
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 53

שבוע טוב.........Shavua tov! Wishing you all an amazing week.

French Things

Black Gold

"I am critical, particular, aristocratic in tastes."


Flag for Israel
Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí  - אני יהודי 

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should

Privet Matryoshkas

un beso de desayuno 💋

And I will let Pia introduce another new sponsor.....I thank all the great sponsors....

Rio Grande do Sul regularly churns out the majority of Brasil's models, and Porto Alegre is considered to be the city with the most beautiful women in BrasilIn addition to being beautiful, Gauchas (Girls from Rio Grande do Sul) are extraordinarily friendly.

ISABELI - ssima
isabeli fontana this girl is a living barbie doll! And she is so sweet! 💋enjoy!

Black is Black..........

Judias y Rusas no hay mejor combinacion de modelos....Jews and Russians there is no better model combination  

Lindsay Lullman, Alina Baikova, & Emilia Nawarecka for Les petites

..Italy's four mafia groups(Cosa Nostra or the Sicilian Mafia, the Camorra or Neapolitan Mafia, the 'Ndrangheta or the Calabrian Mafia, and Sacra Corona Unita or the Puglian Mafia.) now have estimated cash reserves of €65bn, making them 'Italy's biggest bank'

"Educate yourself. When a question about a certain topic pops up, Google it. Watch movies and documentaries. When something sparks your interest, read about it. Read read read. Study, learn, stimulate your brain. Don’t just rely on the school system, educate that beautiful mind of yours."

Vogue India’s 8th anniversary cover star, Deepika Padukone epitomises what classic Indian beauty stands for. That super slender body courtesy her athletic genes and that smooth dusky glow has been the star’s constant ever since she made her big on-screen debut opposite India’s biggest superstar, Shah Rukh Khan in Om Shanti Om. Right after, it was established that she’s here to stay, and reign.Trailing Padukone’s beauty evolution over the years, you’ll notice her gradual journey to minimalist make-up. Her heavily bronzed base, shimmery lids and highshine glossy lips from 2006 until 2010 were replaced with a soft, smooth matte look, classic cat-eye and a nude pucker.

PRIYANKA is People Choice!
She is just sooo beautiful! And so talented as well... Priyanka Chopra is one of my favorite actress in Bollywood and I am very happy that she won the People Choice Awards!
Priyanka, 33, has won the best actress in a new TV series award for her American show “Quantico”, becoming the first Indian to win at the People Choice Awards. She is representing India in a big way! Well done!

Confidently Beautiful with a Heart

‘Day Dreams’

The Eres girl with the Golden Curls

(shukran) شكرا
thanks Saudi Aramco.....your upcoming IPO will shower me with........

gummy bear breast implants.....



“انسى ماتشعُر به.. تذكر ما تستحقه"

RG has it all.....and she loves her Hermès riding boots........


Luxury is in the eye of the beholder, but when it comes to the luxury lifestyle, we like to think that I know a thing or two.


La Perla is internationally acclaimed as the leader in fine lingerie recognized for their exquisite level of taste, sophistication and quality unparalleled by any other. Since its birth in the early 1940s, La Perla has been defined by artistic mastery, steeped in historical traditions of culture and craftsmanship and notorious for their uncompromising perfection.

 Louis Vuitton is leading in the luxury market with a total estimated value of $27.4 billion. 

And you will not find this image in any other blog or tumblr....

Nowadays this is an it sign.............

Turn ons: common sense

Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress. Coco Chanel ;)

How swiftly the strained honey
of afternoon light
flows into darkness

The Lips! & The Sphere Of Her Stomach

Her name is Lindsay Wixson 

Cole Porter's Night and Day, sung by Fred Astaire, danced by Fred And Ginger. Does cinema get better than this?

Been there done that........

