בוע טוב
Shavua Tov!
We hope everyone had an inspiring Shabbat, and wish you all successful week ahead.
This is the world through my eyes, everything I like or find inspiring :)
accessories, beautiful photos, -people and -things; big cities, celebrities, clothes, fashion, flowers, food, glamour, interior design, inspiring quotes, lingerie, love, magical moments, making memories and living for today, movies, music, passion, romance, sunshine, traveling and so much more
Do you have a valentine?
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you shoul
JG: some thoughts and actions
Do I say thank you again to the readers and followers of the Tidbits???.....yes, just when I thought the record one day page view could not be broken.....JG 64 surpassed it easily - 6917....WOW ... I am so grateful that so many around the world find the tidbits to their enchanment and liking.....and by the way, if you look at the revolving map - Europe is not visible as so many
black dots have covered it up....so many Europeans subscribing here..........
Everybody knows that Miami Beach is a glamour capital of the world. Few destinations rival South Beach or SOBE for glitz, ritz, and fun. Between the fancy hotels like the Delano and the Fontainebleau, fine dining, and balmy weather year-round, Miami Beach rivals any place in the world for fun and sun. What few people may know however is that Miami Beach cosmetic surgeons are among the most famous and accomplished in the world.

Everyone knows plastic surgery is a very tricky thing. When it’s done right, you can look like a model version of yourself. If it’s done wrong, you’ll not only not look beautiful, you may even look a bit scary. Unfortunately, patients are completely at the mercy of their doctor counting on his skill… and his taste to emerge the former and not the latter.
When your looks are left in your surgeon’s hands, it makes it of the utmost importance to choose the right doctor. One of Miami’s best plastic surgeons, Dr. Rian Maercks is known for creating a very natural look that doesn’t scream “plastic surgery!”
Dr. Maercks relies on his aesthetic eye whether he is working on the face, body or performing his much sought-aftercold-subfascial breast augmentation. To create a natural teardrop shape, without the tell-tale wide separation or water balloon look, he has created his own technique called “Cold-Subfascial Breast Augmentation that leaves the patient with perfect, unscarred breasts.
Remember... Elegance is not about being noticed... It is about being remembered
Manolo Blahnik: Fleeting Gestures And Obsessions (algo así como Gestos fugaces y obsesiones)
Finally the ads are fun to watch!!
I love Southern California....Los Angeles and Beverly Hills in particular but the liberal limousine democrats have ruined the state for everyone...I do not know why they keep getting elected as they have run California into the ground.....that is why I left California and people and corporations are leaving in droves...
but nice that this two songs at least are nice from a group that loved California.....
What harmonies in their voices.... what beautiful music, I wish had been around during that period of time....
Women in the past had style and class and dressed to the nines...and I have to give it to many
Russian women that take so much pride in their appearance....perfectly matching and no hair out of place............
Ladies, you should be coveting Viviana Volpicella’s loden coat in this pic–it’s all about spring coats.

It was sold by Theodore on Rodeo Beverly Hills....now if you can get it do so.....the smell on women is fab
Private jets, Prada shoes and thousand-dollar freebies: Inside the 'funemployed' life of Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills star and heiress to a multi-billion Chinese fortune
- Dorothy Wang describes herself as 'funemployed', jetting all over the world
- 26-year-old is heir to one of China's biggest mall chains worth $4bn
- She wants to follow her father into business, insists her role on Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills and line of hash tag jewelry is the first step
and I have to give it to JLO....tiene cara de tu y cuerpo de tu.....si no sabes pues no sabes(sonrisas)
If you saw Lindsey Wixson on the street without any make-up on, most people would think her tad strange-looking. However, I am enthralled with her “kooky” exterior and her unique mouth is certainly a talking point!
Name: Lindsey Wixson
Date of birth: April 11, 1994
With love from: Wichita, Kansas US
Hair: Blonde / Eye: Blue
Measurements: 32-23-34.5
Height: 5'10" / Dress size: 2

