
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 82

שבוע נפלא חברים !

Shavua Tov!  Wishing everyone a great week

Are you ready for Pesach?!….Just Checking.
Not long now…


Avril est le mois de l’acceptation radicale.

Privet!! Ah Matryoshkas


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

for you  Francophiles this post -JG 82 is a little bit towards your likes...
a bit more emphasis for you.

A row of tropical palms can be so dramatic and glamourous.

*Note if you go see the movie, Midnight In Paris (which you should because it is brilliant) the last scene was shot on this bridge, Pont Alexandre III.  Pont Alexandre III is the most ornate and extravagant bridge in Paris and definitely one of the most famous bridges in France.

Dr Kate keeps a penthouse apartment, just for her handbags.Kongkwan "Kate" Fujitniran, a dermatologist who owns nine clinics, is often referred as a "hi-so doctor", but people also like to call her "the Hermès doctor". That's right - she's crazy about the posh French handbags.

Se una regola c'è non la chiedere a me

Parisian women are so sexy and elegant.

Yes, I speak French. Yves Saint Laurent. Hermés. Louis Vuitton. Chanel. Dior. Lanvin….

What is it about a French party that brings absolutely everybody onto the dance floor? 
There are many explanations - the joie de vivrethe champagne,  but whatever it is it is.....

is perfect, non?

Picolé de melancia? Sim

Editora Globo (Foto: Editora Globo)

l-e-t-s cheer just murmered: Question - how does one get onto your exclusive list of favorites in your blog?
OMG I am so so so sorry! If anyone is on there it should be you < - I just added you darling 

There are some spring vibes in the air and this week will definitely be the turn-around

KK is KK

gummy bear breast implants


Nothing creates a more perfect mood like music and candles.  

and KC will understand when I say: "I rest my case"

Sequels of great movies are very rarely as good as the first one.....and of course Wall Street the original movie could never be duplicated. I think that the only scene worth it on the sequel of the aforementioned film is this one

Charlie Sheen in WS2

There are reading lists galore floating around cyber space…There is nothing I love more than a new read, a great find… the expectation of the printed page…
For me, it means non-fiction books…
If you know me and if you are following the Tidbits you know that I rarely read fiction books...my whole emphasis is to read non-fiction....every once in awhile I get a nice novel that I will read.....such is the case of Gone Girl that my dear cousin Natalie sent me from Marseilles....it is good.....very good

Dicono che sia peccato lasciarsi senza abbracci. Dimenticarsi. Non ricordare nemmeno un motivo per tornare. Dicono che siano peccato tutti.

been there done that

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Djenice Silva one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits



Comp Cards

Love of the Babushka......Babushka Chic.




Without a doubt, Gisele Bündchen  has been -- and still is -- the biggest name in modeling. An industry mainstay since she first walked the runway for Alexander McQueen, Giorgio Armani and Dolce & Gabbana, Gisele Bündchen has single-handedly ushered in a new modeling trend of emphasizing sexy over skinnyand now stands as the highest-paid and most sought-after face in the fashion industry. A well-recognized favorite with everyone from Victoria's Secret to Apple, Gisele has achieved a level of fame that every model seeks, but only a handful ever achieve.

Delphine Arnault pictured at Dior headquarters on June 15, 2013
Delphine Arnault's new job at Louis Vuitton is the biggest hint yet that she will succeed her father, Bernard Arnault, as CEO of luxury goods conglomerate LVMH.

Louis Vuitton: the world's most valuable luxury brand

The French fashion house has been valued at £16.5 billion, making it the most valuable luxury fashion brand.

Miroslava Duma is a walking counterargument to the notion that size matters. The petite founder of fashion news website Buro 24/7 is just as likely to cause a photographer pile-up as her taller well-turned out compatriots—and that’s even when Duma’s in flats. Here, the Russian editor shares her favorite toy shop in Moscow, her love of sweaters (those cold Russian winters…) and how her poor neck has suffered under the weight of her beloved sparkly necklaces.

CCC look so great in the Missoni..........

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Lady Lee Puengboonpra

The lady with the big hair and big bling will celebrate soon her Bday. She has cut back on her partying, preferring to keep in touch with friends via Line, but when she does go out, it is usually in the company of Monlahcha Skulthai and Siriyos Devahastin Na Ayudhya.

