for a Jew going to Jerusalem is a must at least once in your lifetime....and
for anyone coming here to Beverly Hills Palm lined streets is a is inspirational....."If you don't know than you don't know"
I am going to wear my Star of David till eternity.....
שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov! Wishing everyone a good safe week.
“Sunday (the Israeli Monday) all of a sudden doesn’t look so bad.”
El Madrid es indestructible
El Real Madrid conquista su undécima Copa de Europa
El Real Madrid consiguió su undécima Champions League/Copa de Europa después de derrotar 5-3 en penaltis al Atlético de Madrid
Es un secreto que tu mirada y la mía un presentimiento como un ángel que me decía..
Deixe-a entrar, mas não a convide para ficar
Things I wanted you to know -
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
JG: some thoughts and actions to think about, and you should
Privet Matryoshka’s!! It’s Monday.
Good morning Beverly Hills......Boker Tov Olam
Warriors....Warriors....we are headed this afternoon to the Bay Area to watch the Western Finals NBA Championship............
Warriors vs Thunder
NBA Conference Finals, Game 7 - Series tied 3-3
Today, 9:00 PM
Oracle Arena, Oakland
Oklahoma City
Golden State
Peepy knows how to start a new week.....and his Louis Vuitton items in this pic total
15,000 USD...the costume and the rest of it not too shabby$$$$$$$

Beverly Hills
As readers of Mike Davis’s controversial “City of Quartz” know, the fabulously wealthy incorporated city located just west of West Hollywood has long been the center of Jewish wealth and power in greater Los Angeles. (Gentile “old money” has tended to congregate in the restricted environs of Pasadena and San Marino.) The area surrounding the “Golden Triangle” has become even more Jewish in more recent decades
"Tengo 99 problemas, pero mi trasero no es uno de ellos". Esta es la leyenda en
el sexy body que se ha puesto la cantante Beyoncé para uno de los posados que ha
compartido en su web bajo el epígrafe "Mi Vida"
I've got 99 problems but my back(a...) is not one of them."

" Is A French Manufacturer , Specializing In Leather , Lifestyle Accessories , Perfumery , luxury Goods And Ready-To-Wear. "
"Is Established In 1837 In Paris , France. "
Louis Vuitton Cruise 2017: sport, athleticism and Pelè-inspired prints
Nicolas Ghesquière, artistic director of womenswear at Louis Vuitton, to showcase his latest cruise collection for the French luxury behemoth. At first glance, his choice of the Brasilian port city seems almost as quixotic as Karl Lagerfeld’s decision to stage a Chanel cruise show in Cuba three weeks ago. It's certainly as much of a fashion ‘first’ as the Havana spectacular since there's never before been a major international catwalk show in Rio.
Esta semana, la tenista rusa Anna Kournikova se convirtió en un ejemplo de novia enamorada al publicar a través de Instagram un vídeo donde aparece bailando y cantando el último éxito de su mari-novio como dicen en Puerto Rico, Enrique Iglesias. Una emoción que podría haber durado sólo hasta este jueves, cuando las redes sociales explotaron al difundirse un vídeo del intérprete de Duele el Corazón manoseando a unas de sus coristas en un concierto en Zagreb, Croacia.
And KC will know that I knew this would also teeter in disaster.....not last either for after the money there was no there there.......
According to reports, she looks very sad when she is not riding her horse
The Jewish Princess favorite tennis racket....she will be getting sponsorhip from them....nice
my late Paris born father would approve....he was a total Francophile...LT12 RACKET
Inspired by René Lacoste and the musketeers, the LT12 reinvents the traditional racket by combining wood and graphite for the first time. With this rare object, Lacoste shares a unique vision of tennis and sport.
I borrowed this boot from a French girl to showcase the books....crafty/ non?
Ya3ni kill me.
a la Lady Lee....but she has a long way to catch up with Lady Lee's collection
I always wonder why someone would covet someone else's girl....just curious as when
I hear this three songs those thoughts come to mind...........
And no, I do not fancy anyone's girl(smiles)
gummy bear breast implants
I know you probably think that it is horrific....but there is little pain and then the results if with the right surgeon, are great...........
Yes, I never get tired of posting this...........
In the movie Wall Street, Bud Fox says, “Sun-tzu: If your enemy is superior, evade him. If angry, irritate him. If equally matched, fight, and if not split and reevaluate.”
Gordon Gecko says, “I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure things. Read Sun-tzu, The Art of War. Every battle is won before it is ever fought
and you should follow this advice............
What good are passions? Sooner or later their sweet sickness
Fades when reason speaks up
I always thought that Belinda Carlisle was so cute...and no tats they look wholesome
by request from Abu Dhabi..........
Four Bs women should possess or try to: Beauty, Brains, Body, and Balance.
Let’s face it, men are sight-stimulated.

Top-notch men want a woman with brains.
Here we go again with the sight stimulation. Men want a woman who is in shape and takes care of her body
Finally, the last “B” is balance. Men want someone who is calm, cool, and collected for the most part. Achieving balance means not taking things to extremes.

