
Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776 - JG 62

שבוע טוב   Shavua Tov!

May you all have an amazing week. Stay safe.

Never Complain.....Never Explain..and if you have to explain you are losing!!!!


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Soy Judío - Aní Yehudí - אני יהודי

Things I wanted you to know - 
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you shoul


It's a fab fab world

I rest my case..........

I have always admired the Catholic faith of the Pilipinos.......

Number 88 Avenue Foch

This observation might not be understood by many but it makes sense....here are my thoughts:
I have mentioned this about MB....if someone dropped you off in MB and did not tell you where you were you would think you are not in USA.....Spanish dominates this city....and yes, English and Creole were the other languages up to the last two years but now-specially around Bal Harbour, Sunny Isles and Aventura....the domination of Spanish is there but now  Brasilian Portugese and Russian are very present.
My favorite place in MB is  the Bal Harbour Shops and you cannot go more than a minute without hearing Brasilian Portugese and Russian....and again, here too, Spanish dominates....so, I rest my case

Qatari Diar investment fund....Paris' O Caprices De Lili....Key Largo....Jamila Boushaba.....
Hotel de Crillon....Porto de Galinhas - Pernambuco....“21 Royal Commandments”.... POBox 1, Riyadh 11321....eres.....elite....VVIP....Opéra Apple Store, 12 Rue Halévy, Paris 75009, 01 44 83 42 00......Perfect....
Jil Sander......Lago di Como -Il Gatto Nero Cernobbio.....At Yafa....Tickets’de la Ciudad Condal)...
Combobulate.......lencería Passionata......black gold cash is gushing in....
El Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque de Tenerife....rad or bad....Maastricht-Achen....Le Chambolle....
the ballet Giselle at the Mariinshy Theathre.......Misty Copeland 

Pinoy song "Matud Nila"....Makati....Amanpulo.....Toscana....cotton candy....cajeta....
Wimbledon....West End....Old Bond Street........VR....El Matador....blinis...Polanco...
Yayoi  Kusama: Princess of the Polka dots...Olympia Le Tan.....

I am being a bit flippant so have an open mind about this:
You are wearing an over-the-knee-boot(a la pretty woman)...Ask yourself? do I look like a prostitute.? you might say, probably. The way to avoid this is to make your boot a chic shade of black, soft and suede-y, crafted by a boot genius. See, not a prostitute, Or at least, one of the best(smiles)

This is what I mean.....softer black makes it look chic this makes it look cheap....

Desde que me entendo por gente escuto queixas que mulheres não são amigas entre si. Quantos são os casos de “furação de olho” de menina que fica com o namorado da amiga, uma que conta um segredo e a outra que espalha pra todo mundo, agressões de todas as formas e troca de faíscas em ambiente de trabalho? 

I love pretty girls (models, celebs, etc) in (all black or leather) it’s just cool, right? –

 “Victoria’s Secret is a brand that showcases a woman being fit, beautiful, healthy and having confidence, but is also respectful,too

gummy bear breast implants.....


New high stock price for FB-$112.84

and I am a fan of Mark Zuckerberg
I do not care about Facebook web site but only about the stock price...

the stock keeps going up and up and the skeptics are not happy....
And the stock price is going to the stratosphere and I will laugh all the way 

to the bank


Unos la describen como la mujer cálida y agradable del MedioOriente,
 amante del lujo, la alta costura y el arte.
Otros, como la astuta e implacable líder que provoca más miedo que 
respeto. Son las dos caras de Mozah bint Nasser al Missned

in honor of my late Paris born father....he so admired Napoleon
Vive l'empereur, vive le Napoleon de française

Les livres : la sève vivante des esprits immortels...

and you will be hardpressed to find a book collection of this magnitude

They say the eyes are the window to the soul. I see the Ocean in Anna’s.

"Piling makeup on beautiful young models with the average age about 20 is never a smart idea. It does not render them more sophisticated, just tired looking"

The size of "two models" nowadays is till very skinny!!!!

Demitasse are the lovely little cups coffee used to be served on, before the whole big gulp drinking coffee.

"La morte non vuole gli stupidi diceva Chekhov (Death does not want the stupid",Chekhov once said!!!

I met a gorgeous girl at a party...and you know my take on Beauty....it has been devalued...anyway this girl said to me sumise about a statement she was making to me. I corrected her and asked? do you mean surmise? and she said yes, that is it and proclaimed "I do not need to speak or write correctly being gorgeous is enough....needless to say-my answer was very JG: silence. And a good thing that RG was next to me...and yes, we had a laugh about this and other atrocities she uttered...

Now that we are back in MB....I was asked what do you prefer? Dizengoff Streetor Lincoln Road.... I could not give a precise answer as both have their own merits...



This is an Alaïa

Arcangel, la Maravilla....uno de mis favoritos....which version of Flow Violento do you like?

Been there done that...

thigh gap

mini thigh gap

no thigh gap



Chiara Totire, one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits




love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic



more tidbits

Ce que j’aime en ce moment

some of my favorite things, people....places

The Playmates - What Is Love

How certain models REALLY get skinny.
So, you aren’t blessed with an extremely fast metabolism like some. You want to get skinny.

