
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 80

As you know, Passover-Pesach is the holiday in which we eat matzah and refrain from eating or possessing any chametz (leavened bread). In the weeks preceding the holiday we clean our homes and rid them of all chametz.

time and silence are the most luxurious things today


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

It is raining luxury sponsors for my blog, the Tidbits....if you noticed
luxury sponsors continue to sign up to be associated with my blog..
Muito Obrigado....gracias....Thanks........


Ryan Paris - Dolce Vita

Tall Palm Trees send me,  you already know that but this little ones are not too shabby

i actually feed on intelligence
i love it when people know a lot about a lot of things
about music, films, religion, beliefs, history, fashion
i love big meaningful words

Et vous, est-ce qu’il y a des petites choses qui reboostent votre mental ?

Standing at a statuesque 6ft 1in and with legs that seem to go on for miles, Karlie Kloss undoubtedly stops traffic wherever she goes.

Karlie Kloss in CHIC feat Nile Rodgers ' I"ll Be There

Qatari Diar investment fund....Paris' O Caprices De Lili....Key Largo....Jamila Boushaba.....
Hotel de Crillon....Porto de Galinhas - Pernambuco....“21 Royal Commandments”.... POBox 1, Riyadh 11321....eres.....elite....VVIP....Opéra Apple Store, 12 Rue Halévy, Paris 75009, 01 44 83 42 00......Perfect....
Jil Sander......Lago di Como -Il Gatto Nero Cernobbio.....At Yafa....Tickets’de la Ciudad Condal)...
Combobulate.......lencería Passionata......black gold cash is gushing in....
El Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque de Tenerife....rad or bad....Maastricht-Achen....Le Chambolle....
the ballet Giselle at the Mariinshy Theathre.......Misty Copeland 

Pinoy song "Matud Nila"....Makati....Amanpulo.....Toscana....cotton candy....cajeta....
Wimbledon....West End....Old Bond Street........VR....El Matador....blinis...Polanco...
Yayoi  Kusama: Princess of the Polka dots...Olympia Le Tan.....

La Perla

Murderous Row...a literal one

Rate her style 1-10 

Avenue Foch

"   A vingt ans, la Parisienne est adorable ; à trente ans, irrésistible ; à quarante, 
charmante. Après quarante ans ? Jamais une Parisienne ne dépasse quarante ans

This book just came out and you should read it....it exposes secrets about
Coco Chanel and who she really was.........

Mademoiselle Chanel, published by William Morrow this week, has won glowing reviews 

(“deliciously satisfying”) for its excitement and drama and the fascinating details 
of Coco Chanel’s rags to riches triumph.

Locas por los cuadros Vichy!!

 It’s going to be a very happy Pesach!

gumy bear breast implants


and I am a fan of Mark Zuckerberg
I do not care about Facebook web site but only about the stock price...

the stock keeps going up and up and the skeptics are not happy....
And the stock price is going to the stratosphere and I will laugh all the way 

to the bank


Facebook Inc
NASDAQ: FB - Mar 24 1:19 PM EDT
85.84Price increase1.42 (1.68%)

Some describe her as a  warm and pleasant woman from the Middle East, lover of
 luxury, high fashion and art. Others, describe her as the cunning and ruthless leader 
who causes more fear than respect. Those are the two faces of  
Mozah bint Nasser al Missned, Sheikha of Qatar.

Unos la describen como la mujer cálida y agradable del MedioOriente,
 amante del lujo, la alta costura y el arte.
Otros, como la astuta e implacable líder que provoca más miedo que 
respeto. Son las dos caras de Mozah bint Nasser al Missned

Dime tu país y te diré qué tipo de belleza tienes

A detail of a vintage Louis Vuitton trunk; depending on its size, from 900 to 1,000 brass
 nails, hammered by hand, are used in the construction of a hard-sided travel trunk. 

??????? Do You............

 (adjective) In the list of one of the most 100 beautiful words 
in the English language,
 ineffable’s beauty lies in its flowing sound and meaning. 
Ineffable describes the sentiment of 
being unable to express something in words because it is too 
extreme to communicate; 
words cannot possibly do justice at this particular moment

Juan Ponce de León - (1474 – July 1521)was a Spanish explorer and conquistador. 
He became the first Governor of Puerto Rico by appointment of the Spanish crown. 
He led the first European expedition to Florida, which he named. He is associated with 
the legend of the Fountain of Youthreputed to be in Florida.

and it is ironic....I am sure Juan Ponce de Leon when looking for the Fountain of Youth 
did not have Dr Fred Brandt in mind....what I mean his office address is Ponce De Leon 
Blvd in Coral Gables....and more to the point that those who seek Dr Brandt's services 
become younger.

Dr. Fredric Brandt—the founder of the scientifically driven Dr. Brandt skincare line (and University of Miami alumnus)—splits his time between his buzzing Miami and Manhattan dermatology 

The demand for injectables is rising in Miami and around the world. Facial reshaping 
with fillers is popular because everyone wants a youthful contour. Fillers evolved in 
the last 10 years to enable us to completely fill lines and reshape the face. Women also 
prefer procedures with little to no recuperation time. Light fractional lasers, which help 
fine lines, wrinkles, and discolorations, allow patients to come in and appear perfectly 
normal three hours later.

I met him more than a decade ago. I heard that he had rejuvenated the faces of a lot of 

that a certain single-named singer was a favorite client, and that he used techniques 
so advanced 
no one else could keep up. Everyone seemed to have a different story about this 
mysterious Dr. Brandt. 
But for  JG is academic, he has done great by me.



been there done that.....

thigh gap

no thigh gap



 Irene Sofía Esser Quintero one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic

У нас традиция в семье всегда привозить всем подарочки из путешествий. Один пакет для моей мамочки, другой- для свекрови. Не устаю им говорить 'Спасибо' за то, что они нас воспитали людьми. Мы вас очень любим! ❤️❤️❤️ #вернулисьдомой #москва #подаркидлялюбимых


more tidbits

She reigns.............

