When there is doubt of your existence you might consider this.
Yes, I want Moshiach now. Everything -all of this- is just temporary… Boruch Hashem!
May we all be zocheh to have the geula sheleima speedily in our days!
And now… sing:
We want moshiach now.
We want moshiach now.
We don’t want to wait!
Bueno, Bonito y Barato no existe. Si quieres lo mejor , tienes que pagar!!!!
Watashi wa anata o aishite
"i love you"
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions
Boker Tov Olam....Good Morning World......another day in Beverly Hills
If you go to NYC and if you like Burgers.....than you must come to my
place(smiles).....it is Gigi's favorite place too......
Jon Hamm wins Best Actor ' Don Draper on Mad Men
and my favorite Don Draper scene of Mad Men..................
KC asked me if I ever wear ties...yes, on special occasions and of course to
black tie events....and if I took someone she would wear this Chanel dress.....—it’s divine.
Jay & The Americans "Some Enchanted Evening"
it must have been a wonderful time to live in ...the music....the way the girls with
crinoline dresses ....the guys with jackets.....the style...the music....
and Jay Black and the Americans are just so great........
The model’s hands at the Burberry show.
While Burberry’s CEO & Creative Director Christopher Bailey didn’t sanction this move, the company is fine with it. “We did not know model would do that and were fine with it,” said a rep. “As guests entered the show, all the music was David Bowie.”
After all what else would you expect from a brand that is so deeply entrenched with British history and music? The gesture didn’t feel out of place.
Describe her in 1 word
I will not drink from plastic bottles or cups....and the kisses are always strawberry tasting....very strawberry,,,,,,,,,,,,
There is much to admire of a woman that is well cultured, well read, speaks several
languages and rides equestrian!!!!
two ways to look at financial options......So when a major global bank, such as RBS, advises clients that they should "sell everything" investors had better take notice.
Baron Rothschild, an 18th century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that "The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."
He should know. Rothschild made a fortune buying in the panic that followed the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon. But that's not the whole story. The original quote is believed to be "Buy when there's blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own."
So when everyone is selling than follow this Jew positioning .....
I am just saying.....when you are invited to fly on a Gulfstream.....a G650.....you do not bring your own water.....worst bringing water in a plastic bottle(smiles)
Melhorar a aparência sem precisar faltar ao trabalho. Refinar a harmonia da face com a delicadeza da naturalidade. Esculpir o corpo sem cirurgias. Essa é a atual tendência da dermatologia…
Sometimes the most minimalistic and simple are the most inspiring
Sometimes the most minimalistic and simple are the most inspiring

When you get Italian clothes or shoes and the label has the "made in italy" in them. For me it means
an attitude, a style of life, a point of view, luxury, The Best-this is my opinion. It may not be the best of times politically, but ITaly is blessed to have such beauty: Naples, Rome, Venice, Parma, Bologna..Modena,Costa Smeralda, Milano and many more.
The pasta , the oil, of course the style and fashion. Italia has the best qualities and you wake up to a culture of beauty, individualism- and everyone's mother makes the best, most unique pasta: of course!! Also think about Ferrari, Buitoni, Cappellini, Berluti, Prada, Brioni-the best!!!
You're the One

You know that game where you have to choose just a few things to take to a deserted island? I used to love this one!! Well, let’s say you can only pick one beauty item?
I would choose for sure Dr Frances Prenna Jones Formula 2006+
Et vous, c’est quoi le produit de beauté dont vous ne pourriez pas vous séparer ?
If you have a desire to model, go create a portfolio and check out various agencies and talk to people who have an insider’s view on modelling. They might be able to help you out in more concrete ways than I can ever advise you over a computer.
I also want to emphasise also that weight, height and measurements are not the only important things that make a model. It still takes a good work ethic, self-confidence and knowing how to market yourself!
Vous vous êtes déjà fait faire des habits sur mesure ?
in many ways the entire (Victoria's Secret) brand exists to create an illusion of the perfect woman.
An Israeli lollipop that helps you lose weight

And I subscribe............

mini thigh gap
no thigh gap