
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 79

שבוע נפלא חברים !

Shavua tov! Wishing everyone an awesome week!

Yesterday was  Rosh Chodesh Nissan…The first day of the new month ~ have a great month! Chodesh Tov..

 I've never said I 'hate' anyone because that would imply I had any emotion for them whatsoever.
And hate is not a word that exists in my vocabulary....i prefer indeference

Privet my lovely Matryoshkas!


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

The Jewish Princess my niece Tiffany Goldstein....being with family is the most......

gold standard

If Cinderella were around today she would more certainly NOT have left one of
these golden Chanel leather shoes, $1,000USD, on the steps, no matter what the
guy's title was. They're already a hot favorite (their appearance on the catwalk
immediately started a waiting list) so get ready to see them take over the summer.

at the moment I am using a hair oil Leonor Greyl it smell so good that you want
to keep it on all the time.

is this nice or what...........


Alaïa est un “créateur ultra-légendaire.” La crème de la crème.

Urban Dictionary defines side-boob as: A view of the female breast seen from a side; generally under loosely-fitting clothes.

and I got this very nice comment from: Anonyme

Ton blog est une pure merveille: toute la beauté du monde réunie au sein d'une seule page. Tout simplement.  Qui es-tu? Quelles sont tes passions et tes aspirations? es-tu amoureuse? Pardon pour cette trop grande curiosité...     
and JG says: je te remercie


  1. 1.
    elegantly and stylishly fashionable.
    synonyms:stylish, elegant, sophisticated, dressy, smart; More

  1. 1.
    stylishness and elegance, typically of a specified kind.

PRETO E BASTA - Black and that's it

זמר ענק ! ! ! שיר מקסים !!!

also known as The Kingdom, as KSA or simply, Saudi Arabia.

The Dead Sea mud wrap.....nothing like it!!!!

and this sign does not mean "Go Longhorns"  it means cornuto(a) cheated-on husband (wife)

Like the discovery of love, like the discovery of the sea, the discovery of Dostoevsky marks an important date in one’s life.

The average woman looks at herself in the mirror at least eight times a day. They do it for many reasons: to check their make-up is still in place, to wonder at the development of a spot, but mostly for a sense of reassurance.  And then, one day, a gap appears. It is the gap between how they think you look - the internal image  - and the reality. It is terrifying, and every time many women look in the mirror they are fearful that the gap has widened. But it doesn't have to. That is the point of good cosmetic work: not to make someone look radically different, but to make us look the way you feel you  ought to look. It can be done - if you have the right procedures, the right products, the right practitioner. And, as the science advances (faster than we are ageing), there are more and more ways of reducing the gap. Which is why the Tatler Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide is ever evolving.

gummy bear breast implants


when you do fit or fat....or long walks your legs your upper body will be lean lean...not like
muscle bound guys.....

and Irina's puppet lines are most noticable here in this pic..........

Prince Alwaleed.

The Amir has lots of Pinays and Pinoys working for his enterprises.....

the temple of elegance......

Black with beige shoes.....I rest my case(smiles)

Imagen del artículo
-Pilates Mat, Pilates Reformer, Fletcher Pilates, PowerPilates, Pilates de suelo y Yoga-Pilates. Todo esto, así en general se llama simplemente Pilates y es una misma cosa.
-Pilates Mat, Reformer Pilates, Fletcher Pilates, Power Pilates, Floor Pilates and Yoga-Pilates. All this, and generally called simply Pilates and is the same thing.

La curva más hermosa de una mujer es su sonrisa"

The most beautiful curve of a woman is her smile "

Shakira sang about them..... "Ojos Así

The term model, derives from fashion, refers to a person who wears a garment, clothing or accessory in order to exhibit it to others.

El término  modelo,  deriva de moda, se refiere a una persona que viste una prenda, ropa o accesorio con el fin de exhibirlo a terceros.

Rich enough not to be motivated by money.....and he is...he is motivated on winning...like in a game...

Saudi Princess Deena Al-Juhani Abdulaziz...yes, no Abaya and no Veil!!!!

Le SMS le plus envoyé par moi, c’est

Daddy Yankee - Sabado Rebelde ft. Plan B: 
Si que son grandes 

South Beach in MB  if you are a native is passé...South Beach is dé·mo·dé...for tourists I am sure is nice.....and for moi you will find me daily early morn or late at night at the News Cafe....other than that I will not go there(smiles)

And these three places never go out of style....I frequent them everyday at Bal Harbour Shops...

Prada at Bal Harbour Shops

Santa Fe Espresso &News


been there done that........

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Ajla Tomljanović one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic

Passionata Lingerie Spring/Summer 2014 featuring Bar Refaeli


more tidbits


This fabric has been around for centuries, but it’s hotter than ever this season! Open HELLO magazine and every queen, princess, duchess etc is seen wearing something pastel & lace....here are some looks

You don’t need to go “all lace” in order to spice things up a little bit. A simple outfit with some touch of lace here and there is sufficient to make the look be the hottest ever this summer!

Wear a hat this summer to protect your hair & scalp from the sun! Hats of this kind are probably the hottest accessories for this season, simply because we can’t use them during fall or winter. So take the opportunity to get yourself a “Panama Hat” for the beach or why not something more glamorous they wear for Royal Ascot? Be creative and don’t be afraid of being bold.