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap



Marthina Brandt one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic



more tidbits

Ce que j’aime en ce moment

some of my favorite things, people....places

Gisele became obsessed with some healthy food back in 2009, when she uttered the phrase "My body is my temple." Before that year, Gisele did not care much about what food she ate: everyday drinking wine, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, and ate hamburgers every week. And this while being the highest paid model in the world.
I guess as it happens to any woman who begins to care, Gisele would be fascinated to see results of a healthy diet in your body, in your hair and on your skin. It is logical. When you change your habits, incorporate fruits, vegetables, salmon, and other healthy foods, and forget about junk food and fat, the change is dramatic and engaging. When you see a celebrity of those who first begins with a green day juice and then turns vegan is not to follow any trend or a whim, it is because a pattern of intelligent power and well studied have an explosive effect on beauty. And these women live their beauty.

Rainy days and Mondays...........

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Elena Perminova’s rocking another look that’s all H&M’D. And I’m pretty sure Elena also has the white version of these pants. Love this look it’s easier to pull off than some of the elaborate outfits the Russian fashion mafia saunters the concrete catwalk in from time to time.

Beauty heiresses Virginie and Claire Courtin – Clarins are becoming hugely fêted in fashion circles. But at home they keep a low profile

Description: Beauty heiresses Virginie and Claire Courtin – Clarins are becoming hugely fêted in fashion circles

Virginie and Claire in the 16th arrondissement.




a little take on Japan-日本,

Three concepts that are at the core of what it is to be Japanese: 責任 sekinin, which means to take responsibility for something; 勤勉 kinben, which means to have an industrious and hard-working spirit; and 謙虚 kenkyo, or humility,

In Japanese, otaku, which is a polite word for "you" or "your family," now refers to a social class of obsessive, self-absorbed youths and would-be youths who fixate on pop culture icons and live for whatever rush they  get from that fixation. Idols, animation, comics (*manga*), adult video actresses: there is no limit to what can be otakified.!!!


Understanding how the latest ‘revolutionary procedures’ will change your 
appearance ‘without a scalpel’.
Dr Jean-Louis Sebagh can perform an alternative full face-lift called 
Dream Sculpture in less than half an hour.
"For most people the idea is not to create something artificial, it’s to 
regain what is lost over the years", - said the doctor of Hollywood stars.

"I feel like a sculptor and painter at the same time when doing this 
procedure - 
the doctor continues. – it’s virtually painless, and if you are not satisfied with 
the result, it can "dissolve" in the literal sense of the word for two hours

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

If only for a moment ,life imitated art and it was

Black is Black..........

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, on stage




"Dominique" is a 1963 French language popular song, written and performed by Jeanine Deckers of Belgium, better known as Sœur Sourire or The Singing Nun. "Dominique" is about Saint Dominic, a Spanish-born priest and founder of the Dominican Order, of which she was a member (as Sister Luc-Gabrielle).

Los naked dress (vestidos desnudos) se crearon para enseñar partes estratégicas del cuerpo de la mujer: aberturas infinitas que dejan entrever las piernas, profundos escotes en V, larguísimos escotes traseros y 'cut out' (pequeñas aberturas o cortes) en cintura o en el pecho.

The naked dresses (nude dresses) were created to show sensitive parts of a woman's body: endless openings that reveal the legs, deep V necklines, lengthy back necklines and 'cut out' (small openings or cuts) in waist or chest.

Brigitte Bardot in  “And God Created Woman” (1956) 

better, sorry for you that you will be used and played with....avoid it(smiles)

I rest my case..............

I love this hair style.......

Se tem um penteado que eu sou super adepta é o tal do top knot – ou coque alto. Ele é perfeito para aquele dia que o cabelo simplesmente não está colaborando ou quando você está curtindo suas férias na praia e não quer se preocupar com isso, sabem?

minifalda 50 aniversario

Today's phrase, coup de coeur, means "love at first sight," and frankly, this Louis Vuitton image does that to me

Look – White

In Israel Everybody Has A Sweet Tooth - From sweets to halva to desserts 
there is an abundance of delicious food. 

In 5776-2016, Israel’s population stands at 8.462M, a 2% increase from the preceding year 


I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5775, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or 
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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