In Guerra e Nello Shopping tutto e War and in Shopping all is Valid..!!!
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Brioni jackets made of shatoosh, Alto Leblon,luxury, fashion, women that look beautiful sans makeup,non-fiction books, weddings that pass the test of time,Evian, chocolate covered strawberries, summer, beaches, reading, hot chocolate, Hanukkah, diamonds,BBJ, Mad Men, 90210, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, pearls, Tiffany Goldstein-Jewish Princess , Dan Draper, Gordon Gekko, Ivan Boesky,RG, BB.

the sponsors from all over the world keep rolling in......thanks. شكرا لك shukran
Are you on Twitter? if you are - so are 200 million other people around the planet. Naturally, some of those people live in France, and today's vocabulaire makes it a little easier to interact with them...
Mot-Dièse: Hashtag.
Tweeter: A verb, pronounced twee-TAY, meaning "to tweet."
Clavier: Keyboard.
L'ordinateur: Computer.
Suivez-Moi: "Follow me!"
If you go to Miami Beach this is a must place to go to and not to forget the one and onlyNEWS CAFE......further away, my all time favorite, the Bal Harbour Shops.
As the founder of the ultra-chic Webster boutique in Miami, Laure Dubreuil knows what women and men want - and exactly how they'll wear it.
Laure's combination of a rich rusty brown trousers, sienna boots, cream jacket/fur vest and pewter Chanel handbag is so chic!
and I always sit on the other side by the books and magazines////we have a table reserved for the GOLDSTEINS(smiles)
The result? It definitely made my hair feel stronger and certainly more voluminous,more
shiny ,like the movie stars in the black and white films of yore!!!!
the first kanji I was consciously able to read was 子 ko commonly seen in girl's names like Keiko or Aiko.
Porque un clásico siempre es una buena idea y si es un 'speedy' de Louis Vuitton, mucho mejor
Stylish to some extent. But who wears it better , the non-curves or the curves?????

Black and Gold what a great combination........
Aujourd’hui, un petit point sur le French Kiss. Un peu comme les Français, le French Kiss est hyper sensuel… et TRES intime… genre je fourre la langue dans ta bouche, eh oui, puisqu’il s’agit de notre bon vieux baiser avec la langue, mais en version US. Alors qu’a-t-il de si French, ce baiser ?
I spotted Thai top model Aniporn, wearing a beautiful dress a an event in Bangkok. I like how she paired it with some nice red shoes and a red lipstick. She kept is minimalist.
Well done, very classy!
All LV all the time....
This pic and the Cartier items are worth 500K...RG is RG
My Way. Berlusconi si racconta a Friedman
I loved reading this book....I finished it in one day.........
“I wish you could see this. The light’s coming up. I’ve never seen a painting that captures the beauty of the ocean at a moment like this…
I’m gonna make you rich, Bud Fox. Yeah. Rich enough that you can afford a girl like Darien.
This is your wake-up call, pal. Go to work.”
I will let GG say it better..........

gummy bear breasts implants
If you don't know than you don't know

Gezellingheid is at the core of Dutch culture. I'ts an atmosphere, a vibe, a serendipitious
togetherness, an aesthetic, a relaxed mood, a feeling of flow, a sense of belonging.
To describe a person, a place or gathering that has gezelligheid, use the adjective gezelling. It's
to hang out with an old friend you haven't seen for awhile, and fresh flowers or lit candles on
a windowsill are also gezelling.
When friends ask me which procedure they should do, without hesitation I answer TUBA.....
A fabulous party is exactly what I would need now.
Un party da favola è proprio ciò di cui avrei bisogno adesso.
With the song in the background and the attraction between Sophia and Cary...WOW!
under the moonlight in Fisher Island........thanks for the pic.....

Bahala na ang diyos means “leave it to God”. As a largely Roman Catholic nation, G-d is very present in the world view of the Pilipinos. Since I learned the phrase(many years ago) from a pretty Pinay, I have found myself saying and thinking “bahala na ang diyos” multiple times in conversation with Pinays.

In loving or riding a horse, we borrow freedom

Haute Joaillers term that translates subliminally, as: "If you need to ask you are not rich enough"

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said "In Character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity"With her Royal Highness Sheikha Bint Nasser Al Missned, simplicity is taken into a new sophisticated & elegant level. After being named one of the best dressed international women in the world by Vanity Fair there isn't much that a fashion critic can say.
Been there done that.......
thigh gap
mini thigh gap


Kim Lim one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits

Love of the Babushka - Babushka Chic


more tidbits
Ce que j’aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, people....places