Today the revival of Russian fashion is gaining popularity once more with the help of Russian fashion designers, and the infamous ʻitʼ girls. Miroslava Duma, Vika Gazinskaya, Elena Perminova, Ulyana Sergeenko and Anya Ziourova are the “it” girls, affectionately deemed “the fashion mafia”. These five women are showcasing the Russian women’s love of style, and fashion. In addition they are favourites amongst street style photographers, think: Tommy Ton, and the Sartorialists Scott Schuman. Vika Gazinskaya and Ulyana Sergeenko are not only street style stars, but fashion designers, too

  1. Dita Von Teese wearing a Ulyana Sergeenko dress 
  2. Vika Gazinskaya in Paris S/S 2014 © Victoria Adamson
  3. Anya Ziourova, stylist and fashion director at Tatler Russia for Jimmy Choo
  4. Ulyana Sergeenko, Sources: Le21éme/Vogue/Style du monde/Elle
  5. Elena Perminova-Paris, Haute-Couture, FashionWeek, S/S 2013 © Le 21eme, Adam Katz Sinding
  6. Miroslava Duma during Paris Fashion Week, Fall 2013, Source: Grazia

Claire Courtin-Clarins, heiress to the French Clarins cosmetics company, AHHmazing shoes

Très chic

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy With M'Au , P'Pueng , N'Mimi (PR Manager Of Yves Saint Laurent Beauté Thailand) At "YSL La Favorite Party To Celebrate Its 2nd Anniversary In Thailand

 Peepy With Mother'LEE & Mom'Au At "The Grand Opening Of Roger Vivier Boutique" At The Emporium Shopping Complex G Floor Bangkok Thailand. 

a little take on Japan-日本,

I love to look at the ways language and culture are intertwined, allowing us to learn about one as we explore the other. For example, the terms senpai and kohai, senior and junior member of a school or organization, tell us something of the "vertical" nature of Japanese relationships, and if you pay attention to anime or dramas you can hear how the language one group uses with the other is quite different. Kohai will speak using verb forms and pronouns that are more formal-sounding and will always be first to voice greetings, whilesenpai will speak more informally and will never notice you. One word you hear almost daily in Japan is 頑張る ganbaru, which can be translated as to work hard or to do one’s best. It usually takes the form of a request, 頑張ってください ganbatte kudasai, or a command, 頑張れ! ganbare! More than just a word declaring a person's intention to apply themselves and persevere in their lives, it's almost the default state that everyone in Japan – employees in a company, students studying for university exams, politicians trying to appeal to local voters –- is expected to maintain. This hardworking spirit is definitely one of my favorite things about the Japanese people.


Thread lift

This  surgery technique has come a long way since the days of facelifts that left  subjects looking as if they had been caught in a wind tunnel. This procedure,  available to cosmetic surgeons leave patients looking younger and refreshed, but not unnaturally lifted and tightened.

el dueño del bisturí -he owns the Scalpel

High-flying, adored and siliconised

Argentina imports more silicone implants per capita than any other country in the world - but does cosmetic perfection make its women happy? Dr Jose Juri is the man who made millions from the body fascism of Buenos Aires

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Sheikha Mozah was looking beyond gorgeous in this light blue ensemble . The details on the sleeves indicate this might be from Chanel, because the upper part was hidden under her scarf, so I cant tell which collection it was from. She combined a modern dress with a traditional hijab, I love the classic vibe she was going with the gloves. 

Sometimes even I am amazed how sharp my eyes are for spotting items on her. Sheikha Mozah just appeared at the WISH summit closing ceremony, my eyes directly went to her earrings and felt like I have seen it somewhere. Turned out it was from David Webb, seems like she owns a lot of David Webb jewelries. This pair of earrings are made with pavé diamonds, black enamel, platinum, and gold. The style recalls art deco, but updated by David Webb in 1974. According to@davidwebbjewels website, it costs $39,000 in case you want to buy it.



Plastic Surgery: Indications and Practice: Expert Consult Premium Edition: Enhanced Online Features, Print, and DVD, 2-Volume Set

Shiksa: The Gentile Woman in the Jewish World (Hardcover) ~ Chri... Cover Art


No salgas a la calle sin ellas


It may seem odd to compare the largest of people with one of the world’s smallest, but Chinese and Jews have something in common that helps explain their success and longevity. That is the ability to rise above ethnic conflicts.

The days of the week in Hebrew

Here's the list of the days of the week in Brasilian Portuguese:
  • Domingo – Sunday
  • Segunda-feira – Monday
  • Terça-feira – Tuesday
  • Quarta-feira – Wednesday
  • Quinta-feira – Thursday
  • Sexta-feira – Friday
  • Sábado – Saturday

Noether's work in algebra revolutionized the fields of mathematics and physics

Emmy Noether may not be a household name, but her compatriot Albert Einstein — someone who definitely is —once called her “the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began.”
Noether, born in a small town in Germany in 1882, would have been 133 on Monday, and Google is celebrating her life with a doodle.

In Paris, the old and new play off one another in perfect harmony. There is an undeniable appreciation for tradition and the antiquated, but also so much creative progression – and a love for beauty, of course!
When we visited Anahi in the 3rd arrondissement, you could see the old interplay with the new in every corner.
The Argentinian food they serve is incredible, but it’s the gold accents throughout that are most captivating. Designer Maud Bury decided to celebrate the history of the restaurant by filling the cracks in the tiles with copper, and continued the theme with bronze gilded chairs and hanging ornaments.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Look -Preto e Vermelho

Am Yisrael Chai!!

I am a believer in Israeli and Jewish exceptionalism. The Jews have a deeply ingrained ingenuity that has always helped us to survive.

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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