
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 83

It’s almost Pesach

Pesach Countdown - 2 days remain till Pesach.

It's almost that time again, when families, friends and just plain fellow Jews sit together over matzah to relive the Exodus

I heard this today:
"If this is love, well is FABULOUS!!!


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should


The public's out there throwing darts at a board, sport. I don't throw darts at a board - I bet on sure thingsRead Sun Tsu- "Every battle is won before it's ever fought". Think about it.
Most of these Harvard MBA types - they don't add up to dogshit. Give me guys that are poor, smart, hungry - and no feelings. when you feel, you lose a few, but you keep on fighting.

You ever wonder why fund managers can't beat the S&P 500? Because they're sheep, and sheep get slaughtered.
And if you need a friend, get a dog. It's trench warfare out there pal.

and yes overalls are back...but they have always been around- designers always return to copy other options from the past.....

Can you figure this act??????????

to quote hamlet act III scene iii line 92, “no”

J’aime beaucoup le style de la fashion directrice de Stylebop, Leila Yavari, et je le suis depuis quelques saisons… Et je me suis dit qu’il serait temps de partager avec vous!

leila yavari street style paris garance dore photos

I quite like the Céline flats—it’s high time for an updated ballerina.

Sakura(Cherry Blosoms)....it is a must see in your lifetime in Japan

Arirang- 아리랑 (
'Han' which means korean's sad feeling or missing someone. If u learn korean language, u can know what i mean.
But, u know even u dont know korean language, u can feel somewhat this song is very sad. right??

(Yu-na Kim) montage : Arirang from "D-war"

Karlie Kloss by Catherine Louis for L'Oreal's Smokissime

Sheikha Moza AKA the Queen of Haute Couture AKA Most Stylish Woman!
Exclusive  I got this fabulous pic of Sheikha Moza in that spectacular white Valentino couture cape/dress ensemble. Finally we get to see the whole look, I used to have the pic of her standing behind the table and we cant see the complete body. I am blown away, she looked beyond amazing. Best dressed woman for sure! 

Ding ding ding!
I think we have a winner.
This might just be the perfect shade for spring.

fade to blue nails essie nail polish beauty garance dore photos

Bra, soutien-gorge; ブラジャー , reggiseno , sostén, sutiã 

panties, bragas, calcinha, mutandine, culotte, תחתונים גרביונים (סלנג) , パンティー; パンツ パンティー 

gummy bear breast implants


You will find that a great plastic surgeon will always be surrounded by beautiful models, women politicians ,famous actresses his ability to rejuvenate and enhance their breasts and lipo their bodies and more important rejuvenate their faces, is worth more to them than GOLD or than Goldman Sachs(smiles)

Matzos Coffee, also known as Matza Café, is a European Passover treat that has become forgotten for reasons I can’t fathom, since not only is this dish deceptively simple—it’s really nothing more than its name, matzoh soaked in coffee—it’s delicious and especially loved by children.

When you get Italian clothes or shoes and the label has the "made in italy" in them. For me it means an attitude, a style of life, a point of view, luxury, The Best-this is my opinion. It may not be the best of times politically, but ITaly is blessed to have such beauty: Naples, Rome, Venice, Parma, Bologna..Modena,Costa Smeralda, Milano and many more.
The pasta , the oil, of course the style and fashion. Italia has the best qualities and you wake up to a culture of beauty, individualism- and everyone's mother makes the best, most unique pasta: of course!! Also think about Ferrari, Buitoni, Cappellini, Berluti, Prada, Brioni-the best!!!

Trailer:The Party's over: Mad Men Season 7

some my everyday essentials...........

I like romantic walks to Swiss Banks(smiles)....

and she subscribes to JG's theory of  drinking water in crystal bottle and crystal glass.........

Those who know me , know that I do not dream much. The other night I dreamt I was having Maccheroncini al fumè at one of my favorite places in one of my favorite cities in Italia(Ancona)- in the Adriatic to be more exact. Even though Maccheroncini al fumè is not Kosher because of the  pancetta(bacon in it)...I sometimes eat it, for in this particular restaurant it is one of the best in the world!!!
And it is a place frequented by Mafiosi(smiles). It was such a real type of dream.


Schedule of Success

I’ve often thought not only about the measure of success, but the path to it.
Where to begin? How to dress? 
Is there a secret formula to success, well trod by preceding inventors, artists, politicians?
Honoré de Balzac dormait de 18 h à 1 h du matin, et travaillait ensuite jusqu’au petit matin. Charles Darwin travaillait moitié moins que Voltaire. Peut-être que le succès tient plus à l’apparence… hahahaha.
I suppose the conclusion here is that the routine of success is distinctly individual?? 

Ugly can be pretty–The French call it “Jolie Laide, which means, Ugly Pretty“.  Basically it all boils down to this formula:  Unique=Sexy.  Which means, Normal=Boring..am I telling you something you 
did not know??? you decide!!!!!

Dicono che sia peccato sprecare il tempo e l’amore. E non è quello il peccato che dovremmo avere negli occhi.