With Dr.Park Wonjin MD. PhD, Plastic Surgery Specialist!!! At "Wonjin Beauty Medical Group" [Korean Plastic Surgery Hospital] No.1 In Seoul , South Korea.  Wonjin Hospital Will Opening Soon In Bangkok , Thailand.  Home Alone Peepy Signature!!!

a little take on Japan-日本,

One odd quirk of Japanese people is that they're all positive their ancestors were samurai warriors, despite many having agrarian family names like 田中 Tanaka ("in the rice field") or 山田 Yamada ("the rice field on the mountain"). Since there are many ways to write a given name in kanji, the nuances can be hard to represent in English. In Kana Okari ~ Welcome Back Kana, the just-released remake of one of the best visual novels ever made, there are two characters who share the same name: 加奈 Kana, the main character's younger sister, and her cousin 佳奈, which is spelled "Cana" in the game to separate the two.


“Facial contouring” refers to surgeries that change the shape of part of your face—such as 
your nose, ears, or chin. Some of these changes can be subtle, while others can 
be quite dramatic and noticeable. The result depends on your goals, so it is important to find a 
plastic surgeon that listens to you and is experienced in the procedures you’re considering. - 

Grant Stevens, MD

'Gummy Bear' Breast Implants: The Future of Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Like kids in a candy store, more women are seeking out a type of silicone breast implant that one doctor calls the"gummy bear."

Dr. Grant Stevens, a prominent plastic surgeon in Marina Del Rey, California., coined the term "gummy bear breast implant." He said he gave the implants their catchy nickname because when cut in half, the implant is stable and retains its shape, much like the chewy, gummy bear candies.   

And they hold their shape and feel natural...how do you know Mr. Goldstein??....as I always say : "If you don't know than you don't know" (smiles)

And if you decide to get the gummy bear implants you are going to need the long line bra

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Chic and Sexy in Jean Paul Gaultier jumpsuit couture.

Sheikha Moza was carrying the Valentino clutch

Valentino chic

Perfect body of Sheikha Moza




 je t'aime Françoise Madeleine Hardy

Françoise is a singer/musician, actress and astrologer from Paris who became an icon in the 60s for her fashion and music. Almost everything from France in the 60s and 70s inspires me but her music truly soothes my soul. Even her videos are wonderfully unique.

The photos of  Françoise from her Vogue record days are timeless and she was a beautiful yé-yé girl. Part of an amazing musical movement that was originated by women.

These photos of her and Bob Dylan are my favourites. They met in Paris in '66 which may have come about from Dylan's poem 'Some other kinds of songs' on the cover of his LP "Another Side of Bob Dylan." Here is a snippet of that poem:

Some other kinds of songs

for françoise hardy

at the seine's edge

a giant shadow

of notre dame

seeks t' grab my foot

sorbonne students

whirl by on thin bicycles

swirlin' lifelike colors of leather spin

the breeze yawns food

far from the bellies

of erhard meetin' johnson

piles of lovers



lay themselves on their books. boats.

old men

clothed in curly mustaches

float on the benches

blankets of tourists

in bright red nylon shirts

with straw hats of ambassadors ...

One of her many lovely videos:

''Tout ceci Madame, c'est Versailles''

Coco Chanel

It's no surprise that I love, love, love film. I believe it is such a powerful medium that transcends time and erases all borders. I look forward when I just curl up on the sofa and watch movies all day long. I am really liked this film, Coco Before Chanel! Audrey Tautou as Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel 

CliffsNotes (formerly Cliffs Notes, originally Cliff's Notes and often, erroneously, CliffNotes) are a series of student study guides available primarily in the United States. The guides present and explain literary and other works in pamphlet form or online. Detractors of the study guides claim they let students bypass reading the assigned literature. The company claims to promote the reading of the original work, and does not view the study guides as a substitute for that reading


another type of CliffsNotes(smiles)

Contos de Fadas

quem não se encanta com eles?

The Beatles had plenty of 'laheetim' in their day. 
The Hebrew word laheet (la-HEET) has its English definition in it: It means hit -- as in top of the charts. This is no coincidence as we shall see, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Orange Ginger Charoset
Charoset is one of more popular and tasty symbolic foods on the Passover Seder Plate. It is a sweet, dark-colored paste made of fruits and nuts meant to mask some of the bitterness of the horseradish. The word “charoset” comes from the Hebrew word cheres, meaning clay. It’s color and texture are meant to recall mortar which the Israelites used when they were enslaved in Egypt. Like pretty much everything in Judaism, there are lots of different traditions depending on what part of the world one is from.

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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