Shana Tova u’metukah! ! שנה טובה ומתוקה
Shavua Tov and Shana Tova — hope your new year is off to a great start!
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
besides praying before you go to bed you should read a book..........
A new biography reveals the personal side of movie-industry power player Sue Mengers
In Can I Go Now?, biographer Brain Kellow tells the story of Sue Mengers, the Hollywood agent who made stars out of clients including Ali MacGraw, Candice Bergen, Ryan O’Neal and Barbra Streisand, and who, over more than three decades, almost single-handedly changed the movie business.
Come quando riesci a percepire la tua anima al punto di riuscire a sfiorarla.
Come quando partiresti. Ora. Fosse anche solo per andare a cenare in riva al mare.
if you constantly eat strawberries your mouth will taste strawberry will wake up with your mouth smelling strawberry like....and your kisses will be strawberry like.
In case you were wondering, the new Converse are better.

I cannot leave out this word you will hear in KSA and other middle eastern’alesh. it denotes something approximating “Who cares? What’s the big deal? So what? Don’t take it too seriously.”
New York.
I grattacieli.
L'adrenalina che si respira nell'aria, tra quelle vie dove tutto può succedere e dove tutto sembra possibile.
I taxi gialli -limos
Il profumo di hot-dog misto allo smog.
Il passo spedito di chi imbocca la metropolitana per andare a lavoro.
Le lunghe passeggiate da Soho al Greenwich.
Le gallerie d'arte. Un autunno che tarda ad arrivare e le foglie in tutte le gradazioni di giallo di Central Park con lei
E soprattutto il panino di Shake Shack che per me rimane uno dei migliori motivi per mettere piede lì.
New York.
E il primo streetsyle di stagione.
Senza manco l'ombra di un hamburger.
New York.
The skyscrapers.
The adrenaline that you breathe in the air, between the streets where anything can happen and where everything seems possible.
The yellow taxis -limos
The smell of hot dogs mixed with the smog.
The brisk pace of those who take the subway to go to work.
Long walks from Soho to Greenwich.
Galleries. A fall that is slow in coming and the leaves in all shades of yellow to Central Park with her
And especially the sandwich Shake Shack that remains for me one of the best reasons to set foot there.
Maloney & Porcelli
New York.
And the first streetstyle season.
Without even the shadow of a hamburger.

It looks painful and scary but it will improve your pain no gain.....

J’étais donc dans la suite gigantesque du Hôtel de Crillon à me balader en shootant tout ce qui me passait sous le nez, quand sort de la 4ème salle de bains une créature de rêve, dans une robe de rêve, avec un sourire en émail diamant massif de publicité. Je lui dis hello.
Breast Implants do not bounce this way(smiles)............
So chic
and she is also stylish...............
Because I have this inside, I repeat! You need to be BORN with all this. It’s nothing you can LEARN. I see them all doing efforts to have a look, it doesn’t work! La simplicité, la chic, and money doesn’t do chic. You know? NON
Who made liberals G-d
Diamonds may or may not be forever. Love, sadly, doesn't always last. But the allure of thick, lustrous, full, and , for want of a better word, big hair is truly eternal.Anthropologists will tell you that on some primeval level it broadcasts the youth, fertility and of course, sexiness of its fortunate owner: ( why else would men in certain parts of the world force women to keep it hidden?)
Gordon Gekko
"Wake up pal, if you're not inside, you're outside"
I love Shatoosh specially when you have specially made Brioni dress jackets with it....
so soft....soft soft

"I’m not fascinated by people who smile all the time. What I find interesting is the way people look when they are lost in thought, when their face becomes angry or serious, when they bite their lip, the way they glance, the way they look down when they walk, when they are alone and smoking a cigarette, when they smirk, the way they half smile, the way they try and hold back tears, the way when their face says they want to say something but can’t,the way they look at someone they want or love… I love the way people look when they do these things. It’s… beautiful."
I could not agree more.........

Law of Attraction works in this way:
Everything you think, say and visualize with a concentrated form of energy – materializes in to reality. Like they say “if you wish hard enough, your wish might come true”. This is the law of attraction. You attract what you send out to the universe. If you are a negative person, you will attract negative things. If you are a positive person, you will attract positive things.
Watch the movie “The Secret” to fully understand everything.
been there done that

thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Kira Kazantsev one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic
more tidbits


more tidbits
some of my favorite things, people....places
some of my favorite things, people....places
I think it’s a myth that black is a winter color, because I absolutely adore this classic colour all year around!

Miroslava Duma vs Natasha Goldenberg
I bet everyone knows Miroslava Duma, the fashionista from Rusia. She is the woman who shows adorable styles with her petite body. But, do you know Natasha Goldenberg? Natasha has similar petite body and wardrobe style like Mira. Well yes, they have different style. Mira with her chic style and Nat with her effortless-slash-boyish feel. But, on some point i bet you can sense their similarity too. Need a proof? Dare to compare? Check this out!


Home Alone Peepy Signature!!! By Peepy & Rhino At PRADHANA VANALAI Land "ปรารถนา...วนาลัย" จ.นครนายก

"LongChamp" Has Introduced New Line Of Le Pliage Heritage Handbags In It’s Spring Summer Collection 2015 For LongChamp's Fan. This Collection Of Handbags By LongChamp , Pays Homage To The Tradition Of The Brand With An Eye To Modernity.

"There Is Nothing Like The LOVE Between Lady'LEE & PEEP

a little take on Japan-日本,

Yes, face-lifts have made [Dr. Sherrell J.] Aston extremely rich. But then Aston is said to do the best face-lifts in the world. Despite his wealth and fame, however, his reputation is not without controversy. He tells the secret of a good face-lift and why, if pushed, he’d happily take the knife to his own daughters
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden
HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
13/09/2015 Her Highness in the Organic Garden, which is set to open in Msheireb Downtown Doha. She is looking fierce in her black abaya.
First ladies love Gucci Bamboo bags.Former French first lady Carla Bruni and Sheikha Mozah were carrying Gucci Bamboo crocodile shoulder bag. This Gucci’s sand crocodile shoulder bag with signature bamboo detailing is an elegant statement


Le petit chignon classique a déjà été réinterprété des dizaines de fois, mais je trouve cette version, ce nœud à moitié dénoué, particulièrement simple et élégant.
There is a corset comeback happening out there

I was AMAZED when I spotted this look in the Victoria Beckham FW15 show images.
This dress would go the distance, and girls you could wear it forever.
You, Only Chicer

Garmento, is defined as anyone active in the garment industry…but really it’s used more as a stereotypical definition of someone you can spot at ten paces; as a person who works in the garment industry, in a nebbishy, schmucky kind of way.
a little take on Louis Vuitton


and my kind of girl......she drinks coca cola in crystal bottle.........
See Straight Through
Anastasia Kolganova by Nadine Ottawa for I Love You
Consider the Breton Stripe

Then Wear it.............
Hair glorious Hair.....big hair!!!!
The Zac Posen was filled with simple and beautiful dresses
The Alexander Wang show had a lot of hype this season. It always does, but this one also marked his 10 year anniversary – and he put a lot of effort into it… Even more than the usual.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free
Tzom Gedaliah, a fast day - Wed, 16 September 2015 at dawn (3rd of Tishrei, 5776)
Well said
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world and life is.....
world and life is.....
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