From Beverly Hilla this request to re-post this tale.......
I Want to tell you a Beverly Hills Tale..and see if you understand the Los Angeles on Monday's the Getty Museum is closed; but The Ivy in Beverly Hills is open and it is filled with (women)living,breathing,eating,chatting,texting works of art,from abstract to modern...most likely created by one of the hundreds of plastic surgeons embedded in Beverly Hills..than that is me...wearing a Mona Lisa Mona I have a secret..I am wearing the same quirky smirk as the women, for unbeknownst to those around me...I too am a work of art..sculpted my Michelangelo...Dr Steven M Hoefflin,the best plastic surgeon in the the moral of this Beverly Hills that "Perception is not Reality"
L’un des trucs que je préfère, dans mes pérégrinations beauty en backstage, c’est jeter un œil aux fameux face charts (=chartes make-up) de chaque défilé.
J’adore lire les consignes données aux make-up artists et la façon dont chaque look est minutieusement décrit.
One of my favorite things about going backstage is getting to take a look at the face charts at each show.
I love seeing the instructions given to the artists for the makeup application and the way the look is described.
Plastic surgery isn’t for everyone, but it can be a fabulous option. If you have ever thought about it, you will be interested to know that it has come a long way in the past decade. No longer do women need to fear disfiguring scars or a scary wind tunnel look, if they choose their doctor wisely.
And it seems she did not choose well!!!
Seeing Donatella Versace before and after picture that was caused by plastic surgery you may understand being rich doesn’t mean you will get anything you want. Donatella Versace maybe rich, famous and wealthy though the picture that showing her appearance before and after plastic surgery
Acordei com vanessa da mata -- amado ....I woke up with vanessa da mata -- amado

thigh gap
mini thigh gap
no thigh gap
Erika Packard one of the 4,000 + followers of the Tidbits
love of the Babushka.....Babushka Chic


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Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
more tidbits
Ce que j'aime en ce moment
some of my favorite things, places people
some of my favorite things, people....places
some of my favorite things, people....places
a look back at Signora Prada and her fabulous designs...............
The name is an oxymoron but, unlike the most part of the oxymora that are impossible and infeasible by nature, in this case the two antithetical concepts of baroque and minimal were mixed up together in the marvellous Minimal Baroque sunglasses of Prada. They are so cool thanks to the round and big lens and thanks to the rococo curl that creates a harmonious discontinuity in the curved arm. Innovative in their originality, eccentric in their design, antithetical in their name, they are also chic.
The name is an oxymoron but, unlike the most part of the oxymora that are impossible and infeasible by nature, in this case the two antithetical concepts of baroque and minimal were mixed up together in the marvellous Minimal Baroque sunglasses of Prada. They are so cool thanks to the round and big lens and thanks to the rococo curl that creates a harmonious discontinuity in the curved arm. Innovative in their originality, eccentric in their design, antithetical in their name, they are also chic.

blonde models, claire courtin-clarins, doc martins, Fashion, fashion is my remedy, fashion remedy, french style, fur coat, heiress style, high heels, ..
The adventures of Peepy and Lady Lee..........
Whether it’s diamonds, sequins, pearls, kimonos or matching designer handbags, Peepy and Lady Lee have showcased it all
a little take on Japan-日本,

Three concepts that are at the core of what it is to be Japanese: 責任 sekinin, which means to take responsibility for something; 勤勉 kinben, which means to have an industrious and hard-working spirit; and 謙虚 kenkyo, or humility,
The difference between skin age and actual age.
If you've ever wondered what the age of your skin is, there's a new - and free - online tool that has been devised by Australian dermatologists that will tell you in 15 minutes.
What this means is that despite your chronological age, the 'age' of your skin can differ depending on genetics and your lifestyle.
It works by zeroing in on your skin's elements that show signs of ageing: the surface (so think pores, pigmentation, sunspots and acne), volume (sagging and lips) and wrinkles (self-explanatory, for the most part). For the back-end of the program, it relies on decades of research into the ageing process of the skin.
The tool will go beyond just identifying your skin’s age. It analyses which problems or concerns, if treated, will make the biggest effect to the skin's appearance and health, and puts you in touch with a reputable medical skin clinic in the local area who can recommend tailored treatments based on the results.

some of the best, some of the chick and some of the beautiful in the world !!!!
"Les Plus Pains" - "the golden most
"Les Plus Pains" - "the golden most

HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
Fierce in Ralph & Russo couture. Sheikha Mozah walks so fiercely in
monochromatic R&R ensembles.
Most stylish woman for sure. Sheikha Mozah always arrives in style. She does know how to make an “entrance”. Hands down!



Anna Wintour ~ The Devil wears Prada
Anna Wintour, OBE (born 3 November 1949) is the English-born editor-in-chief of AmericanVogue, a position she has held since 1988. With her trademark pageboy bob haircut and sunglasses, Wintour has become an institution throughout the fashion world, widely praised for her eye for fashion trends and her support for younger designers. Her reportedly aloof and demanding personality has earned her the nickname “Nuclear Wintour”.
Gucci Signature Drivers
Liu Wen.....same same...........
Machala Festival in Ecuador

Uniqlo, el 'Zara japonés'
anybody who’s a somebody in Dubai has been to the ultra-chic ‘tous célèbres ici’French/Mediterranean gourmet restaurant La Petite Maison

“[Céline] is the perfect storm of a truly original fresh voice, absolute perfection of quality, utter standards, disciplined brand stewardship and good timing,”
This red bikini could not get more MAZ. Il sha3ar il mal7oos and the belly button piercing and the Wang buildings on her feet malhom da3y bes il bikini raheeeeeeeb!! The straps, the way it hugs her body couldn't get better! The color and style is sensational! Im thinking.. Eres?
Although stripes are completely ubiquitous these days, W pulled some fab striped tops and paired them with swimsuits for this beach-inspired story.
The Montauk Moment
Just another day in Jerusalem.
When G-d gave the Torah no bird twittered, no fowl flew, no ox lowed, none of the angels stirred a wing, the seraphim did not say "Holy, Holy," the sea did not roar, the creatures spoke not, the whole world was hushed into breathless silence and the voice went forth: "I am the L-rd your G-d."
– Midrash Rabbah
I am ...Israel is Israel...this blog is the truth as the
world and life is.....
world and life is.....
All the content is the property of Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776, unless
otherwise stated. I am happy for excerpts and links to be used with or
without credit to my blog.© Miscellaneous Tidbits 5776