Feminine as a real princess and self-confident and sexy as modern woman. Deena Abdulaziz - princess of fashion and KSA....the Kingdom......Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Princess and boutique owner, Deena Abdul Aziz has recently made her way to fashion magazines, including, in addition to many other reputable publications around the world. After being spotted in the latest New York Fashion Week, Princess Deena, who is married to Prince Nasser Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, has been commended for her elegant style and poised chicness. She has been always roaming around the world for the perfect high-end pieces, not just to add them to her own personal wardrobes and make fashionable stunts, but she is always keen to bring the posh clients of her boutique, D’NA, the latest and most extravagant items. Her style is more of an Urban style that is characterized with her unorthodox choices of unique patterns, geometric cuts, daring accessories and simple makeup that magically highlights her Arabian features.
And by the way, she is also a follower of Dr Frances Prenna Jones and her Formula 2006 elixir buying 50 bottles at a time.........
Ultimate beauty solution: Dr Frances Prenna Jones' formula has been created to act as a cleanser, toner and moisturiser
some of my favorite things, people....places

Feminine as a real princess and self-confident and sexy as modern woman. Deena Abdulaziz - princess of fashion and KSA....the Kingdom......Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Princess and boutique owner, Deena Abdul Aziz has recently made her way to fashion magazines, including, in addition to many other reputable publications around the world. After being spotted in the latest New York Fashion Week, Princess Deena, who is married to Prince Nasser Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, has been commended for her elegant style and poised chicness. She has been always roaming around the world for the perfect high-end pieces, not just to add them to her own personal wardrobes and make fashionable stunts, but she is always keen to bring the posh clients of her boutique, D’NA, the latest and most extravagant items. Her style is more of an Urban style that is characterized with her unorthodox choices of unique patterns, geometric cuts, daring accessories and simple makeup that magically highlights her Arabian features.
And by the way, she is also a follower of Dr Frances Prenna Jones and her Formula 2006 elixir buying 50 bottles at a time.........
made in downtown Los Angeles.....sweatshop free

is perfect, non?


a little take on Japan-日本,

In Japanese, otaku, which is a polite word for "you" or "your family," now refers to a social class of obsessive, self-absorbed youths and would-be youths who fixate on pop culture icons and live for whatever rush they get from that fixation. Idols, animation, comics (*manga*), adult video actresses: there is no limit to what can be otakified.!!!
nip and tuck please
Dr. Renato Calabria
M.D., F.A.C.S.Dr. Calabria pioneered the one-stitch face-lift, in which facial skin is lifted and is anchored to a single stitch under the hairline on each side of the face. This has become a very popular procedure because it demands a short recovery period of a few days and leaves no bruising. The end product is subtle and is very popular among clients in their mid 30s.
One Stitch Lift

Haifa Wehbe who is a famous Lebanon singer, has done much plastic surgery on her appearance Breast augmentation as well as Lip augmentation that are easily noticed even by layman persons. The drastically changes on the shape of her breasts and lips are surely the impacts of going under the knife///she has also done -Cheek implants and Chin implants that are seen clearly on her face. She is also a big fan Botox injections as well as Fillers injections. Fortunately for her, she has found the great professional surgeon, because she always gets the expected result for all plastic surgery she had done. Automatically it makes her going international and much more famous as an singer

some of the best, some of the chic and some of the beautiful in the world!!!!
"Les Plus Dorés" - “the most golden

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

Today Miu Miu launched Miu Miusic, an app that lets you design videos set to tracks created by DJ Frédéric Sanchez along with Miu Miu archival prints (some of my favorites!) that can be shared on social. So when it’s 4pm and you’re wondering what to post to Instagram, voila!
De Jour Comme de Nuit
I love this story on Eva Herzigova in Vogue Paris, especially the location, which I suspect is my neighbor’s house…
Emily is 24 years old, an American model and actress. Born in London to American parents and raised primarily in California, she became famous after appearing in the music video for Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines", which became the number one song of the year 2013 in several countries.
Following its success, she became a high profile sex symbol, appeared in the 2014 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and began a movie career.
I love her exotic looks, she is so beautiful and always dresses very nicely, also I wanted to celebrate her today. Emily can be a great style icon to many young women out there.... check her hair, make-u and looks throughout these pictures that I chose for you..
Haven't watched Neerja Movie yet?
Já acrescentou o matchá à dieta?
The lighter you are the more successful you are in Haiti??????.
T-vice - Sensation (Bidi Bidi Bam Bam)
Jaffa street, Jerusalem. Israel
Zion Gate
If you have been to the shuk in Jerusalem, then you know what halvah is…
This delicious pastry is called a Boureka, it is usually stuffed with cheese, potato, spinach or spinach and cheese. It is really greasy - but yummy, and a favorite fast food in Jerusalem.

Israel signs are in Hebrew, English and Arabic. Not apartheid state.
Equal regardless of religion, gender, ethnicity.
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776
or without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776