
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775 - JG 77

  1. Passover 2015 begins in the evening of
    Friday, April 3
    and ends in the evening of
    Saturday, April 11

A quanto pare il sole sorge anche qui  (la meraviglia)

Privet my lovely Matryoshkas!


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 

JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

Israel: PM Netanyahu thanking supporters after winning today’s election despite overwhelming odds.

כנגד כל הסיכויים, ניצחון גדול לליכוד, ניצחון גדול למחנה הלאומי בראשות הליכוד, ניצחון גדול לעם ישראל.

Against all odds:a great victory for the Likud. A major victory for the people of Israel

WOW!!!! another fab start to the day with this strong strong drink....heavenly

Common abbreviations used in chat, emails, SMS (texto in French) or when taking notes. Here are the 10 most common French ones: 
BJR = bonjour = hi 
BSR = bonsoir = have a good night, hi (in the evening) 
SLT = salut 
MDR = mort(e) de rire = LOL 
JTM = je t'aime = I love you (I'm in love with you) 
MSG = un message = message 
PK = pourquoi? = why? 
QQC = quelque chose = something 
QQ1 = quelqu'un = someone 
BZ = bisous, bises = kisses

Quand on vit à Paris, les marchés deviennent vite un élément du quotidien. Quand j’habitais là-bas, j’adorais flâner sur les marchés, des endroits toujours hyper colorés et pleins d’énergie, où on trouve – entre autres – des fleurs fraîches et du vrai fromage !!

Congratulations PIA! I am so happy for you! Sending my love

Pia Wurtzbach, of Cagayan de Oro City, was crowned Binibining Pilipinas Universe 2015 on Sunday night at Smart Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City.

Two things are important: Health is BEAUTY and confidence is BEAUTY

Melhorar a aparência sem precisar faltar ao trabalho. Refinar a harmonia da face com a delicadeza da naturalidade. Esculpir o corpo sem cirurgias. Essa é a atual tendência da dermatologia…

Princess Ameerah Al-taweel

Al-Tweel came onto the world stage as wife to one of the richest Arab men, HRH Prince Waleed bin Talal. Since then they’ve divorced but she’s kept her status set to influential. She’s currently chairwoman & CEO of Time Entertainment and chairwoman co-founder of Tasamy.

Who can afford to buy at Tom Ford  boutique?

 "crazy rich Asians with cash"
 young oil-money princess from Dubai or the Kingdom

el pelo 'a raya', la última moda


Only those that possess a certain degree of panache can pull off this eccentric hairstyle! Vika Gazinskaya’s asymmetrical shag is stick straight with a matte texture; a slightly longer and modern version

The fit is everything, Sheikha Mozah has her own mannequin in Dior, Chanel, Ralph & Russo etc. couture houses, so when the clothes are delivered everything just fits perfectly.

.....Hermès...UAE....KC...BBJ....Jean Prouvé...By Invitation Only.....VVIP.....Coco Chanel. Pizza.Miu Miu. Sunsets. Beaches. Love. Flowers. YSL. Luxury. Money. Starbucks. Sunglasses. Lush.... Lanvin. Audrey Hepburn. Coffee. Jack Vettriano. French. Books. Snog. German. Latte. Fashion. London. Oxford Street. D&G. Porsche. Emily DiDonato. Music. Indian. Movies. Fashion. Buddha Bar. MAC. Fashion Week.Juicy. Victoria's Secret. Sugar. Spice. Cinnamon. Angels. Lush. iPad Air....iPhone 6+....Philosophy...Gucci Horse Bit loafers....Oreo...Happy...Nordisquie-Los Roques..... הֶרְצֵלִיָּה

"Friends, applaud, the comedy is over."
  Ludwig von Beethoven, commonly believed to be his last words 

Whomever has a Birkin has a treasure. And more so the one who has won the famous model ofHermès that was auctioned at the Parisian Artcurial for a record price of 63.800 euros.....Lady Lee would approve.
and in case you have forgotten or are a new reader to the Tidbits- here is Lady Lee with her record Birkin collection

gummy bear breast implants


Gezellingheid is at the core of Dutch culture. I'ts an atmosphere, a vibe, a serendipitious 
togetherness, an aesthetic, a relaxed mood, a feeling of flow, a sense of belonging.
To describe a person, a place or gathering that has gezelligheid, use the adjective gezelling. It's
to hang out with an old friend you haven't seen for awhile, and fresh flowers or lit candles on
a windowsill are also gezelling.

by request from Makati....here it is...fit or fat..........

many moons ago I read a book called " Fit or Fat" where the emphasis was walking....I decided to start training in accordance to the book,  I still  continue to play tennis, which I am great at(smiles)..... but I took the book info very serious....since that time, I now walk diligently two hours daily.....and it makes your body very fit...and very slim like.....recently I would see a beautiful girl walking too, not as much as me....and she asked one day? what event I was training so hard for??. My curt answer was: Life 

JG -Altura, 190.5 centímetros. Perímetro craneal, 58,5 centímetros. Hombros, 46...cintura 81 cm

aqui esta la prueba....el resultado.....the results of Fit or Fat

The future is now...............

If you have a desire to model, go create a portfolio and check out various agencies and talk to people who have an insider’s view on modelling. They might be able to help you out in more concrete ways than I can ever advise you over a computer. 
I also want to emphasise also that weight, height and measurements are not the only important things that make a model. It still takes a good work ethic, self-confidence and knowing how to market yourself! 