I could compile such a long list....but here are some that work for models but in the long run will be harmful to their health......

Smoking, as you know is popular amongst models. It curbs cravings and increases metabolic rate slightly(so harmful)

Pilates, Pilates, Pilates. Great for slimming an toning the muscles,
Gluten free. Want those VS abs? Gluten free is the way! Directly meeting low carb, gluten free gets rid of all those nasty cravings
Lipo. Many models have done it. Mainly on the thighs and hips.
Walking(the best) and long distance running are great for weight loss. Look at marathon runners, they do not have huge leg muscles. Whilst, sprinter do

Eat less, move more. It really is that simple

Beauty Park Medical Spa top liposuction for models and celebs

Fashion-forward girls with an adventurous style should absolutely consider getting
 animal print, vivid coloredor metallic lace up heelsThey are definitely a statement item 
so you won't need any accessories or exaggerated garments. Simple cut styles,
 monochromatic colors and plain textures are the key to a sophisticated look. 
If you're not used to experimenting with colors, stick to neutral shades such as white, 
nude, camel, brown and black, or a "denim on denim" combo.

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free


Anastasia Romantsova’s the Russian designer who created A La Russe, a 
contemporary brand that pumps out stunning, hand-crafted garments from 
season to season. Once you see into the world of A La Russe, as well as the 
face behind the brand- it’s hard to keep yourself from falling head over heels-i
n love from the A La Russe touch


Anastasia Romantsova On creating A La Russe: I really wanted to show what 
Russian style and Russian culture is about. I wanted to dress ladies in 
feminine gowns to show that sexuality can be “reserved” and aristocratic; 
to dwell upon timeless style, but not momentary fashion, to create dresses 
which “care” about a woman, which mould ideal proportions and at the same 
time are comfortable and practical. 

Screen shot 2014-04-05 at 1.15.40 PM

glam·or·ous adjective 

1. full of glamour; charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, esp. in a mysterious or magical way

The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........

 Peepy With Mother'LEE & Mom'Au At "The Grand Opening Of Roger Vivier Boutique" At The Emporium Shopping Complex G Floor Bangkok Thailand. 

Lady Lee and Peepy surrounded by Opulence and they love it.....

a little take on Japan-日本,

One of the cuter -- or possibly creepier -- things that Japanese girls do is refer to themselves in the third person(I kinda like it) Usually, Japanese girls will use their own names in place of a first-person pronoun at a young age, then when they start school and begin interacting with other girls will switch to atashi, a feminine version of watashi, the most common word for "I" in Japanese. (Some will opt for the slightly masculine-sounding boku, and the Japanese word for "tomboy" is bokukko or "girl who uses boku to refer to herself.") I have a special friend and she still refers to herself by her own name. When I asked her about this, she told me, "Well, I can't go around calling myself atashi [I]. It would sound too grown-up, and it wouldn't go with my personality at all." It's really amazing how the Japanese have been able to make a simple concept like "I" so incredibly complex.


one of the best eye cream in the market......very good....

Why do celebs deny the obvious???

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!! 

Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

   HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned 

Bow down to the QUEEN............

and I love these illustrations of the Sheikha...........




I have always loved Shakespeare, so you can imagine how excited I was to hear that the always inspiring and beautiful Marion Cotillard was taking on the role of Lady Macbeth…
Such a heart wrenching story, and such an emotionally rich and challenging role to play.
And then I saw this preview of her performance, which to me is all the more gripping than I could have hoped for… seriously, it gave me goosebumps! If you watch it, you’ll see what I mean. The cinematography also looks really spectacular and appropriately haunting in a way…
I can’t wait to see it — out next week, from February 1st!

And how is this for a surprise...this movie is amazing...

I think one of the easiest and most flattering hairstyles is a low, slung ponytail

Standing at a statuesque 6ft 1in and with legs that seem to go on for miles, Karlie Kloss undoubtedly stops traffic wherever she goes.

What an adorable pair of underpants, Silk Bow and all. 

I devoured Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff. It’s the story of a marriage, told first from the perspective of the husband (Fates) and then from the perspective of the wife (Furies). It reminded me in some ways of one my favorite TV shows, The Affair. It’s funny and tragic and lovely and secretive and sensual—it touches all of the things that span a great relationship, and the complexities of the people who become a part of your world through a relationship—and I couldn’t put it down. 

And despite all the frivolity and craziness...she has a bookish side a Jewish mentality for doing business/// and like most smart girls.....all her advisers are JEWS

Those boots, that’s all.

tell a grown and older former beautiful Woman“no” and watch her revert to age 5 behavior....like throwing a lamp(smiles)....maybe KC will remember this???

Le frittelle di mele con un velo di zucchero

made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

Look - Listras

Jerusalem’s Mamilla Mall.

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the 
world and life is.....

All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless 
otherwise statedI am happy for excerpts and links to be used with 
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776

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