Vitamin Sea

Fashion-forward girls with an adventurous style should absolutely consider getting
 animal print, vivid coloredor metallic lace up heels. They are definitely a statement item 
so you won't need any accessories or exaggerated garments. Simple cut styles,
 monochromatic colors and plain textures are the key to a sophisticated look. 
If you're not used to experimenting with colors, stick to neutral shades such as white, 
nude, camel, brown and black, or a "denim on denim" combo.


Anastasia Romantsova’s the Russian designer who created A La Russe, a 
contemporary brand that pumps out stunning, hand-crafted garments from 
season to season. Once you see into the world of A La Russe, as well as the 
face behind the brand- it’s hard to keep yourself from falling head over heels-i
n love from the A La Russe touch


Anastasia Romantsova On creating A La Russe: I really wanted to show what 
Russian style and Russian culture is about. I wanted to dress ladies in 
feminine gowns to show that sexuality can be “reserved” and aristocratic; 
to dwell upon timeless style, but not momentary fashion, to create dresses 
which “care” about a woman, which mould ideal proportions and at the same 
time are comfortable and practical. 

Screen shot 2014-04-05 at 1.15.40 PM

a vision in Mugler

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Doing What You Like Is FREEDOM!!! Liking What You Do Is HAPPINESS!!! 

Lady Lee Pheungboonpra photos from Thailand, one pengoleksi Luxurious 
branded bags including .Hermès Hermès collector generasi2 early in Asia. Still 
young, and never so madam this artist married sm Previous owner steel mills, 
paints, construction, cement, etc, etc, etc .... Primadona melintir, collection, 
diamond cut is often made ​​main2're sm Peepy and this time he's still nice..... 
Collection Lady Lee already like a museum, branded items, jewels, antiques
 BRG, you name it deh.

a little take on Japan-日本,

Who doesn’t love a uniform?!  I like the Japanese tradition of all wearing uniforms in the
 schools- whether public or private!! and the Jap girls, wear them well!!

One aspect of Japanese people is the tendency for them to shrug off difficult decisions 
or challenges by saying "Shikata ga nai," which means "It's can't be helped."
 (A more colloquial version of this is "Sho ga nai.") From national economic policy 
to the problem of men groping women on crowded trains to complaining about the 
price of lettuce this week, Japanese seem to be uniquely able to throw up their hands 
and say in effect, oh well, there's no way to solve that problem so I won't do anything 
about it.




Some celebrities appear younger everyday; others get more beautiful… and then 
there's some who just look completely different.

Actress Megan Fox is only 26, but it already seems like she's had two completely different faces. 
One screams pretty teen, the other, vampish movie star.

Eccentric heiress Daphne Guinness has one of the most impressive profiles I've seen 
on a 47-year-old…

Victoria Beckham of yesteryear, AKA Posh Spice, whose gummy smile didn't 
render her so self-conscious

I am awarding 10 points for every subtle difference you can spot in Cameron Diaz's visage.

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

 She looks spectacular and charming in the traditional brown bisht. She was with her husband and Sheikh Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah of Kuwait. 

Sheikha Mozah and Italian film director/producer/museum director Ginevra Elkann both wore the spectacular hand-embroidered Valentino Fall/Winter 2012 Haute Couture gown. Little background check, Ginevra is one of the heirs to the largest fortune in modern Italian history, her grandfather was was the richest man in modern Italian history named Gianni Agnelli (her combined family fortune worth $142billion). In terms of money, Sheikha Mozah met her match here. In terms of fashion, Sheikha Mozah has the upper hand. This gown is already perfect as it is on the runway, so no modification was made by Sheikha Mozah. Ginevra however made the alteration on the shoulders to be funky, because she was attending the MET Gala with the punk theme in 2013. Although she doesn’t look bad, I think Sheikha Mozah styled it better with the diamond belt and necklace. I have always pictured Sheikha Mozah wearing this gown since the minute I saw it on the runway. I am still amazed by Ginevra’s family fortune though, that girl got money! I watched some of her interviews, she seems very down to earth and sweet.




Paris, Vicki Archer

A girl on the quai,

I liked her pose, her total focus on the words in front of her. I loved that she was reading without 
a care in the world for the passing parade. And a book no less, a real book.
No. Nothing was everything.
Everything can so often be the small things. Watching, listening and observing. Taking the time 
to be nowhere in particular; you must never forget about that particular type of joy.

a band called Singtank, a brother-sister duo with tangled blond hair, synth-rock 
melodies, and "Frenglish" lyrics

the "King of Cool"

DINO - Dean Martin (born Dino Paul Crocetti; June 7 -1917 – December 25, 1995)   one of the few people that Frank Sinatra admired and respected....he was a great actor and singer.....suave, elegant...very Italian as he was born in Italy and brought to America in early life.

And in his television show- Mad Men......Don Draper is Mr Cool......

On Wednesday, L’Oreal Paris released an innovative app called Makeup Genius, a free “magic mirror” for iPhone and iPad that lets you virtually try out new makeup without actually applying on your skin.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Israeli phenom Gal Gadot — now the new face of Gucci fragrances.
The new Wonder Woman is really making Israel proud.
"Gadot was born in Rosh Ha’ayin and was a fitness trainer during her IDF service. She became Miss Israel in 2004 and first got international attention when she appeared in a 2007 photo shoot for Maxim magazine focused on the sexy female soldiers of the IDF."

#Obama will never understand this! #WakeUpAmerica  #StandWithIsrael

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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