Prince Al Waleed is also a high-level, billionaire tycoon who has described himself in the past as simply a dollar man.” 

Best o’luck!

Gordon Gekko-The most valuable commodity I know of is information.

a la Gordon Gekko
A Gorgeous Visual Of What Happens To The Market When Someone Knows Something 400 Milliseconds Before Everyone Else

Elegance in the mind it is somewhat different that just elegance. If you have ELEGANCE IN THE MIND you will always win the day and life.  


Uma coisa que não é elegante.
Meuu! isso é deselegante.

iethe Kardashians........

been there done that

thigh gap

no thigh gap



Veronika Orchid one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic



more tidbits


The Divine Charlotte

Vogue paris
Ooh, this looks good.

In the world of Dasha Kononovich summer lasts all over the year, and therefor we can enjoy in the various types of provocative swimwear styles from the Russian beauty. In case you are a fan of hers, you might want to see your provocative girl looking flawless and breathtaking. Or if you need a bikini style inspiration take a look at her and inspiration might come itself. For those of you that wonder she is wearing Beach Bunny swimwear among the other beautiful styles.

Vika Gazinskaya's designs are impeccable, price point incredible high — though not without reason. If you’re lucky enough to find yourself proprietor (whether temporarily or permanently) to one of her garments, you will learn that similarly to, say,Katie Ermilio or Rosie Assoulin, these are clothes that breathe new life into the body of their wearers. And, really, can you put a price point on that?

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

Peepy pledging to himself...........

[BLACK&WHITE] IS SUCE A HAPPY COLOR , DARLING!!!!! 💭💭💭💭💭 “It Is Wonderful How Much Depends Upon The Relations Of Black And White… A Black And White, If Properly Balanced , Suggests Colour.

 Lady'LEE With P'Nuna Kanjana Silpaarcha , M'Au Monlahcha , P'Pueng Siriyos , N'Lisa Elizaybeth , Larn'Pasu  "Congratulation To P'Nuna" 

a little take on Japan-日本,


Chan= friends, being friendly
San= polite (what you would say until your are friendlier)
or dearest like the Italian "cara mia"

Sama= to show extreme respect


Understanding how the latest ‘revolutionary procedures’ will change your appearance ‘without a scalpel’.
Dr Jean-Louis Sebagh can perform an alternative full face-lift called Dream Sculpture in less than half an hour.
"For most people the idea is not to create something artificial, it’s to regain what is lost over the years", - said the doctor of Hollywood stars.

"I feel like a sculptor and painter at the same time when doing this procedure - the doctor continues. – it’s virtually painless, and if you are not satisfied with the result, it can "dissolve" in the literal sense of the word for two hours. "

Brit Ekland left is 73 years old with her new trout pout and right, Carla Bruni is 48 years old with her girlish plump cheeks and wrinkle free forhead.

Carla Bruni Brit Ekland split

Displaying IMG_9115.JPG

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Black is Black..........

so chic.............





(noun) A German untranslatable word,vorfreude is defined as the intense euphoric sensation you experience from thinking about future plans and daydreams. This beautiful feeling is a natural reaction the human mind manifests from expectations of future pleasures and joyful anticipations, such as planning a trip, going on a date, and many other fulfilling, life-changing events. 

The Crossbody Bag

The Crossbody Bag, Packing For Paris, Vicki Archer
The Crossbody Bag, Packing For Paris, Vicki Archer

This past fashion week in Paris saw an abundance of crossbody bags in all shapes and sizes. 
This bag looks stylish whether worn across or by the side. It adds length to the body and when worn semi-centred, the crossbody is very flattering.

I do love the Chanel and the Drew from Chloe, the one that seems almost a uniform this season,

Hedge Fund Managers Making Enough Money To Really Take Advantage 

Of Euro’s Decline In St. Tropez This Summer

Acaba de publicarse un libro magnífico, La pequeña comunista que no sonreía nunca (Lola Lafon, Anagrama), sobre la extraordinaria peripecia vital de Nadia Comaneci. Es una docu-novela que recomiendo sin ninguna reserva porque enseña muchas cosas sobre la vida, el deporte, la política y el carácter de las personas

O Shampoo ajudou muito na queda e também a recuperar o brilho. Uso todo sábado e ou quando tem algum feriado, eu começo com ele! E pode até parecer bobo, mas o efeito realmente é bom e considero uma super dica! Podem apostar! ;)

Paris Picks

Two of  must-have items from PFW are this Hermès dress and the classic Chanel pumps. I took a second look at Nadège Vanhee-Cybulski’s debut collection for Hermès and like a lot of it.
Hermes, Chanel

–Is she starting a new trend? Hayden Panettiere wears bright red lipstick to match her bikini, 
proving you can wear makeup at the beach

I always make sure I live in a neighborhood with the champagne socialists
No one is better at keeping the riffraff out.

And by the way I always have mentioned that Demi Moore was known in Hollywood as gimme moore for always asking the Hollywood studios for more...and Michelle Obama is known as Marie Antoinette or as Muchelle as she wants more and more but at taxpayers expense not with her money....



Israel signs are in Hebrew, English and Arabic. Not apartheid state. Equal regardless of religion, gender, ethnicity.

And Rachel died and was buried on the way to Efrat, which was Bethlehem. And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave: That is the pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day.

My mother's favorite place....Rachel's Tomb

The native name of Israel is Yisrae'el
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless otherwise stated

I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or without credit 
to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775

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