlfriend ..people can also say to you...... Beato Te!!!!
(I was asked to post this again, from the early early tidbits)
Willi Geller

Willi Geller sits at the pinnacle of a barely known and surprisingly artistic profession: dental ceramist.
Anglophone disciples call him master. The Italians, maestro. But Willi Geller,considered by many to be the world’s leading dental ceramist, is far from a household name—even among most dentists. After all, the exorbitantly priced, artisanally handpainted ceramic teeth he crafts in Zurich, Switzerland, have just one identifying feature: They’re nearly impossible to tell from the real thing.
Willi Geller

Willi Geller sits at the pinnacle of a barely known and surprisingly artistic profession: dental ceramist.
Anglophone disciples call him master. The Italians, maestro. But Willi Geller,considered by many to be the world’s leading dental ceramist, is far from a household name—even among most dentists. After all, the exorbitantly priced, artisanally handpainted ceramic teeth he crafts in Zurich, Switzerland, have just one identifying feature: They’re nearly impossible to tell from the real thing.
An upper arch of 14 veneers, for instance, can take up to a week to craft, and a single veneer can cost as much as $3,200. It’s a price many patients are more than happy to pay. “I consider him to be an artist, absolutely an artist,” says Tel Aviv cosmetic dentist Ady Bayer

“He’s sort of like the guru of dental ceramics—and the unsung hero,” says Manhattan cosmetic dentist Marc Lowenberg
and JG says thank you Willi Geller
Hair, glorious hair..........

been there done that
thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Luiza Zissman one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people

Once upon a time, the rich were content to be rolling in it quietly. Rather than advertising their enormous wealth, the aristocracy preferred, by and large, to live lives of obscure luxury.Then came the Russians.
The sine qua non of this new bracket of oversharing billionaires is Elena Perminova, a Russian model blessed with high cheekbones, and snub nose, elfin look, and a phenomenally wealthy husband almost twice her age, press baron Alexander Lebedev (he's 55, she's 28 ).
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

a little take on Japan-日本,

Bowing, is a very big deal in Japan something that's done several times a day.
There are many kinds of bows, from the casual 15-degree nod you'd make
to a coworker or neighbor to the deeper (30-degree) bow of thanks you'd
do when accepting your salary envelope from your boss, or the more formal
(45-degree)bow made to a customer in a service industry. One bow is
chorei (lit. "morning bow"), a brief formal meeting where the employees
stand in a circle and basically promises to gambaru, or do their best and
work hard, followed by a deep bow.

Ni siquiera la joven Keira Knightley se libra de ellas... Su piel, tan fina, sufre cuando fuerza algunos gestos. - not even a young Keira Knightley can be rid of them(wrinkles)....her skin, very fine, suffers when se makes gestures.....
They say it's beautiful. Although for many, wrinkles are a nightmare. Who is not concerned about the appearance of these "first frown lines" between the eyebrows?Visible even before the age of 30, unless they enjoy a privileged genetics, the first wrinkles must be combated with formulas without being too aggressive focus on stoppingtheir advance. While mature skin can choose specific treatments and art ingredients likeblack rose or orchid molecular extract.
the dermal fillers will win the battle against wrinkles: Dermal fillers complement botox so well in the wonderful world of non-surgical rejuvenation. They remove wrinkles and folds, they contour and shape the aging face,they correct facial assymetries, they help to create the non-surgical facelift and they fight side by side with botox in the eternal battle against the aging process
and this Doctor is among the best:

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden”
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden”

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

I love it
All Tied Up
Towering heights or a more sensible level?
The Hermès dress above and Loewe below are the kind of pieces —that are stylish but wouldn’t look dated a few years out.
Espalier x Container Garden
“Parasol Pretty”: In The Shade
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial (MUFG)
Anonymous said:
I am so fed up with society being filled to the brim with unintelligent people worshiping the talentless likes of the Kardashians. Please, would you be so kind as to offer me some words of wisdom?
JG: almost every society in history had a version of it, we happen to have a very tacky and tasteless form. I don’t really know what else to say but that there is probably no cure but do read below
"Hay mujeres de 45 que están mejor que las de 25 y eso antes era impensable"
Is that all that it is????????
For Yom Hashoah - Connecting past and present.
An Israeli man holds the Israeli flag as he stands still during the sounding of a two-minute siren marking Holocaust Remembrance Day in Jerusalem.
Earlier today, the entire country of Israel came to a standstill for a moment of remembrance for the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Never again!
Earlier today, the entire country of Israel came to a standstill for a moment of remembrance for the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Never again!
The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777, unless otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5777