It’s so wonderful when people allow my words, certain phrases, certain ideas to be a part of their life.
glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. dramatic. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enticing. enchanting. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. cool. clever. chic. edgy. interesting. inspirational. exquisite. stunning. daring. luxurious. delightful. whimsical. intriguing. curious. gorgeous. glorious. heartfelt. simply beautiful. this blog is dedicated to all things divine and that inspire us to enjoy a more exquisite life.
Être élégant, c’est tout.
"Être qualifiée de belle est considéré comme quelque chose d'essentiel au caractère et aux préoccupations des femmes. (Contrairement aux hommes - dont l'essence est d'être fort, ou efficace, ou compétent.) Ce n'est pas la peine d'être une personne profondément impliquée dans le féminisme pour comprendre que la façon dont on apprend aux femmes à s'impliquer dans la beauté encourage le narcissisme, renforce la dépendance et l'immaturité. Tout le monde (femmes et hommes) sait ça. (…) On apprend aux femmes à voir leurs corps en parties, et à évaluer chaque partie séparément. Poitrine, pieds, hanches, tour de taille, cou, yeux, nez, teint, cheveux, et ainsi de suite - chaque élément étant soumis à un examen anxieux, fébrile, souvent désespéré.
La elegancia es, obviamente, una actitud con la que se nace y que no se adquiere con el dinero ni con la ropa de marca por mucho que te empeñes. He llegado a la conclusión que el mayor enemigo de la elegancia es la silicona. Elegance is obviously an attitude that one is born with.....and it is not acquired with money or clothing brands as much as many insist... I have come to the conclusion that the greatest enemy of elegance is silicone...specially exaggerated silicone.
fyi you're my favorite blog :)
Thanks...JGfyi you're my favorite blog :)
IPO stands for Initial Public Offering. In Wall Street lingo it means a company is "going public" Private to Public....listed on a stock exchange.....salir a cotizar en la bolsa de valores
All war is based on deception. read Sun Tzu ///Gordon Gekko

It looks better in Black...it does....try it and you will like it.
Back to black… l’eleganza del nero
Amare la vita-love life
Essere buoni-be good
Vestirsi di Nero- dress in black
on Fur (Yea), Selfies (Nay) and Keeping Busy so so ...

La plus belle relation (en tout genre) jamais eu ? Des relations d’amitié perpétuées au fil des ans par certaines de mes amies: elles font partie des rares personnes auxquelles je fais confiance. Il y en aurait bien une autre, mais je la garderai secrète ici.
Musique du moment ? Vic Dana - More
Saison préférée ? L’automne.
Fruit préféré ? Fraises
La chose dont tu es le plus fier(e) ? Mon cynisme et mon sarcasme inébranlable ;)
I took this pic during the FIFA World Cup at my cobertura......and yes, she has a mini-thigh gap(smiles)..............
and I love this combination of black with gold.....
Z is for Zip code. 90210 is the only acceptable one to have.

This pinkish Chanel tweed dress is very chic, she had pink ribbon belt which is very common in the recent couture collections. In terms of which specific collection, I could not find the runway sample yet, seems like it was specifically designed for her based on recent collections. Pink heels and pink turban completed the look.



What sets Ladurée’s macarons apart is not just the way the “light as a cloud” meringue cookies melt in your mouth, it’s the vast and varied flavors the house can whip up. For traditionalist there are the old standbys of raspberry, vanilla, lemon or chocolate. But for the more daring foodies, Ladurée has made macarons that taste like everything from foie gras and licorice to green apple and rose petal.
“I think all art is about control – the encounter between control and the uncontrollable.”
Tom Ford
Anonymous asked:
what are your favorite french films?
vraiment trés difficil alors….jeux d’enfants, amelie, les dernier metro, pierrot le fou,
les enfants du siecle, contempt, l’amant,la piscine, la reine margot, les demoiselles des rochefort,
moliere,le genou de Claire, last year in marienbad, Belle de jour, jeune et jolie,la vie en rose,
hiroshima mon amour, a bout de souffle, ensemble c’est tout, coco avant chanel, hors des prix,
plein soleil, la boum, quantum love, yves saint laurent, 100% cachemire, therese desqueyroux,
l’amour dure trois ans, paris manhattan, little white lies, le prenom,De rouille et d'os…….
Bonjour Tristesse
les enfants du siecle, contempt, l’amant,la piscine, la reine margot, les demoiselles des rochefort,
moliere,le genou de Claire, last year in marienbad, Belle de jour, jeune et jolie,la vie en rose,
hiroshima mon amour, a bout de souffle, ensemble c’est tout, coco avant chanel, hors des prix,
plein soleil, la boum, quantum love, yves saint laurent, 100% cachemire, therese desqueyroux,
l’amour dure trois ans, paris manhattan, little white lies, le prenom,De rouille et d'os…….
Bonjour Tristesse

Today I had cotton candy grapes .....they taste quite nice
Oscar nominees to receive $55,000 1st-class trip to Israel in gift bag.
If you happen to spot Jennifer Lawrence packing mud on her body at the Dead Sea or Matt Damon dining out at a trendy Jaffa eatery in the coming months, don’t rub your eyes.
It’s just that they and all the other Oscar nominees in the acting and directing categories at this month’s Academy Awards will be given a 10-day, first-class trip to Israel valued at $55,000, included among other goodies in their $200,000 gift bag.

I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776