"A list of random and unrelated things to remember:-Time 
-Mountain winds sound exactly like ocean waves.
-You are worth everything now.
-Walls can be destroyed.
-The sun always rises (and is always beautiful).
-Children know the answers.
-There is music in everything.
-Logic doesn’t produce magic.
-Somewhere, somebody loves you.
-You don’t need to choose mediocre when fire exists.
-The moon orchestrates our nights and tides.
-Trees can grow through rock.
-You should do it now."

been there done that

thigh gap

no thigh gap

Piernas Kilometricas

Palmeras Kilometricas

Katarina Van Derham one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits



Comp Cards

Love of the Babushka......Babushka Chic.





Famous Little Black Dress has had a little alteration this year with a hint of gold details on it. Forget about classic black dresses, according to the world's biggest designers, the new version of LBD is much more fun, has gold embroidery, tribals, leaf prints, metal details and is certainly the latest trend growing as we speak! So why not give it a try? 

Femininity and chic? She has it all! Anya Ziourova is one of the most successful and elegant personalities among the fashion “oligarchs” of Russia. As she states, her personal style is the one being understated and chic. And this is absolutely true about her. This St-Petersburg born fashion know-it-all is a real embodiment of all the elegant drives a woman’s look might have. She is a successful fashion director at Tatler Russia, and a creative fashion consultant for Allure Russia. Balenciaga, Céline, Balmain, Anthony Vacarello are her fave fashion giants.

always impeccably presented, her style can only be described as 'eclectic'. 

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

 Peepy With Mother'LEE In "ANCHAVIKA" For HisoParty Magazine "Next Issue!!" Coming Soon!!! @

Home ALONE Peepy Signature!!!

a little take on Japan-日本,

Do Japanese couples say “I love you” to each other? The short answer is, of course they do, just less than we do in the West. The long answer is that expressing affection for someone is something most Japanese consider to be very special, not to be done very often, or around others. There are two ways to express love for someone in Japanese: 好きです suki desu, which generally means “like” but which has strong implications of love when referring to a person; and 愛してる ai shiteru, a specific statement of deep-felt love.


Fat Grafting to correct hollows of Upper or Lower Eyelids

Structural fat grafting can be performed on upper eyelid hollows, to smooth hollows under the eyes, to fill sunken cheeks, for filling sunken hollows under eyes eyes and is often used for blepharoplasty correction when too much skin and or fat has been removed in an eyelid surgical procedure. Fat Grafting requires specialized training and specialized surgical instruments, as well as patience and attention to detail on the part of the surgeon.

Age?Never ask the age to a woman! And I will say that many women as they get into their mid-thirties and early forties think that having bigger breasts makes the day....and I think the opposite....but as always, I respect everyone's choices as long as it does not affect me. 

Add volume, create angles and freeze the hands of time with injectable cosmetic medicine. As a smart alternative to cosmetic surgery or complementary procedure to help you look your best,

no pain no gain.....just close your eyes

When injectables took over the world in the early aughts, having facial wrinkles became more of a choice than an inevitability. But at the same time, armies of women of a certain age started to look like the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

The Sheikha and The Amir

Sheikha Mozah and Prince Alwaleed. She was wearing Giambattista Valli 




Richard Avedon, The best kept beauty secret, vicki archer

Energy is the latest beauty secret I want to add to our list.
I am not talking marathon or triathlon type energy, the physical fit/perfect specimen
 kind, I am talking positive energy. The ‘cup half full’ energy that is invigorating to be 
around; the kind of energy that is infectious and makes you want to be better, 
do better and feel better.
Positive energy comes from within, it is a state of mind and emotion. 

Jay Leno - comedian, Mensch and lover of Israel.

Talk about the ultimate layering piece-under a navy blazer,
now, and on it's own with denim shorts this summer. perfection.
And ladies you could double up with a white tank underneath.

My favorite Panamanian singer......and this song is about political and 
racial correctness....
and my favorite line of this song " Ligia Elena esta contenta y su familia
 esta asfixiada"

Ligia Elena, la cándida niña de la sociedad, se ha fugado con un 
trompetista de la vecindad. El padre la busca afanosamente, 
lo está comentando toda la gente, y la madre pregunta angustiada: 
en dónde estará? De nada sirvieron regaños, ni viajes, ni monjas, 
ni las promesas de amor que le hiceran los niños de bien; 
fué tan buena la nota que dió aquel humilde trompeta que, 
entre acordes de cariño eterno, se fué ella con él.

French Riviera White

Cannes - Vicki Archer
If Cannes is all about the sea then it is also about the architecture.

Cannes - Vicki Archer

 All white… with a faded glory… much had seen better days.
Some had been renovated for the influx of wealthy tourists that hug the 
Cote d’ Azur in the summer months.
Cannes - Vicki Archer
Others retained their faded charm… relishing their age, embracing their flaws.
Either way… the decorative nature of the architecture, the frills and fancy got me
 feeling in a “white” frame of mind.
There is something about the sea breeze, the smell of salt and the faded grandeur 
of an old style town

the 126th anniversary of the public 
opening of the Eiffel Tower ...

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Look -vestido de tricot: look branco

The magazine sent photographers out to different cities to reveal
 distinctive trends from around the world. In Tel Aviv, the women 
rocked the “no-makeup, makeup” trend we’ve been seeing on the
 runways this year, but they’ve been doing it the real way for years, 

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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